Welcome to GeoBIPy: Geophysical Bayesian Inference in Python

This package uses a Bayesian formulation and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling methods to derive posterior distributions of subsurface and measured data properties. The current implementation is applied to time and frequency domain electromagnetic data. Application outside of these data types is in development.

Currently there are two types of data that we have implemented; frequency domain electromagnetic data, and time domain electromagnetic data. The package comes with a frequency domain forward modeller, but it does not come with a time domain forward modeller. See the section Installing the time domain forward modeller for more information.

Using GeoBIPy on Yeti

There is no need to install GeoBIPy on Yeti. Simply type “module load python/geobipy” for the serial version of the code, mainly used for plotting results, or “module load python/pGeobipy” for a parallel enabled version.

Codebase is here!