import os
import shutil
import time
from pathlib import Path
import flopy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
fm = flopy.modflow
from flopy.modflow import Modflow
from mfsetup.bcs import remove_inactive_bcs
from mfsetup.discretization import (
from mfsetup.fileio import (
from mfsetup.ic import setup_strt
from mfsetup.lakes import (
from mfsetup.mfmodel import MFsetupMixin
from mfsetup.obs import setup_head_observations
from mfsetup.oc import parse_oc_period_input
from mfsetup.tdis import (
from mfsetup.units import convert_length_units, itmuni_text, lenuni_text
from mfsetup.utils import get_input_arguments, get_packages
class MFnwtModel(MFsetupMixin, Modflow):
"""Class representing a MODFLOW-NWT model"""
default_file = 'mfnwt_defaults.yml'
def __init__(self, parent=None, cfg=None,
modelname='model', exe_name='mfnwt',
version='mfnwt', model_ws='.',
external_path='external/', **kwargs):
defaults = {'parent': parent,
'modelname': modelname,
'exe_name': exe_name,
'version': version,
'model_ws': model_ws,
'external_path': external_path,
# load configuration, if supplied
if cfg is not None:
if not isinstance(cfg, dict):
cfg = self.load_cfg(cfg)
cfg = self._parse_model_kwargs(cfg)
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in defaults}
# otherwise, pass arguments on to flopy constructor
args = get_input_arguments(defaults, Modflow,
Modflow.__init__(self, **args, **kwargs)
#Modflow.__init__(self, modelname, exe_name=exe_name, version=version,
# model_ws=model_ws, external_path=external_path,
# **kwargs)
MFsetupMixin.__init__(self, parent=parent)
# default configuration
self._package_setup_order = ['dis', 'bas6', 'upw', 'rch', 'oc',
'chd', 'ghb', 'lak', 'sfr', 'riv', 'wel', 'mnw2',
'gag', 'hyd']
# set up the model configuration dictionary
# start with the defaults
self.cfg = load(self.source_path / self.default_file) # 'mf6_defaults.yml')
self.relative_external_paths = self.cfg.get('model', {}).get('relative_external_paths', True)
# set the model workspace and change working directory to there
self.model_ws = self._get_model_ws(cfg=cfg)
# update defaults with user-specified config. (loaded above)
# set up and validate the model configuration dictionary
# set the list file path
self.lst.file_name = [self.cfg['model']['list_filename_fmt'].format(]
# the "drop thin cells" option is not available for MODFLOW-2005 models
self._drop_thin_cells = False
# property arrays
self._ibound = None
# delete the temporary 'original-files' folder
# if it already exists, to avoid side effects from stale files
shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
def __repr__(self):
return MFsetupMixin.__repr__(self)
def nlay(self):
return self.cfg['dis'].get('nlay', 1)
def length_units(self):
return lenuni_text[self.cfg['dis']['lenuni']]
def time_units(self):
return itmuni_text[self.cfg['dis']['itmuni']]
def perioddata(self):
"""DataFrame summarizing stress period information.
============== =========================================
start_datetime Start date of each model stress period
end_datetime End date of each model stress period
time MODFLOW elapsed time, in days*
per Model stress period number
perlen Stress period length (days)
nstp Number of timesteps in stress period
tsmult Timestep multiplier
steady Steady-state or transient
oc Output control setting for MODFLOW
parent_sp Corresponding parent model stress period
============== =========================================
TODO: the code here might still need to be adapted to
parallel the code in MF6model.perioddata, to work with
parent models that are already loaded but have no configuration.
if self._perioddata is None:
default_start_datetime = self.cfg['dis'].get('start_date_time', '1970-01-01')
tdis_perioddata_config = self.cfg['dis']
nper = self.cfg['dis'].get('nper')
steady = self.cfg['dis'].get('steady')
if self.parent is not None:
parent_stress_periods = self.cfg['parent'].get('copy_stress_periods')
perioddata = setup_perioddata(
nper=nper, steady=steady, time_units=self.time_units,
self._perioddata = perioddata
# reset nper property so that it will reference perioddata table
self._nper = None
self._perioddata.to_csv(f'{self._tables_path}/stress_period_data.csv', index=False)
# update the model configuration
if 'parent_sp' in perioddata.columns:
self.cfg['parent']['copy_stress_periods'] = perioddata['parent_sp'].tolist()
return self._perioddata
def ipakcb(self):
"""By default write everything to one cell budget file."""
return self.cfg['upw'].get('ipakcb', 53)
def ibound(self):
"""3D array indicating which cells will be included in the simulation.
Made a property so that it can be easily updated when any packages
it depends on change.
if self._ibound is None and 'BAS6' in self.get_package_list():
return self._ibound
def _set_ibound(self):
"""Remake the idomain array from the source data,
no data values in the top and bottom arrays, and
so that cells above SFR reaches are inactive."""
ibound_from_layer_elevations = make_ibound(,
'minimum_layer_thickness', 1),
# include cells that are active in the existing idomain array
# and cells inactivated on the basis of layer elevations
ibound = (self.bas6.ibound.array > 0) & (ibound_from_layer_elevations >= 1)
ibound = ibound.astype(int)
# remove cells that conincide with lakes
ibound[self.isbc == 1] = 0.
# remove cells that are above stream cells
if self.get_package('sfr') is not None:
ibound = deactivate_idomain_above(ibound,
# remove cells that are above ghb cells
if self.get_package('ghb') is not None:
ibound = deactivate_idomain_above(ibound, self.ghb.stress_period_data[0])
# inactivate any isolated cells that could cause problems with the solution
ibound = find_remove_isolated_cells(ibound, minimum_cluster_size=20)
self._ibound = ibound
# re-write the input files
self._setup_array('bas6', 'ibound', resample_method='nearest',
data={i: arr for i, arr in enumerate(ibound)},
datatype='array3d', write_fmt='%d', dtype=int)
self.bas6.ibound = self.cfg['bas6']['ibound']
def _set_parent(self):
"""Set attributes related to a parent or source model
if one is specified."""
if self.cfg['parent'].get('version') == 'mf6':
raise NotImplementedError("MODFLOW-6 parent models")
kwargs = self.cfg['parent'].copy()
if kwargs is not None:
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs['f'] = kwargs.pop('namefile')
# load only specified packages that the parent model has
packages_in_parent_namefile = get_packages(os.path.join(kwargs['model_ws'],
load_only = list(set(packages_in_parent_namefile).intersection(
set(self.cfg['model'].get('packages', set()))))
if 'load_only' not in kwargs:
kwargs['load_only'] = load_only
if 'skip_load' in kwargs:
kwargs['skip_load'] = [s.lower() for s in kwargs['skip_load']]
kwargs['load_only'] = [pckg for pckg in kwargs['load_only']
if pckg not in kwargs['skip_load']]
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, fm.Modflow.load, warn=False)
print('loading parent model {}...'.format(os.path.join(kwargs['model_ws'],
t0 = time.time()
self._parent = fm.Modflow.load(**kwargs)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
# parent model units
if 'length_units' not in self.cfg['parent']:
self.cfg['parent']['length_units'] = lenuni_text[self.parent.dis.lenuni]
if 'time_units' not in self.cfg['parent']:
self.cfg['parent']['time_units'] = itmuni_text[self.parent.dis.itmuni]
# set the parent model grid from mg_kwargs if not None
# otherwise, convert parent model grid to MFsetupGrid
mg_kwargs = self.cfg['parent'].get('SpatialReference',
self.cfg['parent'].get('modelgrid', None))
# parent model perioddata
if not hasattr(self.parent, 'perioddata'):
kwargs = {}
kwargs['start_date_time'] = self.cfg['parent'].get('start_date_time',
kwargs['nper'] = self.parent.nper
kwargs['model_time_units'] = self.cfg['parent']['time_units']
for var in ['perlen', 'steady', 'nstp', 'tsmult']:
kwargs[var] = self.parent.dis.__dict__[var].array
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, setup_perioddata_group)
kwargs['oc_saverecord'] = {}
self._parent.perioddata = setup_perioddata_group(**kwargs)
# default_source_data, where omitted configuration input is
# obtained from parent model by default
# Set default_source_data to True by default if it isn't specified
if self.cfg['parent'].get('default_source_data') is None:
self.cfg['parent']['default_source_data'] = True
if self.cfg['parent'].get('default_source_data'):
self._parent_default_source_data = True
if self.cfg['dis'].get('nlay') is None:
self.cfg['dis']['nlay'] = self.parent.dis.nlay
parent_start_date_time = self.cfg.get('parent', {}).get('start_date_time')
if self.cfg['dis'].get('start_date_time', '1970-01-01') == '1970-01-01' and parent_start_date_time is not None:
self.cfg['dis']['start_date_time'] = self.cfg['parent']['start_date_time']
if self.cfg['dis'].get('nper') is None:
self.cfg['dis']['nper'] = self.parent.dis.nper
parent_periods = get_parent_stress_periods(self.parent, nper=self.cfg['dis']['nper'],
for var in ['perlen', 'nstp', 'tsmult', 'steady']:
if self.cfg['dis'].get(var) is None:
self.cfg['dis'][var] = self.parent.dis.__dict__[var].array[parent_periods]
def _update_grid_configuration_with_dis(self):
"""Update grid configuration with any information supplied to dis package
(so that settings specified for DIS package have priority). This method
is called by MFsetupMixin.setup_grid.
for param in ['nrow', 'ncol', 'delr', 'delc']:
if param in self.cfg['dis']:
self.cfg['setup_grid'][param] = self.cfg['dis'][param]
def setup_dis(self, **kwargs):
package = 'dis'
print('\nSetting up {} package...'.format(package.upper()))
t0 = time.time()
# resample the top from the DEM
if self.cfg['dis']['remake_top']:
self._setup_array(package, 'top', datatype='array2d',
# make the botm array
self._setup_array(package, 'botm', datatype='array3d',
# put together keyword arguments for dis package
kwargs = self.cfg['grid'].copy() # nrow, ncol, delr, delc
kwargs.update(self.cfg['dis']) # nper, nlay, etc.
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, fm.ModflowDis)
# we need flopy to read the intermediate files
# (it will write the files in cfg)
lmult = convert_length_units('meters', self.length_units)
kwargs.update({'top': self.cfg['intermediate_data']['top'][0],
'botm': self.cfg['intermediate_data']['botm'],
'nper': self.nper,
'delc': self.modelgrid.delc * lmult,
'delr': self.modelgrid.delr * lmult
for arg in ['perlen', 'nstp', 'tsmult', 'steady']:
kwargs[arg] = self.perioddata[arg].values
dis = fm.ModflowDis(model=self, **kwargs)
self._perioddata = None # reset perioddata
#if not isinstance(self._modelgrid, MFsetupGrid):
# self._modelgrid = None # override DIS package grid setup
self.setup_grid() # reset the model grid
#self._isbc = None # reset BC property arrays
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return dis
def setup_tdis(self, **kwargs):
"""Calls the _set_perioddata, to establish time discretization. Only purpose
is to conform to same syntax as mf6 for MFsetupMixin.setup_from_yaml()
def setup_bas6(self, **kwargs):
package = 'bas6'
print('\nSetting up {} package...'.format(package.upper()))
t0 = time.time()
kwargs = self.cfg[package]
kwargs['source_data_config'] = kwargs['source_data']
kwargs['filename_fmt'] = kwargs['strt_filename_fmt']
kwargs['write_fmt'] = kwargs['strt_write_fmt']
# make the starting heads array
strt = setup_strt(self, package, **kwargs)
# initial ibound input for creating a bas6 package instance
self._setup_array(package, 'ibound', datatype='array3d', write_fmt='%d',
kwargs = get_input_arguments(self.cfg['bas6'], fm.ModflowBas)
kwargs['strt'] = strt
bas = fm.ModflowBas(model=self, **kwargs)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return bas
def setup_oc(self, **kwargs):
package = 'oc'
print('\nSetting up {} package...'.format(package.upper()))
t0 = time.time()
#stress_period_data = {}
#for i, r in self.perioddata.iterrows():
# stress_period_data[(r.per, r.nstp -1)] = r.oc
# use stress_period_data if supplied
# (instead of period_input defaults)
if 'stress_period_data' in self.cfg['oc']:
del self.cfg['oc']['period_options']
kwargs = self.cfg['oc']
period_input = parse_oc_period_input(kwargs, nstp=self.perioddata.nstp,
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, fm.ModflowOc)
oc = fm.ModflowOc(model=self, **kwargs)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return oc
def setup_rch(self, **kwargs):
package = 'rch'
print('\nSetting up {} package...'.format(package.upper()))
t0 = time.time()
# make the rech array
self._setup_array(package, 'rech', datatype='transient2d',
# create flopy package instance
kwargs = self.cfg['rch']
kwargs['ipakcb'] = self.ipakcb
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, fm.ModflowRch)
rch = fm.ModflowRch(model=self, **kwargs)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return rch
def setup_upw(self, **kwargs):
package = 'upw'
print('\nSetting up {} package...'.format(package.upper()))
t0 = time.time()
hiKlakes_value = float(self.cfg['parent'].get('hiKlakes_value', 1e4))
# copy transient variables if they were included in config file
# defaults are hard coded to arrays in parent model priority
# over config file values, in the case that ss and sy weren't entered
hk = self.cfg['upw'].get('hk')
vka = self.cfg['upw'].get('vka')
default_sy = 0.1
default_ss = 1e-6
# Determine which hk, vka to use
# load parent upw if it's needed and not loaded
source_package = package
if None in [hk, vka] and \
'UPW' not in self.parent.get_package_list() and \
'LPF' not in self.parent.get_package_list():
for ext, pckgcls in {'upw': fm.ModflowUpw,
'lpf': fm.ModflowLpf,
pckgfile = '{}/{}.{}'.format(self.parent.model_ws,, package)
if os.path.exists(pckgfile):
upw = pckgcls.load(pckgfile, self.parent)
source_package = ext
self._setup_array(package, 'hk', vmin=0, vmax=hiKlakes_value, resample_method='linear',
source_package=source_package, datatype='array3d', write_fmt='%.6e')
self._setup_array(package, 'vka', vmin=0, vmax=hiKlakes_value, resample_method='linear',
source_package=source_package, datatype='array3d', write_fmt='%.6e')
if np.any(~self.dis.steady.array):
self._setup_array(package, 'sy', vmin=0, vmax=1, resample_method='linear',
datatype='array3d', write_fmt='%.6e')
self._setup_array(package, 'ss', vmin=0, vmax=1, resample_method='linear',
datatype='array3d', write_fmt='%.6e')
sy = self.cfg['intermediate_data']['sy']
ss = self.cfg['intermediate_data']['ss']
sy = default_sy
ss = default_ss
upw = fm.ModflowUpw(self, hk=self.cfg['intermediate_data']['hk'],
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return upw
def setup_mnw2(self, **kwargs):
print('setting up MNW2 package...')
t0 = time.time()
# added wells
# todo: generalize MNW2 source data input; add auto-reprojection
added_wells = self.cfg['mnw'].get('added_wells')
if added_wells is not None:
if isinstance(added_wells, str):
aw = pd.read_csv(added_wells)
aw.rename(columns={'name': 'comments'}, inplace=True)
elif isinstance(added_wells, dict):
added_wells = {k: v for k, v in added_wells.items() if v is not None}
if len(added_wells) > 0:
aw = pd.DataFrame(added_wells).T
aw['comments'] = aw.index
aw = None
elif isinstance(added_wells, pd.DataFrame):
aw = added_wells
aw['comments'] = aw.index
raise IOError('unrecognized added_wells input')
k, ztop, zbotm = 0, 0, 0
zpump = None
wells = aw.groupby('comments').first()
periods = aw
if 'x' in wells.columns and 'y' in wells.columns:
wells['i'], wells['j'] = self.modelgrid.intersect(wells['x'].values,
if 'depth' in wells.columns:
wellhead_elevations =[wells.i, wells.j]
ztop = wellhead_elevations - (5*.3048) # 5 ft casing
zbotm = wellhead_elevations - wells.depth
zpump = zbotm + 1 # 1 meter off bottom
elif 'ztop' in wells.columns and 'zbotm' in wells.columns:
ztop = wells.ztop
zbotm = wells.zbotm
zpump = zbotm + 1
if 'k' in wells.columns:
k = wells.k
for var in ['losstype', 'pumploc', 'rw', 'rskin', 'kskin']:
if var not in wells.columns:
wells[var] = self.cfg['mnw']['defaults'][var]
nd = fm.ModflowMnw2.get_empty_node_data(len(wells))
nd['k'] = k
nd['i'] = wells.i
nd['j'] = wells.j
nd['ztop'] = ztop
nd['zbotm'] = zbotm
nd['wellid'] = wells.index
nd['losstype'] = wells.losstype
nd['pumploc'] = wells.pumploc
nd['rw'] =
nd['rskin'] = wells.rskin
nd['kskin'] = wells.kskin
if zpump is not None:
nd['zpump'] = zpump
spd = {}
for per, group in periods.groupby('per'):
spd_per = fm.ModflowMnw2.get_empty_stress_period_data(len(group))
spd_per['wellid'] = group.comments
spd_per['qdes'] = group.flux
spd[per] = spd_per
itmp = []
for per in range(self.nper):
if per in spd.keys():
mnw = fm.ModflowMnw2(self, mnwmax=len(wells), ipakcb=self.ipakcb,
node_data=nd, stress_period_data=spd,
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return mnw
print('No wells specified in configuration file!\n')
return None
def setup_lak(self, **kwargs):
print('setting up LAKE package...')
t0 = time.time()
# if shapefile of lakes was included,
# lakarr should be automatically built by property method
if self.lakarr.sum() == 0:
print("lakes_shapefile not specified, or no lakes in model area")
# source data
source_data = self.cfg['lak']['source_data']
self.lake_info = setup_lake_info(self)
nlakes = len(self.lake_info)
# set up the tab files, if any
tab_files_argument = None
tab_units = None
start_tab_units_at = 150 # default starting number for iunittab
if 'stage_area_volume_file' in source_data:
tab_files = setup_lake_tablefiles(self, source_data['stage_area_volume_file'])
tab_units = list(range(start_tab_units_at, start_tab_units_at + len(tab_files)))
# tabfiles aren't rewritten by flopy on package write
self.cfg['lak']['tab_files'] = tab_files
# kludge to deal with ugliness of lake package external file handling
# (need to give path relative to model_ws, not folder that flopy is working in)
tab_files_argument = [os.path.relpath(f) for f in tab_files]
self.setup_external_filepaths('lak', 'lakzones',
self.setup_external_filepaths('lak', 'bdlknc',
# make the arrays or load them
lakzones = make_bdlknc_zones(self.modelgrid, self.lake_info,
save_array(self.cfg['intermediate_data']['lakzones'][0], lakzones, fmt='%d')
bdlknc = np.zeros((self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol))
# make the areal footprint of lakebed leakance from the zones (layer 1)
bdlknc[0] = make_bdlknc2d(lakzones,
for k in range(self.nlay):
if k > 0:
# for each underlying layer, assign profundal leakance to cells were isbc == 1
bdlknc[k][self.isbc[k] == 1] = self.cfg['lak']['source_data']['profundal_leakance']
save_array(self.cfg['intermediate_data']['bdlknc'][0][k], bdlknc[k], fmt='%.6e')
# get estimates of stage from model top, for specifying ranges
stages = []
for lakid in self.lake_info['lak_id']:
loc = self.lakarr[0] == lakid
est_stage =[loc].min()
stages = np.array(stages)
# setup stress period data
tol = 5 # specify lake stage range as +/- this value
ssmn, ssmx = stages - tol, stages + tol
stage_range = list(zip(ssmn, ssmx))
# set up dataset 9
# ssmn and ssmx values only required for steady-state periods > 0
self.lake_fluxes = setup_lake_fluxes(self)
precip = self.lake_fluxes['precipitation'].tolist()
evap = self.lake_fluxes['evaporation'].tolist()
flux_data = {}
for i, steady in enumerate(self.dis.steady.array):
if i > 0 and steady:
flux_data_i = []
for lake_ssmn, lake_ssmx in zip(ssmn, ssmx):
flux_data_i.append([precip[i], evap[i], 0, 0, lake_ssmn, lake_ssmx])
flux_data_i = [[precip[i], evap[i], 0, 0]] * nlakes
flux_data[i] = flux_data_i
options = ['tableinput'] if tab_files_argument is not None else None
kwargs = self.cfg['lak']
kwargs['nlakes'] = len(self.lake_info)
kwargs['stages'] = stages
kwargs['stage_range'] = stage_range
kwargs['flux_data'] = flux_data
kwargs['tab_files'] = tab_files_argument #This needs to be in the order of the lake IDs!
kwargs['tab_units'] = tab_units
kwargs['options'] = options
kwargs['ipakcb'] = self.ipakcb
kwargs['lwrt'] = 0
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, fm.mflak.ModflowLak)
lak = fm.ModflowLak(self, **kwargs)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return lak
def setup_chd(self, **kwargs):
"""Set up the CHD Package.
return self._setup_basic_stress_package(
'chd', fm.ModflowChd, ['head'], **kwargs)
def setup_drn(self, **kwargs):
"""Set up the Drain Package.
return self._setup_basic_stress_package(
'drn', fm.ModflowDrn, ['elev', 'cond'], **kwargs)
def setup_ghb(self, **kwargs):
"""Set up the General Head Boundary Package.
return self._setup_basic_stress_package(
'ghb', fm.ModflowGhb, ['bhead', 'cond'], **kwargs)
def setup_riv(self, rivdata=None, **kwargs):
"""Set up the River Package.
return self._setup_basic_stress_package(
'riv', fm.ModflowRiv, ['stage', 'cond', 'rbot'],
rivdata=rivdata, **kwargs)
def setup_wel(self, **kwargs):
"""Set up the Well Package.
return self._setup_basic_stress_package(
'wel', fm.ModflowWel, ['flux'], **kwargs)
def setup_nwt(self, **kwargs):
print('setting up NWT package...')
t0 = time.time()
use_existing_file = self.cfg['nwt'].get('use_existing_file')
kwargs = self.cfg['nwt']
if use_existing_file is not None:
#set use_existing_file relative to source path
filepath = os.path.join(self._config_path,
assert os.path.exists(filepath), "Couldn't find {}, need a path to a NWT file".format(filepath)
nwt = fm.ModflowNwt.load(filepath, model=self)
kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, fm.ModflowNwt)
nwt = fm.ModflowNwt(self, **kwargs)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return nwt
def setup_hyd(self, **kwargs):
"""TODO: generalize hydmod setup with specific input requirements"""
package = 'hyd'
print('setting up HYDMOD package...')
t0 = time.time()
iobs_domain = None
if not kwargs['mfsetup_options']['allow_obs_in_bc_cells']:
# for now, discard any head observations in same (i, j) column of cells
# as a non-well boundary condition
# including lake package lakes and non lake, non well BCs
# (high-K lakes are excluded, since we may want head obs at those locations,
# to serve as pseudo lake stage observations)
iobs_domain = (self.isbc == 1) | np.any(self.isbc > 2)
# munge the observation data
df = setup_head_observations(self,
# create observation data recarray
obsdata = fm.ModflowHyd.get_empty(len(df))
for c in obsdata.dtype.names:
assert c in df.columns, "Missing observation data field: {}".format(c)
obsdata[c] = df[c]
nhyd = len(df)
hyd = flopy.modflow.ModflowHyd(self, nhyd=nhyd, hydnoh=-999, obsdata=obsdata)
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return hyd
def setup_gag(self, **kwargs):
print('setting up GAGE package...')
t0 = time.time()
# setup gage package output for all included lakes
ngages = 0
nlak_gages = 0
starting_unit_number = self.cfg['gag']['starting_unit_number']
if self.get_package('lak') is not None:
nlak_gages = self.lak.nlakes
if nlak_gages > 0:
ngages += nlak_gages
lak_gagelocs = list(np.arange(1, nlak_gages+1) * -1)
lak_gagerch = [0] * nlak_gages # dummy list to maintain index position
lak_outtype = [self.cfg['gag']['lak_outtype']] * nlak_gages
# need minus sign to tell MF to read outtype
lake_unit = list(-np.arange(starting_unit_number,
starting_unit_number + nlak_gages, dtype=int))
# TODO: make private attribute to facilitate keeping track of lake IDs
lak_files = ['lak{}_{}.ggo'.format(i+1, hydroid)
for i, hydroid in enumerate(self.cfg['lak']['source_data']['lakes_shapefile']['include_ids'])]
# update the starting unit number of avoid collisions with other gage packages
starting_unit_number = np.max(np.abs(lake_unit)) + 1
# need to add streams at some point
nstream_gages = 0
stream_gageseg = []
stream_gagerch = []
stream_unit = []
stream_outtype = []
stream_files = []
if self.get_package('sfr') is not None:
#observations_input = self.cfg['sfr'].get('source_data', {}).get('observations')
#obs_info_files = self.cfg['gag'].get('observation_data')
#if obs_info_files is not None:
# # get obs_info_files into dictionary format
# # filename: dict of column names mappings
# if isinstance(obs_info_files, str):
# obs_info_files = [obs_info_files]
# if isinstance(obs_info_files, list):
# obs_info_files = {f: self.cfg['gag']['default_columns']
# for f in obs_info_files}
# elif isinstance(obs_info_files, dict):
# for k, v in obs_info_files.items():
# if v is None:
# obs_info_files[k] = self.cfg['gag']['default_columns']
# print('Reading observation files...')
# check_source_files(obs_info_files.keys())
# dfs = []
# for f, column_info in obs_info_files.items():
# print(f)
# df = read_observation_data(f,
# column_info,
# column_mappings=self.cfg['hyd'].get('column_mappings'))
# dfs.append(df) # cull to cols that are needed
# df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0)
df = self.sfrdata.observations
nstream_gages = len(df)
stream_files = ['{}.ggo'.format(site_no) for site_no in df.obsname]
stream_gageseg = df.iseg.tolist()
stream_gagerch = df.ireach.tolist()
stream_unit = list(np.arange(starting_unit_number,
starting_unit_number + nstream_gages, dtype=int))
stream_outtype = [self.cfg['gag']['sfr_outtype']] * nstream_gages
ngages += nstream_gages
if ngages == 0:
print('No gage package input.')
# create flopy gage package object
gage_data = fm.ModflowGage.get_empty(ncells=ngages)
gage_data['gageloc'] = lak_gagelocs + stream_gageseg
gage_data['gagerch'] = lak_gagerch + stream_gagerch
gage_data['unit'] = lake_unit + stream_unit
gage_data['outtype'] = lak_outtype + stream_outtype
if len(self.cfg['gag'].get('ggo_files', {})) == 0:
self.cfg['gag']['ggo_files'] = lak_files + stream_files
gag = fm.ModflowGage(self, numgage=len(gage_data),
print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return gag
def _parse_model_kwargs(cfg):
return cfg
def load(cls, yamlfile, load_only=None, verbose=False, forgive=False, check=False):
"""Load a model from a config file and set of MODFLOW files.
cfg = load_cfg(yamlfile, verbose=verbose, default_file=cls.default_file) # 'mfnwt_defaults.yml')
print('\nLoading {} model from data in {}\n'.format(cfg['model']['modelname'], yamlfile))
t0 = time.time()
m = cls(cfg=cfg, **cfg['model'])
if 'grid' not in m.cfg.keys():
#grid_file = cfg['setup_grid']['output_files']['grid_file']
#if os.path.exists(grid_file):
# print('Loading model grid definition from {}'.format(grid_file))
# m.cfg['grid'] = load(grid_file)
# m.setup_grid()
m = flopy_mf2005_load(m, load_only=load_only, forgive=forgive, check=check)
print('finished loading model in {:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - t0))
return m