Source code for dataretrieval.wqp

Tool for downloading data from the Water Quality Portal (

See for API reference

.. todo::

    - implement other services like Organization, Activity, etc.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import warnings
from io import StringIO

import pandas as pd

from .utils import BaseMetadata, query

    from pandas import DataFrame

result_profiles_wqx3 = ['basicPhysChem', 'fullPhysChem', 'narrow']
result_profiles_legacy = ['resultPhysChem', 'biological', 'narrowResult']
activity_profiles_legacy = ['activityAll']
services_wqx3 = ['Activity', 'Result', 'Station']
services_legacy = [

[docs] def get_results( ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, WQP_Metadata]: """Query the WQP for results. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool, optional Check the SSL certificate. legacy : bool, optional Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. dataProfile : string, optional Specifies the data fields returned by the query. WQX3.0 profiles include 'fullPhysChem', 'narrow', and 'basicPhysChem'. Legacy profiles include 'resultPhysChem','biological', and 'narrowResult'. Default is 'fullPhysChem'. siteid : string Monitoring location identified by agency code, a hyphen, and identification number (Example: "USGS-05586100"). statecode : string US state FIPS code (Example: Illinois is "US:17"). countycode : string US county FIPS code. huc : string Eight-digit hydrologic unit (HUC), delimited by semicolons. bBox : string Search bounding box (Example: bBox=-92.8,44.2,-88.9,46.0) lat : string Radial-search central latitude in WGS84 decimal degrees. long : string Radial-search central longitude in WGS84 decimal degrees. within : string Radial-search distance in decimal miles. pCode : string Five-digit USGS parameter code, delimited by semicolons. NWIS only. startDateLo : string Date of earliest desired data-collection activity, expressed as 'MM-DD-YYYY' startDateHi : string Date of last desired data-collection activity, expressed as 'MM-DD-YYYY' characteristicName : string One or more case-sensitive characteristic names, separated by semicolons ( mimeType : string Output format. Only 'csv' is supported at this time. Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom ``dataretrieval`` metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get results within a radial distance of a point >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.get_results( ... lat='44.2', long='-88.9', within='0.5' ... ) >>> # Get results within a bounding box >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.get_results(bBox='-92.8,44.2,-88.9,46.0') >>> # Get results using a new WQX3.0 profile >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.get_results( ... legacy=False, siteid='UTAHDWQ_WQX-4993795', dataProfile='narrow' ... ) """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: if "dataProfile" in kwargs: if kwargs["dataProfile"] not in result_profiles_legacy: raise TypeError( f"dataProfile {kwargs['dataProfile']} is not a legacy profile.", f"Valid options are {result_profiles_legacy}.", ) url = wqp_url("Result") else: if 'dataProfile' in kwargs: if kwargs['dataProfile'] not in result_profiles_wqx3: raise TypeError( f"dataProfile {kwargs['dataProfile']} is not a valid WQX3.0" f"profile. Valid options are {result_profiles_wqx3}.", ) else: kwargs["dataProfile"] = "fullPhysChem" url = wqx3_url('Result') response = query(url, kwargs, delimiter=";", ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=",") return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_sites( ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, WQP_Metadata]: """Search WQP for sites within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool, optional Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool, optional If True, returns the legacy WQX data profile and warns the user of the issues associated with it. If False, returns the new WQX3.0 profile, if available. Defaults to True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get sites within a radial distance of a point >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_sites( ... lat='44.2', long='-88.9', within='2.5' ... ) """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('Station') else: url = wqx3_url('Station') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_organizations( ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, WQP_Metadata]: """Search WQP for organizations within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool, optional Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool, optional Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get all organizations in the WQP >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_organizations() """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('Organization') else: print('WQX3.0 profile not available, returning legacy profile.') url = wqp_url('Organization') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_projects(ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs): """Search WQP for projects within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool, optional Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool, optional Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get projects within a HUC region >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_projects(huc='19') """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('Project') else: print('WQX3.0 profile not available, returning legacy profile.') url = wqp_url('Project') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_activities( ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, WQP_Metadata]: """Search WQP for activities within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool, optional Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool, optional Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get activities within Washington D.C. >>> # during a specific time period >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_activities( ... statecode='US:11', startDateLo='12-30-2019', startDateHi='01-01-2020' ... ) >>> # Get activities within Washington D.C. >>> # using the WQX3.0 profile during a specific time period >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_activities( ... legacy=False, ... statecode='US:11', ... startDateLo='12-30-2019', ... startDateHi='01-01-2020' ... ) """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url("Activity") else: url = wqx3_url("Activity") response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=";", ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=",") return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_detection_limits( ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, WQP_Metadata]: """Search WQP for result detection limits within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get detection limits for Nitrite measurements in Rhode Island >>> # between specific dates >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_detection_limits( ... statecode='US:44', ... characteristicName='Nitrite', ... startDateLo='01-01-2021', ... startDateHi='02-20-2021', ... ) """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('ResultDetectionQuantitationLimit') else: print('WQX3.0 profile not available, returning legacy profile.') url = wqp_url('ResultDetectionQuantitationLimit') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_habitat_metrics( ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, WQP_Metadata]: """Search WQP for habitat metrics within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get habitat metrics for a state (Rhode Island in this case) >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_habitat_metrics(statecode='US:44') """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('BiologicalMetric') else: print('WQX3.0 profile not available, returning legacy profile.') url = wqp_url('BiologicalMetric') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_project_weights(ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs): """Search WQP for project weights within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool Retrun the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get project weights for a state (North Dakota in this case) >>> # within a set time period >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_project_weights( ... statecode='US:38', startDateLo='01-01-2006', startDateHi='01-01-2009' ... ) """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('ProjectMonitoringLocationWeighting') else: print('WQX3.0 profile not available, returning legacy profile.') url = wqp_url('ProjectMonitoringLocationWeighting') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def what_activity_metrics(ssl_check=True, legacy=True, **kwargs): """Search WQP for activity metrics within a region with specific data. Any WQP API parameter can be passed as a keyword argument to this function. More information about the API can be found at: or the beta version of the WQX3.0 API at: or the Swagger documentation at: Parameters ---------- ssl_check : bool Check the SSL certificate. Default is True. legacy : bool Return the legacy WQX data profile. Default is True. **kwargs : optional Accepts the same parameters as :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.get_results` Returns ------- df : ``pandas.DataFrame`` Formatted data returned from the API query. md : :obj:`dataretrieval.utils.Metadata` Custom metadata object pertaining to the query. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> # Get activity metrics for a state (North Dakota in this case) >>> # within a set time period >>> df, md = dataretrieval.wqp.what_activity_metrics( ... statecode='US:38', startDateLo='07-01-2006', startDateHi='12-01-2006' ... ) """ kwargs = _check_kwargs(kwargs) if legacy is True: url = wqp_url('ActivityMetric') else: print('WQX3.0 profile not available, returning legacy profile.') url = wqp_url('ActivityMetric') response = query(url, payload=kwargs, delimiter=';', ssl_check=ssl_check) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), delimiter=',') return df, WQP_Metadata(response)
[docs] def wqp_url(service): """Construct the WQP URL for a given service.""" base_url = '' _warn_legacy_use() if service not in services_legacy: raise TypeError( 'Legacy service not recognized. Valid options are', f'{services_legacy}.', ) return f'{base_url}{service}/Search?'
[docs] def wqx3_url(service): """Construct the WQP URL for a given WQX 3.0 service.""" base_url = '' _warn_wqx3_use() if service not in services_wqx3: raise TypeError( 'WQX3.0 service not recognized. Valid options are', f'{services_wqx3}.', ) return f'{base_url}{service}/search?'
[docs] class WQP_Metadata(BaseMetadata): """Metadata class for WQP service, derived from BaseMetadata. Attributes ---------- url : str Response url query_time : datetme.timedelta Response elapsed time header : requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict Response headers comments : None Metadata comments. WQP does not return comments. site_info : tuple[pd.DataFrame, NWIS_Metadata] | None Site information if the query included `sites`, `site` or `site_no`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, response, **parameters) -> None: """Generates a standard set of metadata informed by the response with specific metadata for WQP data. Parameters ---------- response : Response Response object from requests module parameters : dict Unpacked dictionary of the parameters supplied in the request Returns ------- md : :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.WQP_Metadata` A ``dataretrieval`` custom :obj:`dataretrieval.wqp.WQP_Metadata` object. """ super().__init__(response) self._parameters = parameters @property def site_info(self): if "sites" in self._parameters: return what_sites(sites=parameters["sites"]) elif "site" in self._parameters: return what_sites(sites=parameters["site"]) elif "site_no" in self._parameters: return what_sites(sites=parameters["site_no"])
[docs] def _check_kwargs(kwargs): """Private function to check kwargs for unsupported parameters. """ mimetype = kwargs.get("mimeType") if mimetype == "geojson": raise NotImplementedError("GeoJSON not yet supported. Set 'mimeType=csv'.") elif mimetype != "csv" and mimetype is not None: raise ValueError("Invalid mimeType. Set 'mimeType=csv'.") else: kwargs["mimeType"] = "csv" return kwargs
def _warn_wqx3_use(): message = ( "Support for the WQX3.0 profiles is experimental. " "Queries may be slow or fail intermitttently." ) warnings.warn(message, UserWarning) def _warn_legacy_use(): message = ( "This function call will return the legacy WQX format, " "which means USGS data have not been updated since March 2024. " "Please review the dataretrieval-python documentation for more " "information on updated WQX3.0 profiles. Setting `legacy=False` " "will remove this warning." ) warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)