Code for creating and working with regular (structured) grids. Focus is on the 2D representation of
the grid in the cartesian plane. For methods involving layering (in the vertical dimension), see
the discretization module.
import collections
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import geopandas as gpd
import gisutils
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyproj
import shapely
from flopy.discretization import StructuredGrid
from flopy.mf6.utils.binarygrid_util import MfGrdFile
from geopandas.geodataframe import GeoDataFrame
from gisutils import df2shp, get_proj_str, project, shp2df
from packaging import version
from rasterio import Affine
from scipy import spatial
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon, box
from mfsetup import fileio as fileio
from .mf5to6 import get_model_length_units
from .units import convert_length_units
from .utils import get_input_arguments
class MFsetupGrid(StructuredGrid):
"""Class representing a structured grid. Extends flopy.discretization.StructuredGrid
to facilitate gis operations in a projected (real-word) coordinate reference system (CRS).
delc : ndarray
1D numpy array of grid spacing along a column (len nrow), in CRS units.
delr : ndarray
1D numpy array of grid spacing along a row (len ncol), in CRS units.
top : ndarray
2D numpy array of model top elevations
botm : ndarray
3D numpy array of model bottom elevations
idomain : ndarray
3D numpy array of model idomain values
laycbd : ndarray
(Modflow 2005 and earlier style models only):
LAYCBD—is a flag, with one value for each model layer,
that indicates whether or not a layer has a Quasi-3D
confining bed below it. 0 indicates no confining bed,
and not zero indicates a confining bed.
LAYCBD for the bottom layer must be 0.
lenuni : int, optional
MODFLOW length units variable. See
`the Online Guide to MODFLOW <https://water.usgs.gov/ogw/modflow-nwt/MODFLOW-NWT-Guide/index.html?beginners_guide_to_modflow.htm>`_
epsg : int, optional
EPSG code for the model CRS
proj_str : str, optional
PROJ string for model CRS. In general, a spatial reference ID
(such as an EPSG code) or Well-Known Text (WKT) string is prefered
over a PROJ string (see References)
prj : str, optional
Filepath for ESRI projection file (containing wkt) describing model CRS
wkt : str, optional
Well-known text string describing model CRS.
crs : obj, optional
A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
passed to :meth:`pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input`
Can be any of:
- PROJ string
- Dictionary of PROJ parameters
- PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
- JSON string with PROJ parameters
- CRS WKT string
- An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
- An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
- A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
- An object with a `to_wkt` method.
- A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class
xoff, yoff : float, float, optional
Model grid offset (location of lower left corner), by default 0.0, 0.0
xul, yul : float, float, optional
Model grid offset (location of upper left corner), by default 0.0, 0.0
angrot : float, optional
Rotation of the model grid, in degrees counter-clockwise about the lower left corner.
Non-zero rotation values require input of xoff, yoff (xul, yul not supported).
By default 0.0
def __init__(self, delc, delr, top=None, botm=None, idomain=None,
laycbd=None, lenuni=None, binary_grid_file=None,
epsg=None, proj_str=None, prj=None, wkt=None, crs=None,
xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, xul=None, yul=None, angrot=0.0):
super(MFsetupGrid, self).__init__(delc=np.array(delc), delr=np.array(delr),
top=top, botm=botm, idomain=idomain,
laycbd=laycbd, lenuni=lenuni,
epsg=epsg, proj4=proj_str, prj=prj,
xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, angrot=angrot
# properties
self._crs = None
# pass all CRS representations through pyproj.CRS.from_user_input
# to convert to pyproj.CRS instance
self.crs = get_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg, prj=prj, wkt=wkt, proj_str=proj_str)
# other CRS-related properties are set in the flopy Grid base class
self._vertices = None
self._polygons = None
self._dataframe = None
# MODFLOW 6 binary grid file, for getting intercell connections
# (needed for reading cell budget files)
self.binary_grid_file = binary_grid_file
# if no epsg, set from proj4 string if possible
#if epsg is None and proj_str is not None and 'epsg' in proj_str.lower():
# self.epsg = int(proj_str.split(':')[1])
# in case the upper left corner is known but the lower left corner is not
if xul is not None and yul is not None:
xll = self._xul_to_xll(xul)
yll = self._yul_to_yll(yul)
self.set_coord_info(xoff=xll, yoff=yll, epsg=epsg, proj4=proj_str, angrot=angrot)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, StructuredGrid):
return False
if not np.allclose(other.xoffset, self.xoffset):
return False
if not np.allclose(other.yoffset, self.yoffset):
return False
if not np.allclose(other.angrot, self.angrot):
return False
if not other.crs == self.crs:
return False
if not np.array_equal(other.delr, self.delr):
return False
if not np.array_equal(other.delc, self.delc):
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
txt = ''
if self.nlay is not None:
txt += f'{self.nlay:d} layer(s), '
txt += f'{self.nrow:d} row(s), {self.ncol:d} column(s)\n'
txt += (f'delr: [{self.delr[0]:.2f}...{self.delr[-1]:.2f}]'
f' {self.units}\n'
f'delc: [{self.delc[0]:.2f}...{self.delc[-1]:.2f}]'
f' {self.units}\n'
txt += f'CRS: {self.crs}\n'
txt += f'length units: {self.length_units}\n'
txt += f'xll: {self.xoffset}; yll: {self.yoffset}; rotation: {self.rotation}\n'
txt += 'Bounds: {}\n'.format(self.extent)
return txt
def __str__(self):
return StructuredGrid.__repr__(self)
def xul(self):
x0 = self.xyedges[0][0]
y0 = self.xyedges[1][0]
x0r, y0r = self.get_coords(x0, y0)
return x0r
def yul(self):
x0 = self.xyedges[0][0]
y0 = self.xyedges[1][0]
x0r, y0r = self.get_coords(x0, y0)
return y0r
def bbox(self):
"""Shapely polygon bounding box of the model grid."""
return get_grid_bounding_box(self)
def bounds(self):
"""Grid bounding box in order used by shapely.
x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.extent
return x0, y0, x1, y1
def size(self):
if self.nlay is None:
return self.nrow * self.ncol
return self.nlay * self.nrow * self.ncol
def transform(self):
"""Rasterio Affine object (same as transform attribute of rasters).
return get_transform(self)
def crs(self):
"""pyproj.crs.CRS instance describing the coordinate reference system
for the model grid.
return self._crs
def crs(self, crs):
"""Get a pyproj CRS instance from various inputs
(epsg, proj string, wkt, etc.).
crs : obj, optional
Coordinate reference system for model grid.
A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
passed to the pyproj.crs.from_user_input
See http://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/api/crs/crs.html#pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input.
Can be any of:
- PROJ string
- Dictionary of PROJ parameters
- PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
- JSON string with PROJ parameters
- CRS WKT string
- An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
- An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
- A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
- An object with a `to_wkt` method.
- A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class
crs = get_crs(crs=crs)
self._crs = crs
def proj_str(self):
if self.crs is not None:
return self.crs.to_proj4()
def wkt(self):
if self.crs is not None:
return self.crs.to_wkt(pretty=True)
def length_units(self):
return get_crs_length_units(self.crs)
def vertices(self):
"""Vertices for grid cell polygons."""
if self._vertices is None:
return self._vertices
def polygons(self):
"""Vertices for grid cell polygons."""
if self._polygons is None:
return self._polygons
def dataframe(self):
"""Pandas DataFrame of grid cell polygons
with i, j locations."""
if self._dataframe is None:
self._dataframe = self.get_dataframe(layers=True)
return self._dataframe
def intercell_connections(self):
"""Pandas DataFrame of flow connections between grid cells."""
if self._intercell_connections is None:
self._intercell_connections = self.get_intercell_connections()
return self._intercell_connections
def top(self):
return self._top
def top(self, top):
self._top = top
def botm(self):
return self._botm
def botm(self, botm):
if (self._StructuredGrid__nrow, self._StructuredGrid__ncol) != botm.shape[1:]:
raise ValueError("botm array shape is inconsistent with the model grid")
self._StructuredGrid__nlay = botm.shape[0]
if self._laycbd.size != botm.shape[0]:
self._laycbd = np.zeros(botm.shape[0], dtype=int)
self._botm = botm
def get_intercell_connections(self, binary_grid_file=None):
binary_grid_file : str or pathlike
MODFLOW 6 binary grid file
df : DataFrame
Intercell connections, with the following columns:
=== =============================================================
n from zero-based node number
kn from zero-based layer
in from zero-based row
jn from zero-based column
m to zero-based node number
kn to zero-based layer
in to zero-based row
jn to zero-based column
=== =============================================================
if binary_grid_file is not None:
self.binary_grid_file = binary_grid_file
if self.binary_grid_file is None:
raise ValueError("A MODFLOW 6 binary_grid_file "
"is needed to get intercell connections. "
"Either run get_intercell_connections or "
"re-instantiate the grid with a binary_grid_file argument.")
self._intercell_connections = get_intercell_connections(self.binary_grid_file)
return self._intercell_connections
def get_dataframe(self, layers=True):
"""Get a pandas DataFrame of grid cell polygons
with i, j locations.
layers : bool
If True, return a row for each k, i, j location
and a 'k' column; if False, only return i, j
locations with no 'k' column. By default, True
layers : DataFrame
Pandas Dataframe with k, i, j and geometry column
with a shapely polygon representation of each model cell.
# get dataframe of model grid cells
i, j = np.indices((self.nrow, self.ncol))
geoms = self.polygons
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'i': i.ravel(),
'j': j.ravel(),
'geometry': geoms}, crs=5070)
if layers and self.nlay is not None:
# add layer information
dfs = []
for k in range(self.nlay):
layer_df = df.copy()
layer_df['k'] = k
df = pd.concat(dfs)
df = df[['k', 'i', 'j', 'geometry']].copy()
return df
def write_bbox_shapefile(self, filename='grid_bbox.shp'):
write_bbox_shapefile(self, filename)
def write_shapefile(self, filename='grid.shp'):
i, j = np.indices((self.nrow, self.ncol))
df = pd.DataFrame({'node': list(range(len(self.polygons))),
'i': i.ravel(),
'j': j.ravel(),
'geometry': self.polygons
df2shp(df, filename, epsg=self.epsg, proj_str=self.proj_str)
def _set_polygons(self):
Create shapely polygon for each grid cell
print('creating shapely Polygons of grid cells...')
t0 = time.time()
self._polygons = [Polygon(verts) for verts in self.vertices]
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
# stuff to conform to sr
def length_multiplier(self):
return convert_length_units(self.lenuni,
def rotation(self):
return self.angrot
def get_vertices(self, i, j):
"""Get vertices for a single cell or sequence if i, j locations."""
return self._cell_vert_list(i, j)
def _set_vertices(self):
Populate vertices for the whole grid
jj, ii = np.meshgrid(range(self.ncol), range(self.nrow))
jj, ii = jj.ravel(), ii.ravel()
self._vertices = self._cell_vert_list(ii, jj)
# definition of national hydrogeologic grid
national_hydrogeologic_grid_parameters = {
'xul': -2553045.0, # upper left corner
'yul': 3907285.0,
'height': 4000,
'width': 4980,
'dx': 1000,
'dy': 1000,
'rotation': 0.
def get_crs(crs=None, epsg=None, prj=None, wkt=None, proj_str=None):
"""Get a pyproj CRS instance from various CRS representations.
if crs is not None:
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs)
elif epsg is not None:
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(epsg)
elif prj is not None:
with open(prj) as src:
wkt = src.read()
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_wkt(wkt)
elif wkt is not None:
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_wkt(wkt)
elif proj_str is not None:
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_str)
else: # crs is None
# if possible, have pyproj try to find the closest
# authority name and code matching the crs
# so that input from epsg codes, proj strings, and prjfiles
# results in equal pyproj_crs instances
authority = crs.to_authority()
if authority is not None:
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs.to_authority())
return crs
def get_crs_length_units(crs):
length_units = crs.axis_info[0].unit_name
if 'foot' in length_units.lower() or 'feet' in length_units.lower():
length_units = 'feet'
elif 'metre' in length_units.lower() or 'meter' in length_units.lower():
length_units = 'meters'
return length_units
def get_ij(grid, x, y, local=False):
"""Return the row and column of a point or sequence of points
in real-world coordinates.
grid : flopy.discretization.StructuredGrid instance
x : scalar or sequence of x coordinates
y : scalar or sequence of y coordinates
local: bool (optional)
If True, x and y are in local coordinates (defaults to False)
i : row or sequence of rows (zero-based)
j : column or sequence of columns (zero-based)
xc, yc = grid.xcellcenters, grid.ycellcenters
if local:
x, y = grid.get_coords(x, y)
print('getting i, j locations...')
t0 = time.time()
xyc = np.array([xc.ravel(), yc.ravel()]).transpose()
pxy = np.array([x, y]).transpose()
kdtree = spatial.KDTree(xyc)
distance, loc = kdtree.query(pxy)
i, j = np.unravel_index(loc, (grid.nrow, grid.ncol))
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return i, j
def get_kij_from_node3d(node3d, nrow, ncol):
"""For a consecutive cell number in row-major order
(row, column, layer), get the zero-based row, column position.
node2d = node3d % (nrow * ncol)
k = node3d // (nrow * ncol)
i = node2d // ncol
j = node2d % ncol
return k, i, j
def get_grid_bounding_box(modelgrid):
"""Get bounding box of potentially rotated modelgrid
as a shapely Polygon object.
modelgrid : flopy.discretization.StructuredGrid instance
mg = modelgrid
#x0 = mg.xedge[0]
#x1 = mg.xedge[-1]
#y0 = mg.yedge[0]
#y1 = mg.yedge[-1]
x0 = mg.xyedges[0][0]
x1 = mg.xyedges[0][-1]
y0 = mg.xyedges[1][0]
y1 = mg.xyedges[1][-1]
# upper left point
#x0r, y0r = mg.transform(x0, y0)
x0r, y0r = mg.get_coords(x0, y0)
# upper right point
#x1r, y1r = mg.transform(x1, y0)
x1r, y1r = mg.get_coords(x1, y0)
# lower right point
#x2r, y2r = mg.transform(x1, y1)
x2r, y2r = mg.get_coords(x1, y1)
# lower left point
#x3r, y3r = mg.transform(x0, y1)
x3r, y3r = mg.get_coords(x0, y1)
return Polygon([(x0r, y0r),
(x1r, y1r),
(x2r, y2r),
(x3r, y3r),
(x0r, y0r)])
def get_nearest_point_on_grid(x, y, transform=None,
xul=None, yul=None,
dx=None, dy=None, rotation=0.,
offset='center', op=None):
x : float
x-coordinate of point
y : float
y-coordinate of point
transform : Affine instance, optional
Affine object instance describing grid
xul : float
x-coordinate of upper left corner of the grid
yul : float
y-coordinate of upper left corner of the grid
dx : float
grid spacing in the x-direction (along rows)
dy : float
grid spacing in the y-direction (along columns)
rotation : float
grid rotation about the upper left corner, in degrees clockwise from the x-axis
offset : str, {'center', 'edge'}
Whether the point on the grid represents a cell center or corner (edge). This
argument is only used if xul, yul, dx, dy and rotation are supplied. If
an Affine transform instance is supplied, it is assumed to already incorporate
the offset.
op : function, optional
Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers (np.round, np.floor, np.ceiling).
Defaults to np.round if offset == 'center'; otherwise defaults to np.floor.
x_nearest, y_nearest : float
Coordinates of nearest grid cell center.
# get the closet (fractional) grid cell location
# (in case the grid is rotated)
if transform is None:
transform = Affine(dx, 0., xul,
0., dy, yul) * \
if offset == 'center':
transform *= Affine.translation(0.5, 0.5)
x_raster, y_raster = ~transform * (x, y)
if offset == 'center':
op = np.round
elif op is None:
op = np.floor
j = int(op(x_raster))
i = int(op(y_raster))
x_nearest, y_nearest = transform * (j, i)
return x_nearest, y_nearest
def get_point_on_national_hydrogeologic_grid(x, y, offset='edge', **kwargs):
"""Given an x, y location representing the upper left
corner of a model grid, return the upper left corner
of the cell in the National Hydrogeologic Grid that
contains it."""
params = get_input_arguments(national_hydrogeologic_grid_parameters, get_nearest_point_on_grid)
return get_nearest_point_on_grid(x, y, offset=offset, **params)
def write_bbox_shapefile(modelgrid, outshp):
outline = get_grid_bounding_box(modelgrid)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'desc': ['model bounding box'],
'geometry': [outline]},
gdf.to_file(outshp, index=False)
def rasterize(feature, grid, id_column=None,
include_ids=None, exclude_ids=None, names_column=None,
crs=None, **kwargs):
"""Rasterize a feature onto the model grid, using
the rasterio.features.rasterize method. Features are intersected
if they contain the cell center.
feature : str (shapefile path), list of shapely objects,
or dataframe with geometry column
id_column : str
Column with unique integer identifying each feature; values
from this column will be assigned to the output raster.
include_ids : sequence
Subset of IDs in id_column to include
exclude_ids : sequence
Subset of IDs in id_column to exclude
names_column : str, optional
By default, the IDs in id_column, or sequential integers
are returned. This option allows another column of strings
to be specified (i.e. feature names); in which case
an array of the strings will be returned.
grid : grid.StructuredGrid instance
crs : obj
A Python int, dict, str, or pyproj.crs.CRS instance
passed to :meth:`pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input`
Can be any of:
- PROJ string
- Dictionary of PROJ parameters
- PROJ keyword arguments for parameters
- JSON string with PROJ parameters
- CRS WKT string
- An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326']
- An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326]
- A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')]
- An object with a `to_wkt` method.
- A :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` class
**kwargs : keyword arguments to rasterio.features.rasterize()
2D numpy array with intersected values
from rasterio import Affine, features
print('This method requires rasterio.')
if crs is not None:
if version.parse(gisutils.__version__) < version.parse('0.2.0'):
raise ValueError("The rasterize function requires gisutils >= 0.2")
from gisutils import get_authority_crs
crs = get_authority_crs(crs)
trans = get_transform(grid)
if isinstance(feature, str) or isinstance(feature, Path):
df = gpd.read_file(feature)
elif isinstance(feature, pd.DataFrame):
df = feature.copy()
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs)
elif isinstance(feature, collections.abc.Iterable):
# list of shapefiles
if isinstance(feature[0], str) or isinstance(feature[0], Path):
# use shp2df to read multiple shapefiles
# then convert to gdf
df = shp2df(feature, dest_crs=grid.crs)
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=grid.crs)
df = pd.DataFrame({'geometry': feature})
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs)
elif not isinstance(feature, collections.abc.Iterable):
df = pd.DataFrame({'geometry': [feature]})
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs)
print('unrecognized feature input')
# reproject to grid crs
if df.crs is not None:
orig_crs = df.crs
df.to_crs(grid.crs, inplace=True)
df.to_crs(grid.crs, inplace=True)
if not df['geometry'].is_valid.all():
df['geometry'] = [g.buffer(0) for g in df.geometry]
geoms_are_valid = df['geometry'].is_valid.all() & \
(not df.geometry.is_empty.any()) & \
if not geoms_are_valid:
raise ValueError('Something went wrong with reprojecting '
f'the input features from\n{orig_crs}\nto\n{grid.crs}\n'
'Check the input feature and model grid projections'
'If you are on a network that requires special '
'SSL authentication, try running this operation '
'again off-network.'
# subset to include_ids
if id_column is not None and include_ids is not None:
df = df.loc[df[id_column].isin(include_ids)].copy()
if id_column is not None and exclude_ids is not None:
df = df.loc[~df[id_column].isin(exclude_ids)].copy()
# create list of GeoJSON features, with unique value for each feature
if id_column is None:
numbers = list(range(1, len(df)+1))
# if IDs are strings, get a number for each one
# pd.DataFrame.unique() generally preserves order
elif df[id_column].dtype == object:
unique_values = df[id_column].unique()
values = dict(zip(unique_values, range(1, len(unique_values) + 1)))
numbers = [values[n] for n in df[id_column]]
# enforce integers; very long NHDPlusIDs
# can cause trouble if they are in float64 format
numbers = df[id_column].values.astype('int64')
# add one if the lowest number is 0
# (zero indicates non-intersected raster cells)
if np.min(numbers) == 0:
numbers += 1
elif np.min(numbers) < 0:
raise ValueError("id_column must have positive integers!")
numbers = list(numbers)
geoms = list(zip(df.geometry, numbers))
result = features.rasterize(geoms,
out_shape=(grid.nrow, grid.ncol),
transform=trans, **kwargs)
assert result.sum(axis=(0, 1)) != 0, "Nothing was intersected!"
if names_column is not None:
names_lookup = dict(zip(numbers, df[names_column]))
result = [names_lookup.get(n, '') for n in result.flat]
result = np.reshape(result, (grid.nrow, grid.ncol))
result = result.astype(object)
return result
def snap_to_cell_corner(x, y, modelgrid, corner='nearest'):
"""Move an x, y location to the nearest cell corner on
a rectilinear modelgrid.
x : float
x coordinate in coordinate reference system of modelgrid.
y : _type_
y coordinate in coordinate reference system of modelgrid.
modelgrid : Flopy StructuredGrid instance
corner : str, optional
'upper left', 'lower right' or 'nearest', by default 'nearest'
x_corner, y_corner
x, y location of cell corner in coordinate reference system
of modelgrid.
If x, y are outside of the model domain, or if an invalid
cell corner is specified.
if corner == 'nearest':
vx, vy, vz = modelgrid.xyzvertices
loc = np.argmin(np.sqrt((x-vx)**2 + (y-vy)**2))
x_corner, y_corner = vx.flat[loc], vy.flat[loc]
return x_corner, y_corner
x_model, y_model = modelgrid.get_local_coords(x, y)
# move away from the corner of a cell
# delr: column spacing along a row
# delc: row spacing along a column
# use .min() values of delr/delc because
# we may not be able to get the i, j location
# from Flopy without first backing the point away from the corner
# (if the x, y is initially very close to the cell corner)
if corner == 'upper left':
x_model += 1e-6 #(modelgrid.delr.min() * 0.25)
y_model -= 1e-6 #(modelgrid.delc.min() * 0.25)
elif corner == 'lower right':
x_model -= 1e-6 #(modelgrid.delr.min() * 0.25)
y_model += 1e-6 #(modelgrid.delc.min() * 0.25)
raise ValueError("Only snapping to 'upper left' and "
"'lower right' corners is supported")
# flip back to world coords
#x1, y1 = modelgrid.get_coords(x_model, y_model)
# get corresponding cell
pi, pj = modelgrid.intersect(x_model, y_model, local=True, forgive=True)
#pi, pj = modelgrid.intersect(x1, y1, forgive=True)
if any(np.isnan([pi, pj])):
raise ValueError(f"Point {x:.2f}, {y:.2f} "
"is outside of the model domain!")
# find the vertices of that cell
verts = np.array(modelgrid.get_cell_vertices(pi, pj))
# flip to model space to easily locate the corner
verts_model_space = np.array([modelgrid.get_local_coords(xv ,yv)
for xv, yv in verts])
if corner == 'upper left':
x_corner_model = verts_model_space[:, 0].min()
y_corner_model = verts_model_space[:, 1].max()
elif corner == 'lower right':
x_corner_model = verts_model_space[:,0].max()
y_corner_model = verts_model_space[:,1].min()
raise ValueError("Only snapping to 'upper left' and "
"'lower right' corners is supported")
# finally, back to world space
x_corner, y_corner = modelgrid.get_coords(x_corner_model, y_corner_model)
return x_corner, y_corner
def setup_structured_grid(xoff=None, yoff=None, xul=None, yul=None,
nrow=None, ncol=None, nlay=None,
dxy=None, delr=None, delc=None,
top=None, botm=None,
parent_model=None, snap_to_parent=True, snap_to_NHG=False,
features=None, features_shapefile=None,
id_column=None, include_ids=None,
crs=None, epsg=None, prj=None, wkt=None,
bbox_shapefile=None, **kwargs):
xoff : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
yoff : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
xul : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
yul : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
nrow : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
ncol : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
nlay : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
dxy : _type_, optional
Specified uniform row/column spacing, in model grid
(coordinate reference system) units, by default None
delr : scalar or sequence, optional
Column spacing along a row, in model grid
(coordinate reference system) units,
by default None
delc : scalar or sequence, optional
Row spacing along a column, in model grid
(coordinate reference system) units,
by default None
top : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
botm : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
rotation : _type_, optional
_description_, by default 0.
parent_model : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
snap_to_parent : bool, optional
_description_, by default True
snap_to_NHG : bool, optional
_description_, by default False
features : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
features_shapefile : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
id_column : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
include_ids : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
buffer : int, optional
_description_, by default 1000
crs : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
epsg : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
prj : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
wkt : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
model_length_units : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
grid_file : str, optional
_description_, by default 'grid.json'
bbox_shapefile : _type_, optional
_description_, by default None
""" """"""
print('setting up model grid...')
t0 = time.time()
if parent_model is None:
snap_to_parent = False
elif not np.allclose(parent_model.modelgrid.rotation, rotation):
snap_to_parent = False
# make sure crs is populated, then get CRS units for the grid
crs = get_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg, prj=prj, wkt=wkt)
if crs is None and parent_model is not None:
crs = parent_model.modelgrid.crs
grid_units = get_crs_length_units(crs)
if grid_units not in {'feet', 'meters'}:
raise ValueError(f'unrecognized CRS units {grid_units}: CRS must be projected in feet or meters')
# conversion from model length units
# to model grid (coordinate reference system) units
to_grid_units_inset = convert_length_units(model_length_units, grid_units)
regular = True
if dxy is not None:
delr_grid = np.round(dxy, 4) # dxy is specified in CRS units
delc_grid = delr_grid
if delr is not None:
# delr is expected to be in model grid (CRS) units
delr_grid = np.round(np.array(delr), 4)
if not np.isscalar(delr_grid):
if len(set(delr_grid)) == 1:
delr_grid = delr_grid[0]
regular = False
if delc is not None:
delc_grid = np.round(np.array(delc), 4)
if not np.isscalar(delc_grid):
if len(set(delc_grid)) == 1:
delc_grid = delc_grid[0]
regular = False
if parent_model is not None and snap_to_parent:
to_grid_units_parent = convert_length_units(get_model_length_units(parent_model), grid_units)
# parent model grid spacing in meters
#parent_delr_grid = np.round(parent_model.dis.delr.array[0] * to_grid_units_parent, 4)
#if not parent_delr_grid % delr_grid % parent_delr_grid == 0:
# raise ValueError('inset delr spacing of {} must be factor of parent spacing of {}'.format(delr_grid,
# parent_delr_grid))
#parent_delc_grid = np.round(parent_model.dis.delc.array[0] * to_grid_units_parent, 4)
#if not parent_delc_grid % delc_grid % parent_delc_grid == 0:
# raise ValueError('inset delc spacing of {} must be factor of parent spacing of {}'.format(delc_grid,
# parent_delc_grid))
# option 1: make grid from xoff, yoff and specified dimensions
if xoff is not None and yoff is not None:
assert nrow is not None and ncol is not None, \
"Need to specify nrow and ncol if specifying xoffset and yoffset."
if regular:
height_grid = np.round(delc_grid * nrow, 4)
width_grid = np.round(delr_grid * ncol, 4)
height_grid = np.sum(delc_grid)
width_grid = np.sum(delr_grid)
# optionally align grid with national hydrologic grid
# grids snapping to NHD must have spacings that are a factor of 1 km
if snap_to_NHG:
if rotation != 0:
raise ValueError(f'rotation = {rotation}: snap_to_NHD option '
'only compatible with unrotated grids!')
if not (regular and np.allclose(1000 % delc_grid, 0, atol=1e-4)):
raise ValueError(f'snap_to_NHD option '
'only compatible with uniformly spaced '
'structured grids!')
x, y = get_point_on_national_hydrogeologic_grid(xoff, yoff,
offset='edge', op=np.floor)
xoff = x
yoff = y
# make a bounding box so that other important corners can be specified
lower_left_corner = Point(xoff, yoff)
unrotated_bbox = box(xoff, yoff, xoff + width_grid, yoff + height_grid)
# get the upper right corner
ur = shapely.affinity.rotate(Point(xoff, yoff + height_grid), rotation,
xul, yul = ur.x, ur.y
# option 2: make grid using buffered feature bounding box
# read in the feature from a shapefile
if features is None and features_shapefile is not None:
bbox_filter = None
if parent_model is not None:
pmg_l, pmg_r, pmg_b, pmg_t = parent_model.modelgrid.extent
bbox_filter = gpd.GeoSeries(box(pmg_l, pmg_b, pmg_r, pmg_t),
df = gpd.read_file(features_shapefile, bbox=bbox_filter)
if id_column is not None and include_ids is not None:
datatype = set(type(s) for s in include_ids)
if len(datatype) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent datatypes in include_ids: {include_ids}")
datatype = datatype.pop()
dtype = {id_column: datatype}
df = df.loc[df[id_column].astype(dtype).isin(include_ids)]
# inexplicable shapely.errors.GEOSException: IllegalArgumentException:
# Points of LinearRing do not form a closed linestring
# error resolved by calling to_crs twice
# (for mfsetup/tests/test_grid.py::test_grid_crs_units[3696-feet-meters])
df.to_crs(crs, inplace=True)
df.to_crs(crs, inplace=True)
# use all features by default
features = df.geometry.tolist()
elif features is None and features_shapefile is not None:
raise ValueError(
"setup_grid: need one of xoff/yoff, xul/yul, features_shapefile or "
"features inputs")
# alternatively, accept features as an argument
# convert multiple features to a MultiPolygon
if isinstance(features, list):
if len(features) > 1:
features = MultiPolygon(features)
features = features[0]
# size the grid based on the bbox for features
# buffer and then unrotate the feature
buffered_features = features.buffer(buffer)
unrotated_features = shapely.affinity.rotate(buffered_features, -rotation,
unrotated_bbox = box(*unrotated_features.bounds)
# Get the initial grid height and width
height_grid = np.round(unrotated_bbox.bounds[3] - unrotated_bbox.bounds[1])
width_grid = np.round(unrotated_bbox.bounds[2] - unrotated_bbox.bounds[0])
# initial rows and columns (prior to snapping, if specified)
nrow = int(np.ceil(height_grid / delc_grid))
ncol = int(np.ceil(width_grid / delr_grid))
# correct the height and width to be consistent with nrow, ncol
height_grid = nrow * delc_grid
width_grid = ncol * delr_grid
# make a new box with the corrected height
unrotated_bbox = box(unrotated_bbox.bounds[0], unrotated_bbox.bounds[1],
unrotated_bbox.bounds[0] + width_grid,
unrotated_bbox.bounds[1] + height_grid)
# Get important corners
# upper left corner
xul_ur, yul_ur = unrotated_bbox.bounds[0], unrotated_bbox.bounds[3]
ul = shapely.affinity.rotate(Point(xul_ur, yul_ur), rotation,
xul, yul = ul.x, ul.y
# lower left corner
xll_ur, yll_ur = unrotated_bbox.bounds[0], unrotated_bbox.bounds[1]
lower_left_corner = shapely.affinity.rotate(
Point(xll_ur, yll_ur), rotation, origin=buffered_features.centroid)
# lower right corner
xlr_ur, ylr_ur = unrotated_bbox.bounds[2], unrotated_bbox.bounds[1]
lower_right_corner = shapely.affinity.rotate(
Point(xlr_ur, ylr_ur), rotation, origin=buffered_features.centroid)
# xoff, yoff here for consistency with flopy model grid language
xoff, yoff = lower_left_corner.x, lower_left_corner.y
# align model with parent grid if there is a parent model
# (and not snapping to national hydrologic grid)
# for grids created from a buffer around a feature
# (without a pre-defined number of rows and columns)
# this likely means increasing nrow and ncol
if parent_model is not None and (snap_to_parent and not snap_to_NHG):
if features is not None:
# snap the upper left corner
# to ensure that grid perimeter is at least buffer distance from feature(s)
xul, yul = snap_to_cell_corner(xul, yul, parent_model.modelgrid,
corner='upper left')
ul_ur = shapely.affinity.rotate(Point(xul, yul),
# snap the lower right corner for the same reason
xlr, ylr = snap_to_cell_corner(lower_right_corner.x, lower_right_corner.y,
corner='lower right')
lr_ur = shapely.affinity.rotate(Point(xlr, ylr),
grid_height = ul_ur.y - lr_ur.y
grid_width = lr_ur.x - ul_ur.x
assert np.round(grid_height) % delc_grid == 0.
assert np.round(grid_width) % delr_grid == 0.
nrow = int(round(grid_height / delc_grid))
ncol = int(round(grid_width / delr_grid))
# get revised lower left corner (offset)
ll = shapely.affinity.rotate(Point(ul_ur.x, lr_ur.y),
xoff, yoff = ll.x, ll.y
xoff, yoff = snap_to_cell_corner(xoff, yoff, parent_model.modelgrid,
grid_height = unrotated_bbox.bounds[3] - unrotated_bbox.bounds[1]
xul_ur, yul_ur = xoff, yoff + grid_height
upper_left_corner = shapely.affinity.rotate(Point(xul_ur, yul_ur), rotation,
origin=Point(xoff, yoff))
xul, yul = upper_left_corner.x, upper_left_corner.y
assert xoff is not None
# xoff = xul + (np.sin(np.radians(rotation)) * height_grid)
assert yoff is not None
# yoff = yul - (np.cos(np.radians(rotation)) * height_grid)
# check that the top left and bottom left corners are consistent with discretization
if np.isscalar(delr_grid):
pass#assert np.allclose(np.sqrt((yul - yoff)**2 + (xul - xoff)**2),
# nrow * delc_grid)
assert np.allclose(np.sqrt((yul - yoff)**2 + (xul - xoff)**2),
# set the grid configuration dictionary
grid_cfg = {'nrow': int(nrow), 'ncol': int(ncol),
'nlay': nlay,
'delr': delr_grid, 'delc': delc_grid,
'xoff': xoff, 'yoff': yoff,
'xul': xul, 'yul': yul,
'rotation': rotation,
#'lenuni': 2,
'structured': True
if regular:
grid_cfg['delr'] = np.ones(grid_cfg['ncol'], dtype=float) * grid_cfg['delr']
grid_cfg['delc'] = np.ones(grid_cfg['nrow'], dtype=float) * grid_cfg['delc']
grid_cfg['delr'] = grid_cfg['delr'].tolist() # for serializing to json
grid_cfg['delc'] = grid_cfg['delc'].tolist()
# renames for flopy modelgrid
renames = {'rotation': 'angrot'}
for k, v in renames.items():
if k in grid_cfg:
grid_cfg[v] = grid_cfg.pop(k)
# add epsg or wkt if there isn't an epsg
if crs is not None:
grid_cfg['crs'] = crs
elif epsg is not None:
grid_cfg['epsg'] = epsg
warnings.warn(("Coordinate Reference System information must be supplied via"
"the 'crs'' argument."))
# set up the model grid instance
grid_cfg['top'] = top
grid_cfg['botm'] = botm
grid_cfg.update(kwargs) # update with any kwargs from function call
kwargs = get_input_arguments(grid_cfg, MFsetupGrid)
modelgrid = MFsetupGrid(**kwargs)
modelgrid.cfg = grid_cfg
# write grid info to json, and shapefile of bbox
# omit top and botm arrays from json represenation of grid
# (just for horizontal disc.)
del grid_cfg['top']
del grid_cfg['botm']
# crs needs to be cast to epsg or wkt to be serialized
if isinstance(crs, pyproj.CRS):
grid_cfg['epsg'] = grid_cfg['crs'].to_epsg()
if grid_cfg['epsg'] is None:
grid_cfg['wkt'] = grid_cfg['crs'].to_wkt()
del grid_cfg['crs']
fileio.dump(grid_file, grid_cfg)
if bbox_shapefile is not None:
write_bbox_shapefile(modelgrid, bbox_shapefile)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return modelgrid
def get_cellface_midpoint(grid, k, i, j, direction):
"""Return the midpoint of vertical cell face within a structured grid.
For example, the midpoint for the right cell face is halfway between
the upper and lower right corners of the cell, halfway between the
top and bottom edges."""
if np.isscalar(k):
k = [k]
if np.isscalar(i):
i = [i]
if np.isscalar(j):
j = [j]
k = np.array(k).astype(int)
i = np.array(i).astype(int)
j = np.array(j).astype(int)
if isinstance(direction, str):
direction = [direction] * len(k)
x_edges_model = grid.xyedges[0]
x_centers_model = grid.xycenters[0]
y_edges_model = grid.xyedges[1]
y_centers_model = grid.xycenters[1]
model_x = []
model_y = []
for ii, jj, dn in zip(i, j, direction):
if dn == 'right':
x = x_edges_model[jj+1]
y = y_centers_model[ii]
elif dn == 'left':
x = x_edges_model[jj]
y = y_centers_model[ii]
elif dn == 'top':
x = x_centers_model[jj]
y = y_edges_model[ii]
elif dn == 'bottom':
x = x_centers_model[jj]
y = y_edges_model[ii+1]
raise ValueError("direction needs to be right, left, top or bottom")
x, y = grid.get_coords(model_x, model_y)
z = grid.zcellcenters[k, i, j]
return x, y, z
def get_intercell_connections(binary_grid_file):
"""Get all of the connections between cells in a
MODFLOW 6 structured grid.
binary_grid_file : str or pathlike
MODFLOW 6 binary grid file
df : DataFrame
Intercell connections, with the following columns:
==== =============================================================
n from zero-based node number
kn from zero-based layer
in from zero-based row
jn from zero-based column
m to zero-based node number
kn to zero-based layer
in to zero-based row
jn to zero-based column
qidx index position of flow in cell budget file
==== =============================================================
print('Getting intercell connections...')
ta = time.time()
bgf = MfGrdFile(binary_grid_file)
nrow = bgf.nrow
ncol = bgf.ncol
# IA array maps cell number to connection number
# (one-based index number of first connection at each cell)?
# taking the forward difference then yields nconnections per cell
ia = bgf._datadict['IA'] - 1
# Connections in the JA array correspond directly with the
# FLOW-JA-FACE record that is written to the budget file.
ja = bgf._datadict['JA'] - 1 # cell connections
all_n = []
m = []
qidx = []
for n in range(len(ia)-1):
for ipos in range(ia[n] + 1, ia[n+1]):
m.append(ja[ipos]) # m is the cell that n connects to
df = pd.DataFrame({'n': all_n, 'm': m, 'qidx': qidx})
k, i, j = get_kij_from_node3d(df['n'].values, nrow, ncol)
df['kn'], df['in'], df['jn'] = k, i, j
k, i, j = get_kij_from_node3d(df['m'].values, nrow, ncol)
df['km'], df['im'], df['jm'] = k, i, j
print(f"Getting intercell connections took {time.time() - ta:.2f}s\n")
return df