Source code for dataretrieval.nadp

Tools for retrieving data from the National Atmospheric Deposition Program
(NADP) including the National Trends Network (NTN), the Mercury Deposition
Network (MDN).

National Trends Network
The  NTN provides long-term records of precipitation chemistry across the
United States. See for more info.

Mercury Deposition Network
The MDN provides long-term records of total mercury (Hg) concentration and
deposition in precipitation in the United States and Canada. For more
information visit

Gridded data on NADP is served as zipped tif files. Functions in this module
will either download and extract the data, when a path is specified, or open
the data as a GDAL memory-mapped file when no path is specified.

.. todo::

    - include AIRMoN, AMNet, and AMoN
    - flexible handling of strings for parameters and measurement types
    - add errorchecking
    - add tests


import io
import os
import re
import zipfile
from os.path import basename

import requests

NADP_MAP_EXT = 'filelib/maps'

NTN_CONC_PARAMS = ['pH', 'So4', 'NO3', 'NH4', 'Ca', 'Mg', 'K', 'Na', 'Cl', 'Br']

NTN_MEAS_TYPE = ['conc', 'dep', 'precip']  # concentration or deposition

[docs] class NADP_ZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile): """Extend zipfile.ZipFile for working on data from NADP"""
[docs] def tif_name(self): """Get the name of the tif file in the zip file.""" filenames = self.namelist() r = re.compile('.*tif$') tif_list = list(filter(r.match, filenames)) return tif_list[0]
[docs] def tif(self): """Read the tif file in the zip file.""" return
[docs] def get_annual_MDN_map(measurement_type, year, path): """Download a MDN map from NDAP. This function looks for a zip file containing gridded information at: The function will download the zip file and extract it, exposing the tif file if a path is provided. Parameters ---------- measurement_type: string The type of measurement (concentration or deposition) as a string, either 'conc' or 'dep' respectively. year: string Year as a string 'YYYY' path: string Download directory. Returns ------- path: string Path that zip file was extracted into if path was specified. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # get map of mercury concentration in 2010 and extract it to a path >>> data_path = dataretrieval.nadp.get_annual_MDN_map( ... measurement_type='conc', year='2010', path='somepath' ... ) """ url = f'{NADP_URL}/{NADP_MAP_EXT}/MDN/grids/' filename = f'Hg_{measurement_type}_{year}.zip' z = get_zip(url, filename) if path: z.extractall(path) return f'{path}{os.sep}{basename(filename)}'
[docs] def get_annual_NTN_map(measurement_type, measurement=None, year=None, path='.'): """Download a NTN map from NDAP. This function looks for a zip file containing gridded information at: The function will download the zip file and extract it, exposing the tif file at the provided path. .. note:: Measurement type abbreviations for concentration and deposition are all lower-case, but for precipitation data, the first letter must be capitalized! Parameters ---------- measurement : string The measured constituent to return. measurement_type : string The type of measurement, 'conc', 'dep', or 'Precip', which represent concentration, deposition, or precipitation respectively. year : string Year as a string 'YYYY' path : string Download directory, defaults to current directory if not specified. Returns ------- path: string Path that zip file was extracted into if path was specified. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # get a map of precipitation in 2015 and extract it to a path >>> data_path = dataretrieval.nadp.get_annual_NTN_map( ... measurement_type='Precip', year='2015', path='somepath' ... ) """ url = f'{NADP_URL}/{NADP_MAP_EXT}/NTN/grids/{year}/' filename = f'{measurement_type}_{year}.zip' if measurement: filename = f'{measurement}_{filename}' z = get_zip(url, filename) if path: z.extractall(path) return f'{path}{os.sep}{basename(filename)}'
[docs] def get_zip(url, filename): """Gets a ZipFile at url and returns it Parameters ---------- url : string URL to zip file filename : string Name of zip file Returns ------- ZipFile .. todo:: finish docstring """ req = requests.get(url + filename) req.raise_for_status() # z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(req.content)) z = NADP_ZipFile(io.BytesIO(req.content)) return z