
digraph inheritancef15b3b6232 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "ABC" [fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",tooltip="Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using"]; "Mesh" [fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",tooltip="Abstract Base Class"]; "myObject" -> "Mesh" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "RectilinearMesh1D" [URL="#geobipy.src.classes.mesh.RectilinearMesh1D.RectilinearMesh1D",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Class defining a 1D rectilinear mesh with cell centres and edges."]; "Mesh" -> "RectilinearMesh1D" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "myObject" [URL="../core/myObject.html#geobipy.src.classes.core.myObject.myObject",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "ABC" -> "myObject" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; }

@RectilinearMesh1D_Class Module describing a 1D Rectilinear Mesh class

class geobipy.src.classes.mesh.RectilinearMesh1D.RectilinearMesh1D(centres=None, edges=None, widths=None, log=None, relative_to=None, dimension=0)

Class defining a 1D rectilinear mesh with cell centres and edges.

Contains a simple 1D mesh with cell edges, widths, and centre locations.

RectilinearMesh1D(centres, edges, edgesMin, edgesMax)

  • centres (geobipy.DataArray, optional) – The locations of the centre of each cell. Only centres, edges, or widths can be given.

  • edges (geobipy.DataArray, optional) – The locations of the edges of each cell, including the outermost edges. Only centres, edges, or widths can be given.

  • widths (geobipy.DataArray, optional) – The widths of the cells.

  • log ('e' or float, optional) – Entries are given in linear space, but internally cells are logged. Plotting is in log space.

  • relative_to (float, optional) – If a float is given, updates will be relative to this value.


out – The 1D mesh.

Return type:


  • Exception – If both centres and edges are given.

  • TypeError – centres must be a geobipy.DataArray.

  • TypeError – edges must be a geobipy.DataArray.

cellIndex(values, clip=False, trim=False, **kwargs)

Get the index to the cell that each value in values falls in.

  • values (array_like) – The values to find the cell indices for

  • clip (bool) – A negative index which would normally wrap will clip to 0 and self.bins.size instead.

  • trim (bool) – Do not include out of axis indices. Negates clip, since they wont be included in the output.


out – The cell indices

Return type:


createHdf(parent, name, withPosterior=True, add_axis=None, fillvalue=None, upcast=True)

Create the hdf group metadata in file parent: HDF object to create a group inside myName: Name of the group

delete_edge(i, values=None)

Delete an edge from the mesh


i (int) – The edge to remove.


out – Mesh with edge removed.

Return type:


classmethod fromHdf(grp, index=None, skip_posterior=False)

Reads in the object froma HDF file


Compute the gradient

Parameter gradient \(\nabla_{z}\sigma\) at the ith layer is computed via

(1)\[\nabla_{z}^{i}\sigma = \frac{\sigma_{i+1} - \sigma_{i}}{h_{i} - h_{min}}\]

where \(\sigma_{i+1}\) and \(\sigma_{i}\) are the log-parameters on either side of an interface, \(h_{i}\) is the log-thickness of the ith layer, and \(h_{min}\) is the minimum log thickness defined by

(2)\[h_{min} = \frac{z_{max} - z_{min}}{2 k_{max}}\]

where \(k_{max}\) is a maximum number of layers, set to be far greater than the expected final solution.


Reprodicibility procedure


Return whether values are inside the cell edges


values (array_like) – Check if these are inside left <= values < right.


out – Are the values inside.

Return type:


insert_edge(value, values=None)

Insert a new edge.


value (numpy.float64) – Location at which to insert a new edge


out – Mesh with inserted edge.

Return type:


map_to_pdf(distribution, pdf, log=False, axis=0)

Creates a Hitmap from the model given the variance of each layer.

For each depth, creates a normal distribution with a mean equal to the interpolated parameter at that depth and variance specified with variance.

  • variance (array_like) – The variance of each layer

  • Hitmap (geobipy.Hitmap) – Hitmap to convert the model to. Must be instantiated before calling so that the model can be interpolated correctly

mask_cells(distance, values=None)

Mask cells by a distance.

If the edges of the cell are further than distance away, extra cells are inserted such that the cell’s new edges are at distance away from the centre.

  • distance (float) – Distance to mask

  • values (array_like, optional) – If given, values will be remapped to the masked mesh.


  • out (RectilinearMesh1D) – Masked mesh

  • indices (ints) – Location of the original centres in the expanded mesh

  • out_values (array_like, optional) – If values is given, values will be remapped to the masked mesh.


Copies the properties of a mesh including all priors or proposals, but pads memory to the given size


size (int) – Create memory upto this size.


out – Padded mesg

Return type:


pcolor(values, **kwargs)

Create a pseudocolour plot.

Can take any other matplotlib arguments and keyword arguments e.g. cmap etc.

  • values (array_like) – The value of each cell.

  • alpha (scalar or array_like, optional) – If alpha is scalar, behaves like standard matplotlib alpha and opacity is applied to entire plot If array_like, each pixel is given an individual alpha value.

  • log ('e' or float, optional) – Take the log of the colour to a base. ‘e’ if log = ‘e’, and a number e.g. log = 10. Values in c that are <= 0 are masked.

  • equalize (bool, optional) – Equalize the histogram of the colourmap so that all colours have an equal amount.

  • nbins (int, optional) – Number of bins to use for histogram equalization.

  • xscale (str, optional) – Scale the x axis? e.g. xscale = ‘linear’ or ‘log’

  • yscale (str, optional) – Scale the y axis? e.g. yscale = ‘linear’ or ‘log’.

  • flipX (bool, optional) – Flip the X axis

  • flipY (bool, optional) – Flip the Y axis

  • grid (bool, optional) – Plot the grid

  • noColorbar (bool, optional) – Turn off the colour bar, useful if multiple plotting plotting routines are used on the same figure.

  • trim (bool, optional) – Set the x and y limits to the first and last non zero values along each axis.

See also


For non matplotlib keywords.


For additional keyword arguments you may use.


Perturb the mesh

Generates a new mesh by perturbing the current mesh based on four probabilities. The probabilities correspond to * Birth, the insertion of a new interface * Death, the deletion of an interface * Change, change one the existing interfaces * No change, do nothing and return the original

The methods.set_priors and setProposals must be used before calling self.perturb.

If an interface is created, or an interface perturbed, any resulting cell width must be greater than the minimum width \(h_{min}\). If the new cell width test fails, the birth or perturbation tries again. If the cycle fails after 10 tries, the entire process begins again such that a death, or no change is possible thus preventing any never-ending cycles.


out – The perturbed mesh

Return type:


See also


Must be used before calling self.perturb


Must be used before calling self.perturb

piecewise_constant_interpolate(values, other, bound=False, axis=0)

Interpolate values of the cells to another RectilinearMesh in a piecewise constant manner.

  • values (geobipy.StatArray) – The values to interpolate. Has size self.nCells

  • mesh (geobipy.RectilinearMeshND for N = 1, 2, 3.) – A mesh to interpolate to. If 2D, axis must be given to specify which axis to interpolate against.

  • bound (bool, optional) – Interpolated values above the top of the model are nan.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis to interpolate the value to.


out – The interpolated values at the cell centres of the other mesh.

Return type:


plot(values, **kwargs)

Plots values using the mesh as a line

  • reciprocateX (bool, optional) – Take the reciprocal of the x axis

  • xscale (str, optional) – Scale the x axis? e.g. xscale = ‘linear’ or ‘log’

  • yscale (str, optional) – Scale the y axis? e.g. yscale = ‘linear’ or ‘log’

  • flipX (bool, optional) – Flip the X axis

  • flipY (bool, optional) – Flip the Y axis

  • noLabels (bool, optional) – Do not plot the labels


Plot the grid lines of the mesh.

See also


For additional plotting arguments

property probability

Evaluate the prior probability for the mesh.

The following equation describes the components of the prior that correspond to the Model1D,

\[p(k | I)p(\boldsymbol{e}| k, I),\]

where \(k, I, \boldsymbol{e}\) are the number of cells, prior information, edge location respectively.

The multiplication here can be turned into a summation by taking the log of the components.


components (bool, optional) – Return all components used in the final probability as well as the final probability


  • probability (numpy.float64) – The probability

  • components (array_like, optional) – Return the components of the probability, i.e. the individually evaluated priors as a second return argument if comonents=True on input.

property range

Get the difference between end edges.

set_priors(n_cells_prior=None, edges_prior=None, **kwargs)

Setup the priors of the mesh.

By default the following priors are set unless explictly specified.

Prior on the number of cells

Uninformative prior using a uniform distribution.

(3)\[p(k | I) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{k_{max} - 1} & \quad 1 \leq k \leq k_{max} \newline 0 & \quad otherwise \end{cases}.\]

Prior on the cell edges

We use order statistics for the prior on cell edges.

(4)\[p(\boldsymbol{e} | k, I) = \frac{(k -1)!}{\prod_{i=0}^{k-1} \Delta e_{i}},\]

where the numerator describes the number of ways that \((k - 1)\) interfaces can be ordered and \(\Delta e_{i} = (e_{max} - e_{min}) - 2 i h_{min}\) describes the interval that is available to place an edge when there are already i edges in the model

  • min_edge (float64) – Minimum edge possible

  • max_edge (float64) – Maximum edge possible

  • max_cells (int) – Maximum number of cells allowable

  • min_width (float64, optional) – Minimum width of any layer. If min_width = None, min_width is computed from min_edge, max_edge, and max_cells (recommended).

  • prng (numpy.random.RandomState(), optional) – Random number generator, if none is given, will use numpy’s global generator.

  • n_cells_prior (geobipy.Distribution, optional) – Distribution describing the prior on the number of cells. Overrides the default.

  • edge_prior (geobipy.Distribution, optional) – Distribution describing the prior on the cell edges. Overrides the default.

See also


For a description of the perturbation cycle.

set_proposals(probabilities, **kwargs)

Setup the proposal distibution.

  • probabilities (array_like) – Probability of birth, death, perturb, and no change for the model e.g. probabilities = [0.5, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1]

  • parameterProposal (geobipy.Distribution) – The proposal distribution for the parameter.

  • prng (numpy.random.RandomState(), optional) – Random number generator, if none is given, will use numpy’s global generator.

See also


For a description of the perturbation cycle.

property summary

Summary of self


After a mesh has had its structure perturbed, remap back its previous state. Used for the reversible jump McMC step.