"""Runoff functions for hyswap."""
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def convert_cfs_to_runoff(cfs, drainage_area, time_unit="year"):
"""Convert cfs to runoff values for some drainage area.
cfs : float
Flow in cubic feet per second.
drainage_area : float
Drainage area in km2.
time_unit : str, optional
Determines the unit of time to use in the returned
values with the format mm/<time_unit>.
Options are 'year', 'month', and 'day'.
Default is 'year'.
Runoff in mm/<time_unit>.
Convert 14 cfs to mm/yr for a 250 km2 drainage area.
.. doctest::
>>> mmyr = runoff.convert_cfs_to_runoff(14, 250)
>>> np.round(mmyr).item()
# convert time_unit string to value
if time_unit == "year":
freq = 365.25
elif time_unit == "month":
freq = 365.25 / 12
elif time_unit == "day":
freq = 1
raise ValueError("Invalid time unit: {}".format(time_unit))
# convert cfs to cubic feet per frequency
cpf = cfs * 60 * 60 * 24 * freq
# convert cubic feet per freq to cubic meters per freq
cpf = cpf * (0.3048 ** 3)
# convert drainage area km2 to m2
drainage_area = drainage_area * 1000 * 1000
# convert cubic meters per year to mm per freq
mmf = cpf / drainage_area * 1000
return mmf
def streamflow_to_runoff(df,
"""Convert streamflow to runoff for a given drainage area.
For a given gage/dataframe, convert streamflow to runoff using the
drainage area and the convert_cfs_to_runoff function.
df : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame containing streamflow data.
data_column_name : str
Name of column containing data to analyze.
drainage_area : float
Drainage area in km2.
time_unit : str, optional
Determines the unit of time to use in the returned
values with the format mm/<time_unit>.
Options are 'year', 'month', and 'day'.
Default is 'year'.
DataFrame containing runoff data in a column named 'runoff'.
Convert streamflow to runoff for a given drainage area.
.. doctest::
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'streamflow': [14, 15, 16]})
>>> runoff_df = runoff.streamflow_to_runoff(df, 'streamflow', 250)
>>> print(runoff_df['runoff'].round(1))
0 50.0
1 53.6
2 57.2
Name: runoff, dtype: float64
df['runoff'] = df[data_column_name].apply(
lambda x: convert_cfs_to_runoff(x, drainage_area, time_unit=time_unit)
return df
def identify_sites_from_geom_intersection(
"""Identify sites for a specified geometry.
Function to identify streamgage sites that have drainage areas
intersecting a given spatial geometry (e.g. HUC8) from the
output table of a previously computed spatial intersection
of drainage areas and spatial geometries. This function is a
helper function that can be used to reduce the number of NWIS
queries that are performed to construct the list of dataframes
for a given geometry.
geom_id : str
Geometry ids to filter to (e.g. geom_id = '03030006').
Ids range from 8 to 10 digits and sometime involve a leading 0.
geom_intersection_df : pandas.DataFrame
Tabular dataFrame containing columns indicating the site numbers,
geometry ids, proportion of geometry in basin, and proportion
of basin within geometry.
geom_id_column_name : str
Column in geom_intersection_df with geometry ids.
site_column_name : str
Column in geom_intersection_df with drainage area site numbers.
Please make sure ids have the correct number of digits and have
not lost leading 0s when read in. If the site numbers are the
geom_intersection_df index col, site_column_name = 'index'.
prop_geom_in_basin_col : str, optional
Name of column with values (type:float) representing the proportion
(0 to 1) of the spatial geometry occurring in the corresponding
drainage area. Default name: 'prop_huc_in_basin'
prop_basin_in_geom_col : str, optional
Name of column with values (type:float) representing the proportion
(0 to 1)of the drainage area occurring in the corresponding
spatial geometry. Default name: 'prop_basin_in_huc'
List of site IDs with drainage areas that intersect the geometry
Find all drainage area site numbers that intersect with geometry id 0101002
.. doctest::
>>> data = [['01014000', '01010002', 0.01, 0.6],
... ['01014001', '01010002', 0.2, 0.8],
... ['01014002', '01010003', 0.9, 0.05]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data,
... columns = ['site_no', 'geom_id', 'prop_huc_in_basin',
... 'prop_basin_in_huc'])
>>> sites_lst = runoff.identify_sites_from_geom_intersection(
... geom_intersection_df=df, geom_id='01010002',
... geom_id_column_name='geom_id', site_column_name='site_no',
... prop_geom_in_basin_col='prop_huc_in_basin',
... prop_basin_in_geom_col='prop_basin_in_huc')
>>> print(sites_lst)
['01014000', '01014001']
# Filter df to designated geometry (e.g. huc8)
filtered_df = geom_intersection_df[
geom_intersection_df[geom_id_column_name] == geom_id
# Check whether sites is the df index or not
if site_column_name == 'index':
site_column_name = filtered_df.index
site_column_name = filtered_df[site_column_name]
# Retrieve all non-0 sites within the designated geometry (e.g. huc8)
site_list = site_column_name[(filtered_df[prop_geom_in_basin_col] != 0) & (
filtered_df[prop_basin_in_geom_col] != 0)].to_list()
return site_list
def calculate_geometric_runoff(geom_id,
"""Function to calculate the runoff for a specified geometry. Uses
tabular dataframe containing proportion of geometry in each
intersecting basin and proportion of intersecting basins in the
specified geometry, as well as a dataframe of basin runoff values.
Note that this function only calculates estimated runoff using
intersecting basins with a complete runoff record over the
entire date range of the dataframe. For this reason, the user
may want to break up runoff calculations by month, year, or some
other time step.
geom_id : str
Geometry ID for the geometry of interest.
runoff_df : pandas.DataFrame
Dataframe containing runoff data for each site in the
geometry. Dataframe is expected to have a date index entitled
'datetime', a site id column entitled 'site_no', and a data
column entitled 'runoff' filled with runoff data.
geom_intersection_df : pandas.DataFrame
Tabular dataFrame containing columns indicating the site numbers,
geometry ids, proportion of geometry in basin, and proportion
of basin within geometry.
site_column_name : str
Column in geom_intersection_df with drainage area site numbers.
Please make sure ids have the correct number of digits and have
not lost leading 0s when read in. If the site numbers are the
geom_intersection_df index col, site_column_name = 'index'.
geom_id_column_name : str
Column in geom_intersection_df with geometry ids.
prop_geom_in_basin_col : str
Name of column with values (type:float) representing the proportion
(0 to 1) of the spatial geometry occurring in the corresponding
drainage area. Default name: 'prop_in_basin'
prop_basin_in_geom_col : str
Name of column with values (type:float) representing the proportion
(0 to 1) of the drainage area occurring in the corresponding
spatial geometry. Default name: 'prop_in_huc'
percentage : boolean, optional
If the values in geom_intersection_df are percentages,
percentage = True. If the values are decimal proportions,
percentage = False. Default: False
clip_downstream_basins : boolean, optional
When True, the function estimates runoff using only basins that are
(a) contained within the geometry and (b) the smallest basin
containing the geometry in the weighted average. When False,
the function uses all overlapping basins to estimate runoff
for the geometry. Defaults to True.
full_overlap_threshold : float, optional
The minimum proportion of overlap between geometry and basin that
constitutes "full" overlap. For example, occasionally a geometry
(or basin) may be completely contained by a basin (or geometry),
but polygon border artifacts might cause the intersection to be
slightly less than 1. This input accounts for that error.
Defaults to 0.98.
Dataframe containing the area-weighted runoff values for the geometry,
as well as the number of sites used to generate the weight, the site
ids, and the max weight for any site used in the weighting calculation.
# check if weights are percentage values
if percentage is True:
multiplier = 0.01
multiplier = 1
# check whether runoff_df contains sites not in geom_df
# this might indicate mismatched format in site ids between
# runoff_df and geom_intersection df
check = list(set(runoff_df['site_no'].tolist()) - set(geom_intersection_df[site_column_name].tolist())) # noqa: E501
if check:
print(('There are site ids in the runoff df that are not present '
f'in the intersection df for {geom_id}. This might indicate '
'a mismatch in site id formats, e.g. missing leading '
'zeroes if NWIS sites.'))
# check whether sites is the df index or not
if site_column_name == 'index':
geom_intersection_df = geom_intersection_df.reset_index()
site_column_name = geom_intersection_df.columns[0]
geom_intersection_df[site_column_name] = geom_intersection_df[site_column_name].astype(str) # noqa: E501
# assertion to check that site_column_name are not of type int
assert geom_intersection_df[site_column_name].dtypes == 'str' or \
geom_intersection_df[site_column_name].dtypes == 'object', 'geom_intersection_df site_column_name should be a str or obj' # noqa: E501
# filter intersction table to basins that overlap geom id
filtered_intersection_df = geom_intersection_df[
geom_intersection_df[geom_id_column_name] == geom_id
# filter weights df to sites with data in runoff_df
sites = filtered_intersection_df[site_column_name]
# get all site ids in runoff df
ro_sites = runoff_df['site_no'].tolist()
# grab sites that overlap between the intersection table
# and runoff_df and filter runoff_df to those
ro_sites = list(set(sites) & set(ro_sites))
runoff_df = runoff_df[runoff_df['site_no'].isin(ro_sites)].reset_index()
# pivot runoff_df to wide where each column represents
# a site's runoff data and each row a datetime
# and drop sites with incomplete data
basin_runoff_wide = runoff_df.pivot(columns='site_no', index='datetime', values='runoff').dropna(axis='columns') # noqa: E501
if basin_runoff_wide.empty:
print(f"No basins intersecting huc {geom_id} have a complete record in the dataset. Returning empty dataframe.") # noqa: E501
geom_runoff = pd.DataFrame()
return geom_runoff
# filter weights df to sites with data
filtered_intersection_df = filtered_intersection_df[
filtered_intersection_df[site_column_name].isin(basin_runoff_wide.columns.tolist()) # noqa: E501
# check to see if empty
if filtered_intersection_df.empty:
print(('No runoff data available from intersecting sites to estimate '
f'weighted runoff for {geom_id}. Check that your runoff '
'df site_nos match site ids in your geom_intersection_df. '
'Returning empty series.'))
# remove any nans
filtered_intersection_df = filtered_intersection_df.dropna(axis='rows')
# converting proportions to decimals if applicable
filtered_intersection_df[prop_geom_in_basin_col] = (filtered_intersection_df[prop_geom_in_basin_col] * multiplier) # noqa: E501
filtered_intersection_df[prop_basin_in_geom_col] = (filtered_intersection_df[prop_basin_in_geom_col] * multiplier) # noqa: E501
# calculate weight
filtered_intersection_df['weight'] = filtered_intersection_df[prop_basin_in_geom_col] * filtered_intersection_df[prop_geom_in_basin_col] # noqa: E501
# check to see if there is overlap between geom and
# basin(s) that is mutually > 0.9 * 0.9 (weight)
geom_basin_overlap = filtered_intersection_df.loc[filtered_intersection_df['weight'] > (0.9 * 0.9)].copy() # noqa: E501
# if geom_basin_overlap is not empty, then the runoff is simply
# the runoff from the basin with proportion overlap of > 0.9 AND
# the highest weight.
if not geom_basin_overlap.empty:
geom_basin_overlap = geom_basin_overlap[geom_basin_overlap['weight'] == geom_basin_overlap['weight'].max()] # noqa: E501
geom_basin_overlap = geom_basin_overlap.head(1)
# pick basin that has the highest weight: tightest overlap
geom_runoff_series = runoff_df[runoff_df['site_no'] == geom_basin_overlap.iloc[0][site_column_name]].set_index('datetime').runoff # noqa: E501
# create new df with additional info about runoff calculations
geom_runoff = pd.DataFrame(geom_runoff_series)
geom_runoff = geom_runoff.rename(columns={'runoff': 'estimated_runoff'}) # noqa: E501
geom_runoff['estimated_runoff'] = np.round(geom_runoff['estimated_runoff'], 5) # noqa: E501
geom_runoff['geom_id'] = geom_id
geom_runoff['n_sites'] = 1
geom_runoff['site_ids'] = geom_basin_overlap.iloc[0][site_column_name]
geom_runoff['max_weight'] = np.round(geom_basin_overlap['weight'].max(), 4) # noqa: E501
geom_runoff['avg_weight'] = np.round(geom_basin_overlap['weight'].max(), 4) # noqa: E501
geom_runoff['max_site'] = geom_basin_overlap.iloc[0][site_column_name]
return geom_runoff
if clip_downstream_basins:
# If return not executed, then go to the next step of
# finding basins within the geom and the basin that contains
# the geom with the largest weight
# find where geom in basin is ~ 1 (contained by basin)
geom_in_basin = filtered_intersection_df[(filtered_intersection_df[prop_geom_in_basin_col] > full_overlap_threshold)].copy() # noqa: E501
# if there are no basins containing the geometry object
# with associated runoff data, let user know and then
# check if there are any basins within geom.
if geom_in_basin.empty:
print(f"No runoff data associated with any basins containing the geometry object {geom_id} for the time period selected.") # noqa: E501
# grab basin with greatest weight value: this means it fully
# contains the geom and closest in size to geom (a larger
# basin would result in a smaller overall weight since the
# proportion of the basin in geom would be smaller with a
# bigger basin)
geom_in_basin = geom_in_basin[geom_in_basin['weight'] == geom_in_basin['weight'].max()] # noqa: E501
# in case there are two or more basins with the same weight
geom_in_basin = geom_in_basin.head(1)
# make sure returns one value
assert geom_in_basin.shape[0] == 1
# grab all basins fully contained within the geom
basin_in_geom = filtered_intersection_df[(filtered_intersection_df[prop_basin_in_geom_col] > full_overlap_threshold)].copy() # noqa: E501
# if there are no basins with runoff data, let user know.
if basin_in_geom.empty:
print(f"No runoff data associated with any basins contained within the geometry object {geom_id} for the time period selected.") # noqa: E501
# if both geom_in_basin and basin_in_geom are empty, meaning
# no basins fully contain the huc and the huc doesn't fully
# contain any basins, return empty series.
if geom_in_basin.empty and basin_in_geom.empty:
print(f"Insufficient data and/or overlap between basins and geometry object {geom_id}. Returning empty series.") # noqa: E501
return pd.Series(dtype='float32')
# combine these two dfs into one
final_geom_intersection_df = pd.concat(
[geom_in_basin, basin_in_geom]
# Use all intersections to calculate a weighted average
final_geom_intersection_df = filtered_intersection_df.copy()
# subset to applicable basin runoff
basins = final_geom_intersection_df[site_column_name].tolist()
# ensure data df only has selected intersecting basins
# and they are in the right order to apply weights
basin_runoff_wide = basin_runoff_wide.filter(items=basins)[basins]
# get number of sites and site id stats
n_sites = basin_runoff_wide.shape[1]
site_ids = ', '.join(basin_runoff_wide.columns)
# calculate weighted runoff
basin_runoff_wide['estimated_runoff'] = np.round(np.average(basin_runoff_wide, # noqa: E501
weights=final_geom_intersection_df['weight'].to_numpy(), # noqa: E501
axis=1), 5)
basin_runoff = basin_runoff_wide.sort_index()
# add geom_id, number of sites, site ids, and max weight to the output df
basin_runoff['geom_id'] = geom_id
basin_runoff['n_sites'] = n_sites
basin_runoff['site_ids'] = site_ids
basin_runoff['max_weight'] = np.round(final_geom_intersection_df['weight'].max(), 4) # noqa: E501
basin_runoff['avg_weight'] = np.round(final_geom_intersection_df['weight'].mean(), 4) # noqa: E501
basin_runoff['max_site'] = final_geom_intersection_df[site_column_name][final_geom_intersection_df['weight'].idxmax()] # noqa: E501
geom_runoff = basin_runoff[['geom_id', 'estimated_runoff', 'n_sites', 'site_ids', 'max_weight', 'avg_weight', 'max_site']] # noqa: E501
return geom_runoff
def calculate_multiple_geometric_runoff(
"""Calculate runoff for multiple geometries at once using
Note that this function only calculates estimated runoff using
intersecting basins with a complete runoff record over the
entire date range of the dataframe. For this reason, the user
may want to break up runoff calculations by month, year, or some
other time step.
geom_id_list : list
List of geometry ID strings for the geometries of interest.
These should be columns in the weights matrix.
runoff_df : pandas.DataFrame
Dataframe containing runoff data for each site in the
geometry. Dataframe is expected to have a date index entitled
'datetime', a site id column entitled 'site_no', and a data
column entitled 'runoff' filled with runoff data.
geom_intersection_df : pandas.DataFrame
Tabular dataFrame containing columns indicating the site numbers,
geometry ids, proportion of geometry in basin, and proportion
of basin within geometry.
site_column_name : str
Column in geom_intersection_df with drainage area site numbers.
Please make sure ids have the correct number of digits
and have not lost leading 0s when read in. If the site
numbers are the geom_intersection_df index col,
site_column_name = 'index'.
geom_id_column_name : str
Column in geom_intersection_df with geometry ids.
prop_geom_in_basin_col : str
Name of column with values (type:float) representing the proportion
(0 to 1) of the spatial geometry occurring in the corresponding
drainage area. Default name: 'pct_in_basin'
prop_basin_in_geom_col : str
Name of column with values (type:float) representing the proportion
(0 to 1) of the drainage area occurring in the corresponding
spatial geometry. Default name: 'pct_in_huc'
percentage : boolean, optional
If the values in geom_intersection_df are percentages,
percentage = True. If the values are decimal proportions,
percentage = False. Default: False
clip_downstream_basins : boolean, optional
When True, the function estimates runoff using only basins that are
(a) contained within the geometry and (b) the smallest basin
containing the geometry in the weighted average. When False,
the function uses all overlapping basins to estimate runoff
for the geometry. Defaults to True.
full_overlap_threshold : float, optional
The minimum proportion of overlap between geometry and basin that
constitutes "full" overlap. For example, occasionally a geometry
(or basin) may be completely contained by a basin (or geometry),
but polygon border artifacts might cause the intersection to be
slightly less than 1. This input accounts for that error.
Defaults to 0.98.
DataFrame containing the area-weighted runoff values for each
geometry, as well as the number of sites used to generate the
weights, the site ids, and the max weight for any site used
in the weighting calculation for each geometry.
# create empty dataframe to store results
results_df = pd.DataFrame()
# loop through geom_id_list to calculate runoff for each geometry
for geom_id in geom_id_list:
runoff_sites = identify_sites_from_geom_intersection(
# subset df to sites with drainage areas that
# intersect the geom_id
geom_df = runoff_df.copy()
geom_df = geom_df.loc[geom_df['site_no'].isin(runoff_sites)]
if not geom_df.empty:
# calculate runoff for geometry
runoff = calculate_geometric_runoff(
runoff = pd.DataFrame()
# add runoff to results_df
results_df = pd.concat([results_df, runoff])
return results_df