import time
from pathlib import Path
import flopy
import geopandas as gp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
fm = flopy.modflow
from flopy.discretization import StructuredGrid
from flopy.mf6.utils.binarygrid_util import MfGrdFile
from flopy.utils import binaryfile as bf
from mfsetup.discretization import find_remove_isolated_cells
from mfsetup.fileio import check_source_files
from mfsetup.grid import get_cellface_midpoint, get_ij, get_intercell_connections
from mfsetup.interpolate import Interpolator, interp_weights
from mfsetup.lakes import get_horizontal_connections
def get_qx_qy_qz(cell_budget_file, binary_grid_file=None,
kstpkper=(0, 0),
"""Get 2 or 3D arrays of cell by cell flows across the cell faces
(for structured grid models).
cell_budget_file : str, pathlike, or instance of flopy.utils.binaryfile.CellBudgetFile
File path or pointer to MODFLOW cell budget file.
binary_grid_file : str or pathlike
File path to MODFLOW 6 binary grid (``*.dis.grb``) file. Not needed for MFNWT
cell_connections_df : DataFrame
DataFrame of cell connections that can be provided as an alternative to bindary_grid_file,
to avoid having to get the connections with each call to get_qx_qy_qz. This can
be produced by the :meth:``mfsetup.grid.MFsetupGrid.intercell_connections`` method.
Must have following columns:
=== =============================================================
n from zero-based node number
kn from zero-based layer
in from zero-based row
jn from zero-based column
m to zero-based node number
kn to zero-based layer
in to zero-based row
jn to zero-based column
=== =============================================================
version : str
MODFLOW version- 'mf6' or other. If not 'mf6', the cell budget output
is assumed to be formatted similar to a MODFLOW 2005 style model.
model_top : 2D numpy array of shape (nrow, ncol)
Model top elevations (only needed for modflow 2005 style models without
a binary grid file)
model_bottom_array : 3D numpy array of shape (nlay, nrow, ncol)
Model bottom elevations (only needed for modflow 2005 style models
without a binary grid file)
kstpkper : tuple
zero-based (time step, stress period)
specific_discharge : bool
Option to return arrays of specific discharge (1D vector components)
instead of volumetric fluxes.
By default, False
headfile : str, pathlike, or instance of flopy.utils.binaryfile.HeadFile
File path or pointer to MODFLOW head file. Only required if
modelgrid : instance of MFsetupGrid object
Defaults to None, only required if specific_discharge=True
Qx, Qy, Qz : tuple of 2 or 3D numpy arrays
Volumetric or specific discharge fluxes across cell faces.
msg = 'Getting discharge...'
if specific_discharge:
msg = 'Getting specific discharge...'
ta = time.time()
if version == 'mf6':
# get the cell connections
if cell_connections_df is not None:
df = cell_connections_df
elif binary_grid_file is not None:
df = get_intercell_connections(binary_grid_file)
raise ValueError("Must specify a binary_grid_file or cell_connections_df.")
# get the flows
# this constitutes almost all of the execution time for this fn
t1 = time.time()
if isinstance(cell_budget_file, str) or isinstance(cell_budget_file, Path):
cbb = bf.CellBudgetFile(cell_budget_file)
cbb = cell_budget_file
nlay, nrow, ncol = cbb.shape
flowja = cbb.get_data(text='FLOW-JA-FACE', kstpkper=kstpkper)[0][0, 0, :]
df['q'] = flowja[df['qidx']]
print(f"getting flows from budget file took {time.time() - t1:.2f}s\n")
# get arrays of flow through cell faces
# Qx (right face; TODO: confirm direction)
rfdf = df.loc[(df['jn'] < df['jm'])]
nlay = rfdf['km'].max() + 1
qx = np.zeros((nlay, nrow, ncol))
qx[rfdf['kn'].values, rfdf['in'].values, rfdf['jn'].values] = -rfdf.q.values
# Qy (front face; TODO: confirm direction)
ffdf = df.loc[(df['in'] < df['im'])]
qy = np.zeros((nlay, nrow, ncol))
qy[ffdf['kn'].values, ffdf['in'].values, ffdf['jn'].values] = -ffdf.q.values
# Qz (bottom face; TODO: confirm that this is downward positive)
bfdf = df.loc[(df['kn'] < df['km'])]
qz = np.zeros((nlay, nrow, ncol))
qz[bfdf['kn'].values, bfdf['in'].values, bfdf['jn'].values] = -bfdf.q.values
if isinstance(cell_budget_file, str) or isinstance(cell_budget_file, Path):
cbb = bf.CellBudgetFile(cell_budget_file)
cbb = cell_budget_file
qx = cbb.get_data(text="flow right face", kstpkper=kstpkper)[0]
qy = cbb.get_data(text="flow front face", kstpkper=kstpkper)[0]
unique_rec_names = [bs.decode().strip().lower() for bs in cbb.get_unique_record_names()]
if "flow lower face" in unique_rec_names:
qz = cbb.get_data(text="flow lower face", kstpkper=kstpkper)[0]
qz = np.zeros_like(qy)
# optionally get specific discharge
if specific_discharge:
if modelgrid is None:
raise Exception('specific discharge calculations require a modelgrid input')
if headfile is None:
print('No headfile object provided - thickness for specific discharge calculations\n' +
'will be based on the model top rather than the water table')
thickness = modelgrid.cell_thickness
if isinstance(headfile, str) or isinstance(headfile, Path):
hds = bf.HeadFile(headfile).get_data(kstpkper=kstpkper)
hds = headfile.get_data(kstpkper=kstpkper)
thickness = modelgrid.saturated_thickness(array=hds)
delr_gridp, delc_gridp = np.meshgrid(modelgrid.delr,
nlay, nrow, ncol = modelgrid.shape
# multiply average thickness by width (along rows or cols) to
# obtain cross sectional area on the faces
qy_face_areas = np.tile(delr_gridp[:-1,:], (nlay,1,1)) * \
# the above calculation results in a missing dimension ( only internal faces are
# calculated ) so we concatenate on a repetition of the final row or column
qy_face_areas = np.concatenate([qy_face_areas,
np.expand_dims(qy_face_areas[:,-1,:], axis=1)], axis=1)
qx_face_areas = np.tile(delc_gridp[:,:-1], (nlay,1,1)) * \
qx_face_areas = np.concatenate([qx_face_areas,
np.expand_dims(qx_face_areas[:,:,-1], axis=2)], axis=2)
# z direction is simply delr * delc across all layers
qz_face_areas = np.tile(delr_gridp * delc_gridp, (nlay,1,1))
# divide by the areas resulting in normalized, specific discharge
qx /= qx_face_areas
qy /= qy_face_areas
qz /= qz_face_areas
print(f"{msg} took {time.time() - ta:.2f}s\n")
return qx, qy, qz
class Tmr:
Class for general telescopic mesh refinement of a MODFLOW model. Head or
flux fields from parent model are interpolated to boundary cells of
inset model, which may be in any configuration (jagged, rotated, etc.).
parent_model : flopy model instance instance of parent model
Must have a valid, attached ``modelgrid`` attribute that is an instance of
inset_model : flopy model instance instance of inset model
Must have a valid, attached ``modelgrid`` attribute that is an instance of
parent_head_file : filepath
MODFLOW binary head output
parent_cell_budget_file : filepath
MODFLOW binary cell budget output
parent_binary_grid_file : filepath
MODFLOW 6 binary grid file (``*.grb``)
define_connections : str, {'max_active_extent', 'by_layer'}
Method for defining perimeter cells where the TMR boundary
condition will be applied. If 'max_active_extent', the
maximum footprint of the active area (including all cell
locations with at least one layer that is active) will be used.
If 'by_layer', the perimeter of the active area in each layer will be used
(excluding any interior clusters of active cells). The 'by_layer'
option is potentially problematic if some layers have substantial
areas of pinched-out (idomain != 1) cells, which may result
in perimeter boundary condition cells getting placed too close
to the area of interest. By default, 'max_active_extent'.
def __init__(self, parent_model, inset_model,
parent_head_file=None, parent_cell_budget_file=None,
boundary_type=None, inset_parent_period_mapping=None,
parent_start_date_time=None, source_mask=None,
self.parent = parent_model
self.inset = inset_model
self.parent_head_file = parent_head_file
self.parent_cell_budget_file = parent_cell_budget_file
self.parent_binary_grid_file = parent_binary_grid_file
self.define_connections_by = define_connections_by
self.shapefile = shapefile
self.boundary_type = boundary_type
if boundary_type is None and parent_head_file is not None:
self.boundary_type = 'head'
elif boundary_type is None and parent_cell_budget_file is not None:
self.boundary_type = 'flux'
self.parent_start_date_time = parent_start_date_time
# Path for writing auxilliary output tables
# (boundary_cells.shp, etc.)
if hasattr(self.inset, '_tables_path'):
self._tables_path = Path(self.inset._tables_path)
self._tables_path = Path(self.inset.model_ws) / 'tables'
self._tables_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# properties
self._idomain = None
self._inset_boundary_cells = None
self._inset_parent_period_mapping = inset_parent_period_mapping
self._interp_weights_heads = None
self._interp_weights_flux = None
self._source_mask = source_mask
self._inset_zone_within_parent = None
def idomain(self):
"""Active area of the inset model.
if self._idomain is None:
if self.inset.version == 'mf6':
idomain = self.inset.dis.idomain.array
if idomain is None:
idomain = np.ones_like(self.inset.dis.botm.array, dtype=int)
idomain = self.inset.bas6.ibound.array
self._idomain = idomain
return self._idomain
def inset_boundary_cells(self):
if self._inset_boundary_cells is None:
by_layer = self.define_connections_by == 'by_layer'
df = self.get_inset_boundary_cells(by_layer=by_layer)
x, y, z = self.inset.modelgrid.xyzcellcenters
df['x'] = x[df.i, df.j]
df['y'] = y[df.i, df.j]
df['z'] = z[df.k, df.i, df.j]
self._inset_boundary_cells = df
self._interp_weights = None
return self._inset_boundary_cells
def inset_parent_period_mapping(self):
nper = self.inset.nper
# if mapping between source and dest model periods isn't specified
# assume one to one mapping of stress periods between models
if self._inset_parent_period_mapping is None:
parent_periods = list(range(self.parent.nper))
self._inset_parent_period_mapping = {i: parent_periods[i]
if i < self.parent.nper else parent_periods[-1] for i in range(nper)}
return self._inset_parent_period_mapping
def inset_parent_period_mapping(self, inset_parent_period_mapping):
self._inset_parent_period_mapping = inset_parent_period_mapping
def interp_weights_flux(self):
"""For the two main directions of flux (i, j) and the four orientations of
inset faces to interpolate to (right.left,top,bottom
we can precalulate the interpolation weights of the combinations to speed up
if self._interp_weights_flux is None:
self._interp_weights_flux = dict() # we need four flux directions for the insets
# x, y, z locations of parent model head values for i faces
ipx, ipy, ipz = self.x_iface_parent, self.y_iface_parent, self.z_iface_parent
# x, y, z locations of parent model head values for j faces
jpx, jpy, jpz = self.x_jface_parent, self.y_jface_parent, self.z_jface_parent
# these are the i-direction fluxes
x,y,z = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[
self._interp_weights_flux['iface'] = interp_weights((ipx, ipy, ipz), (x, y, z), d=3)
assert not np.any(np.isnan(self._interp_weights_flux['iface'][1]))
# these are the j-direction fluxes
x,y,z = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[
self._interp_weights_flux['jface'] = interp_weights((jpx, jpy, jpz), (x, y, z), d=3)
assert not np.any(np.isnan(self._interp_weights_flux['jface'][1]))
return self._interp_weights_flux
def parent_xyzcellcenters(self):
"""Get x, y, z locations of parent cells in a buffered area
(defined by the _source_grid_mask property) around the
inset model."""
px, py, pz = self.parent.modelgrid.xyzcellcenters
# add an extra layer on the top and bottom
# for inset model cells above or below
# the last cell center in the vert. direction
# pad top by top layer thickness
b1 = - self.parent.modelgrid.botm[0]
top = pz[0] + b1
# pad botm by botm layer thickness
if self.parent.modelgrid.shape[0] > 1:
b2 = -np.diff(self.parent.modelgrid.botm[-2:], axis=0)[0]
b2 = b1
botm = pz[-1] - b2
pz = np.vstack([[top], pz, [botm]])
nlay, nrow, ncol = pz.shape
px = np.tile(px, (nlay, 1, 1))
py = np.tile(py, (nlay, 1, 1))
mask = self._source_grid_mask
# mask already has extra top/botm layers
# (_source_grid_mask property)
px = px[mask]
py = py[mask]
pz = pz[mask]
return px, py, pz
def parent_xyzcellfacecenters(self):
"""Get x, y, z locations of the centroids of the cell faces
in the row and column directions in a buffered area
(defined by the _source_grid_mask property) around the
inset model. Analogous to parent_xyzcellcenters, but for
interpolating parent model cell by cell fluxes that are located
at the cell face centers (instead of heads that are located
at the cell centers).
#px, py, pz = self.parent.modelgrid.xyzcellcenters
k, i, j = np.indices(self.parent.modelgrid.shape)
xyzcellfacecenters = {}
for cellface in 'right', 'bottom':
px, py, pz = get_cellface_midpoint(self.parent.modelgrid,
k, i, j,
px = np.reshape(px, self.parent.modelgrid.shape)
py = np.reshape(py, self.parent.modelgrid.shape)
pz = np.reshape(pz, self.parent.modelgrid.shape)
# add an extra layer on the top and bottom
# for inset model cells above or below
# the last cell center in the vert. direction
# pad top by top layer thickness
b1 = - self.parent.modelgrid.botm[0]
top = pz[0] + b1
# pad botm by botm layer thickness
if self.parent.modelgrid.shape[0] > 1:
b2 = -np.diff(self.parent.modelgrid.botm[-2:], axis=0)[0]
b2 = b1
botm = pz[-1] - b2
pz = np.vstack([[top], pz, [botm]])
nlay, nrow, ncol = pz.shape
px = np.tile(px, (nlay, 1, 1))
py = np.tile(py, (nlay, 1, 1))
mask = self._source_grid_mask
# mask already has extra top/botm layers
# (_source_grid_mask property)
px = px[mask]
py = py[mask]
pz = pz[mask]
xyzcellfacecenters[cellface] = px, py, pz
return xyzcellfacecenters
def _inset_max_active_area(self):
"""The maximum (2D) footprint of the active area within the inset
model grid, where each i, j location has at least 1 active cell
vertically, excluding any inactive holes that are surrounded by
active cells.
# get the max footprint of active cells
max_active_area = np.sum(self.idomain > 0, axis=0) > 0
# fill any holes within the max footprint
# including any LGR areas (that are inactive in this model)
# set min cluster size to 1 greater than number of inactive cells
# (to not allow any holes)
minimum_cluster_size = np.sum(max_active_area == 0) + 1
# find_remove_isolated_cells fills clusters of 1s with 0s
# to fill holes, we want to look for clusters of 0s and fill with 1s
to_fill = ~max_active_area
# pad the array to fill so that exterior inactive cells
# (outside the active area perimeter) aren't included
to_fill = np.pad(to_fill, pad_width=1, mode='reflect')
# invert the result to get True values for active cells and filled areas
filled = ~find_remove_isolated_cells(to_fill, minimum_cluster_size)
# de-pad the result
filled = filled[1:-1, 1:-1]
max_active_area = filled
return max_active_area
def inset_zone_within_parent(self):
"""The footprint of the inset model maximum active area footprint
(``Tmr._inset_max_active_area``) within the parentmodel grid.
In other words, all parent cells containing one or inset
model cell centers within ``Tmr._inset_max_active_area`` (ones).
Zeros indicate parent cells with no inset cells.
# get the locations of the inset model cells within _inset_max_active_area
x, y, z = self.inset.modelgrid.xyzcellcenters
x = x[self._inset_max_active_area]
y = y[self._inset_max_active_area]
pi, pj = get_ij(self.parent.modelgrid, x, y)
inset_zone_within_parent = np.zeros((self.parent.modelgrid.nrow,
self.parent.modelgrid.ncol), dtype=bool)
inset_zone_within_parent[pi, pj] = True
return inset_zone_within_parent
def _source_grid_mask(self):
"""Boolean array indicating window in parent model grid (subset of cells)
that encompass the inset model domain. Used to speed up interpolation
of parent grid values onto inset grid."""
if self._source_mask is None:
mask = np.zeros((self.parent.modelgrid.nrow,
self.parent.modelgrid.ncol), dtype=bool)
if hasattr(self.inset, 'parent_mask') and \
(self.inset.parent_mask.shape == self.parent.modelgrid.xcellcenters.shape):
mask = self.inset.parent_mask
#x, y = np.squeeze(self.inset.modelgrid.bbox.exterior.coords.xy)
l, r, b, t = self.inset.modelgrid.extent
x = np.array([r, r, l, l, r])
y = np.array([b, t, t, b, b])
pi, pj = get_ij(self.parent.modelgrid, x, y)
pad = 3
i0 = np.max([pi.min() - pad, 0])
i1 = np.min([pi.max() + pad + 1, self.parent.modelgrid.nrow])
j0 = np.max([pj.min() - pad, 0])
j1 = np.min([pj.max() + pad + 1, self.parent.modelgrid.ncol])
mask[i0:i1, j0:j1] = True
# make the mask 3D
# include extra layer for top and bottom edges of model
mask3d = np.tile(mask, (self.parent.modelgrid.nlay + 2, 1, 1))
self._source_mask = mask3d
elif len(self._source_mask.shape) == 2:
mask3d = np.tile(self._source_mask, (self.parent.modelgrid.nlay + 2, 1, 1))
self._source_mask = mask3d
return self._source_mask
def get_inset_boundary_cells(self, by_layer=False, shapefile=None):
"""Get a dataframe of connection information for
horizontal boundary cells.
by_layer : bool
Controls how boundary cells will be defined. If True,
the perimeter of the active area in each layer will be used
(excluding any interior clusters of active cells). If
False, the maximum footprint of the active area
(including all cell locations with at least one layer that
is active).
print('\ngetting perimeter cells...')
t0 = time.time()
if shapefile is None:
shapefile = self.shapefile
if shapefile:
perimeter = gp.read_file(shapefile)
perimeter = perimeter[['geometry']]
# reproject the perimeter shapefile to the model CRS if needed
if !=
perimeter.to_crs(, inplace=True)
# convert polygons to linear rings
# (so just the cells along the polygon exterior are selected)
geoms = []
for g in perimeter.geometry:
if g.type == 'MultiPolygon':
g = MultiLineString([p.exterior for p in g.geoms])
elif g.type == 'Polygon':
g = g.exterior
# add a buffer of 1 cell width so that cells aren't missed
# extra cells will get culled later
# when only cells along the outer perimeter (max idomain extent)
# are selected
buffer_dist = np.mean([self.inset.modelgrid.delr.mean(),
perimeter['geometry'] = [g.buffer(buffer_dist * 0.5) for g in geoms]
grid_df = self.inset.modelgrid.get_dataframe(layers=False)
df = gp.sjoin(grid_df, perimeter, predicate='intersects', how='inner')
# add layers
dfs = []
for k in range(self.inset.modelgrid.nlay):
kdf = df.copy()
kdf['k'] = k
specified_bcells = pd.concat(dfs)
# get the active extent in each layer
# and the cell faces along the edge
# apply those cell faces to specified_bcells
by_layer = True
specified_bcells = None
if not by_layer:
# attached the filled array as an attribute
max_active_area = self._inset_max_active_area
# pad filled idomain array with zeros around the edge
# so that perimeter connections are identified
filled = np.pad(max_active_area, 1, constant_values=0)
filled3d = np.tile(filled, (self.idomain.shape[0], 1, 1))
df = get_horizontal_connections(filled3d, connection_info=False)
# deincrement rows and columns
# so that they reflect positions in the non-padded array
df['i'] -= 1
df['j'] -= 1
dfs = []
for k, layer_idomain in enumerate(self.idomain):
# just get the perimeter of inactive cells
# (exclude any interior active cells)
# start by filling any interior active cells
from scipy.ndimage import binary_fill_holes
binary_idm = layer_idomain > 0
filled = binary_fill_holes(binary_idm)
# pad filled idomain array with zeros around the edge
# so that perimeter connections are identified
filled = np.pad(filled, 1, constant_values=0)
# get the cells along the inside edge
# of the model active area perimeter,
# via a sobel filter
df = get_horizontal_connections(filled, connection_info=False)
df['k'] = k
# deincrement rows and columns
# so that they reflect positions in the non-padded array
df['i'] -= 1
df['j'] -= 1
df = pd.concat(dfs)
# cull the boundary cells identified above
# with the sobel filter on the outer perimeter
# to just the cells specified in the shapefile
if specified_bcells is not None:
df['cellid'] = list(zip(df.k, df.i, df.j))
specified_bcells['cellid'] = list(zip(specified_bcells.k, specified_bcells.i, specified_bcells.j))
df = df.loc[df.cellid.isin(specified_bcells.cellid)]
# add layer top and bottom and idomain information
layer_tops = np.stack([] +
[l for l in self.inset.dis.botm.array])[:-1]
df['top'] = layer_tops[df.k, df.i, df.j]
df['botm'] = self.inset.dis.botm.array[df.k, df.i, df.j]
df['idomain'] = 1
if self.inset.version == 'mf6':
df['idomain'] = self.idomain[df.k, df.i, df.j]
elif 'BAS6' in self.inset.get_package_list():
df['idomain'] = self.inset.bas6.ibound.array[df.k, df.i, df.j]
df = df[['k', 'i', 'j', 'cellface', 'top', 'botm', 'idomain']]
# drop inactive cells
df = df.loc[df['idomain'] > 0]
# get cell polygons from modelgrid
# write shapefile of boundary cells with face information
grid_df = self.inset.modelgrid.dataframe.copy()
grid_df['cellid'] = list(zip(grid_df.k, grid_df.i, grid_df.j))
geoms = dict(zip(grid_df['cellid'], grid_df['geometry']))
if 'cellid' not in df.columns:
df['cellid'] = list(zip(df.k, df.i, df.j))
df['geometry'] = [geoms[cellid] for cellid in df.cellid]
df = gp.GeoDataFrame(df,
outshp = Path(self._tables_path, 'boundary_cells.shp')
df.drop('cellid', axis=1).to_file(outshp)
print(f"wrote {outshp}")
print("perimeter cells took {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
return df
def get_inset_boundary_values(self, for_external_files=False):
if self.boundary_type == 'head':
hdsobj = bf.HeadFile(self.parent_head_file) # , precision='single')
all_kstpkper = hdsobj.get_kstpkper()
last_steps = {kper: kstp for kstp, kper in all_kstpkper}
# create an interpolator instance
cell_centers_interp = Interpolator(self.parent_xyzcellcenters,
self.inset_boundary_cells[['x', 'y', 'z']].T.values,
# compute the weights
_ = cell_centers_interp.interp_weights
print('\ngetting perimeter heads...')
t0 = time.time()
dfs = []
parent_periods = []
for inset_per, parent_per in self.inset_parent_period_mapping.items():
print(f'for stress period {inset_per}', end=', ')
t1 = time.time()
# skip getting data if parent period is already represented
# (heads will be reused)
if parent_per in parent_periods:
parent_kstpkper = last_steps[parent_per], parent_per
parent_heads = hdsobj.get_data(kstpkper=parent_kstpkper)
# pad the parent heads on the top and bottom
# so that inset cells above and below the top/bottom cell centers
# will be within the interpolation space
# (parent x, y, z locations already contain this pad; parent_xyzcellcenters)
parent_heads = np.pad(parent_heads, pad_width=1, mode='edge')[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
# interpolate inset boundary heads from 3D parent head solution
heads = cell_centers_interp.interpolate(parent_heads, method='linear')
#heads = griddata((px, py, pz), parent_heads.ravel(),
# (x, y, z), method='linear')
# make a DataFrame of interpolated heads at perimeter cell locations
df = self.inset_boundary_cells.copy()
df['per'] = inset_per
df['head'] = heads
# boundary heads must be greater than the cell bottom
# and idomain > 0
loc = (df['head'] > df['botm']) & (df['idomain'] > 0)
df = df.loc[loc]
# drop invalid heads (most likely due to dry cells)
valid = (df['head'] < 1e10) & (df['head'] > -1e10)
df = df.loc[valid]
print("took {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t1))
df = pd.concat(dfs)
# drop duplicate cells (accounting for stress periods)
# (that may have connections in the x and y directions,
# and therefore would be listed twice)
df['cellid'] = list(zip(df.per, df.k, df.i, df.j))
duplicates = df.duplicated(subset=['cellid'])
df = df.loc[~duplicates, ['k', 'i', 'j', 'per', 'head']]
print("getting perimeter heads took {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
elif self.boundary_type == 'flux':
if self.parent.version == 'mf6':
if self.parent_binary_grid_file is None:
raise ValueError('Specified flux perimeter boundary requires a parent_binary_grid_file if parent is MF6')
fileobj = bf.CellBudgetFile(self.parent_cell_budget_file) # , precision='single')
all_kstpkper = fileobj.get_kstpkper()
last_steps = {kper: kstp for kstp, kper in all_kstpkper}
print('\ngetting perimeter fluxes...')
t0 = time.time()
dfs = []
parent_periods = []
# TODO: consider refactoring to move this into its own function
# * handle vertical fluxes
# * possibly handle rotated inset with differnt angle than parent - now assuming colinear
# * Handle the geometry issues for the inset
# * need to locate edge faces (x,y,z) based on which faces is out (e.g. left, right, up, down)
# TODO: refactor self.inset_boundary_cells
# it's probably not ideal to have self.inset_boundary_cells
# be a 'public' attribute that gets modified every stress period
# but without any information tying the current state of it
# to a specific stress period. It should either have all stress periods
# or the stress period-specific information
# (the fluxes and cell thickness if we are considering sat. thickness)
# pulled out into a separate container
# make a dataframe to store these
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces = self.inset_boundary_cells.copy()
# get the locations of the boundary face midpoints
x, y, z = get_cellface_midpoint(self.inset.modelgrid,
*self.inset_boundary_cells[['k', 'i', 'j', 'cellface']].T.values)
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['x'] = x
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['y'] = y
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['z'] = z
# renaming columns to be clear now x,y,z, is for the outer cell face
#self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.rename(columns={'x':'xface','y':'yface','z':'zface'}, inplace=True)
# convert x,y coordinates to model coords from world coords
#self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.xface, self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.yface = \
# self.inset.modelgrid.get_local_coords(self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.xface, self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.yface)
# calculate the thickness to later get the area
# TODO: consider saturated thickness instead, but this would require interpolating parent heads to inset cell locations
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['thickness'] = - self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.botm
# populate cell face widths
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['width'] = np.nan
left_right_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['cellface'].isin({'left', 'right'})
# left and right faces are along columns
rows = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[left_right_faces, 'i']
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[left_right_faces, 'width'] = self.inset.modelgrid.delc[rows]
# top and bottom faces are along rows
top_bottom_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['cellface'].isin({'top', 'bottom'})
columns = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[top_bottom_faces, 'j']
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[top_bottom_faces, 'width'] = self.inset.modelgrid.delr[columns]
assert not self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['width'].isna().any()
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['face_area'] = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['width'] *\
# pre-seed the area as thickness to later mult by width
#self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['face_area'] = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['thickness'].values
# placeholder for interpolated values
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['q_interp'] = np.nan
# placeholder for flux to well package
# self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['Q'] = np.nan
# make a grid of the spacings
#delr_gridi, delc_gridi = np.meshgrid(self.inset.modelgrid.delr, self.inset.modelgrid.delc)
#for cn in self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface.unique():
# curri = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn].i
# currj = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn].j
# curr_delc = delc_gridi[curri, currj]
# curr_delr = delr_gridi[curri, currj]
# if cn == 'top':
# #self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'yface'] += curr_delc/2
# self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'face_area'] *= curr_delr
# elif cn == 'bottom':
# #self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'yface'] -= curr_delc/2
# self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'face_area'] *= curr_delr
# if cn == 'right':
# #self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'xface'] += curr_delr/2
# self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'face_area'] *= curr_delc
# elif cn == 'left':
# #self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'xface'] -= curr_delr/2
# self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface==cn, 'face_area'] *= curr_delc
# Now handle the geometry issues for the parent
# first thicknesses (at cell centers)
parent_thick = self.parent.modelgrid.cell_thickness
# make matrices of the row and column spacings
# NB --> trying to preserve the always seemingly
# backwards delr/delc definitions
# also note - for now, taking average thickness at a connected face
# need XYZ locations of the center of each face for
# iface and jface edges (faces)
# NB edges are returned in model coordinates
#xloc_edge, yloc_edge = self.parent.modelgrid.xyedges
#nlay = self.parent.modelgrid.nlay
#nrow = self.parent.modelgrid.nrow
#ncol = self.parent.modelgrid.ncol
## throw out the left and top edges, respectively
## tile out to full dimensions of the grid
#xloc_edge = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(xloc_edge),(nlay+2,nrow,1))
#yloc_edge = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(yloc_edge).T,(nlay+2,1,ncol))
## TODO: implement vertical fluxes
#''' parent_vface_areas = np.tile(delc_grid, (nlay,1,1)) * \
# np.tile(delr_grid, (nlay,1,1))
#xloc_center, yloc_center = self.parent.modelgrid.xycenters
## tile out to full dimensions of the grid
#xloc_center = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(xloc_center),(nlay+2,nrow,1))
#yloc_center = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(yloc_center).T,(nlay+2,1,ncol))
## get the vertical centroids initially at cell centroids
#zloc = (self.parent.modelgrid.top_botm[:-1,:,:] +
# self.parent.modelgrid.top_botm[1:,:,:] ) / 2
## pad in the vertical above and below the model
#zpadtop = np.expand_dims(self.parent.modelgrid.top_botm[0,:,:] + parent_thick[0], axis=0)
#zpadbotm = np.expand_dims(self.parent.modelgrid.top_botm[-1,:,:] - parent_thick[-1], axis=0)
## for iface, all cols, nrow-1 rows
#self.x_iface_parent = xloc_center[:,:-1,:].ravel()
#self.y_iface_parent = yloc_edge[:,:,:-1].ravel()
## need to calculate the average z location along rows
#self.z_iface_parent = ((zloc[:,:-1,:]+zloc[:,1:,:]) / 2).ravel()
## for jface, all rows, ncol-1 cols
#self.x_jface_parent = xloc_edge[:,:-1,:].ravel()
#self.y_jface_parent = yloc_center[:,:,:-1].ravel()
## need to calculate the average z location along columns
#self.z_jface_parent = ((zloc[:,:,:-1]+zloc[:,:,1:]) / 2).ravel()
## for kface, all cols, all rows
#self.x_kface_parent = xloc_center.ravel()
#self.y_kface_parent = yloc_center.ravel()
## for zlocations, -1 layers
#self.z_kface_parent = zloc.ravel()
## get the perimeter cells and calculate the weights
#_ = self.interp_weights_flux
# interpolate parent face centers
# (where the cell by cell flows and specific discharge values are located)
# to inset face centers along the exterior sides of the boundary cells
# (the edge of the inset model, where the boundary fluxes will be located)
# interpolate parent y fluxes (column parallel)
# to inset boundary cell face centers
#px = self.x_iface_parent
#py = self.y_iface_parent
#pz = self.z_iface_parent
px, py, pz = self.parent_xyzcellcenters
#px, py, pz = self.parent_xyzcellfacecenters['bottom']
iface_interp = Interpolator((px, py, pz),
#self.inset_boundary_cell_faces[['x', 'y', 'z']].T.values,
self.inset_boundary_cells[['x', 'y', 'z']].T.values,
d=3, source_values_mask=self._source_grid_mask
_ = iface_interp.interp_weights
# interpolate parent x fluxes (row parallel)
# to inset boundary cell face centers
#px = self.x_jface_parent
#py = self.y_jface_parent
#pz = self.z_jface_parent
#px, py, pz = self.parent_xyzcellfacecenters['right']
#jface_interp = Interpolator((px, py, pz),
# #self.inset_boundary_cell_faces[['x', 'y', 'z']].T.values,
# self.inset_boundary_cells[['x', 'y', 'z']].T.values,
# d=3, source_values_mask=self._source_grid_mask
# )
#_ = jface_interp.interp_weights
#kface_interp = Interpolator((self.x_kface_parent, self.y_kface_parent, self.z_kface_parent),
# self.inset_boundary_cells[['x', 'y', 'z']].T.values,
# d=3)
#_ = kface_interp.interp_weights
# get a dataframe of cell connections
# (that can be reused with subsequent stress periods)
cell_connections_df = None
if self.parent.version == 'mf6':
cell_connections_df = get_intercell_connections(self.parent_binary_grid_file)
for inset_per, parent_per in self.inset_parent_period_mapping.items():
print(f'for stress period {inset_per}', end=', ')
t1 = time.time()
# skip getting data if parent period is already represented
# (heads will be reused)
if parent_per in parent_periods:
parent_kstpkper = last_steps[parent_per], parent_per
# get parent specific discharge for inset area
qx, qy, qz = get_qx_qy_qz(self.parent_cell_budget_file,
# pad the two parent flux arrays on the top and bottom
# so that inset cells above and below the top/bottom cell centers
# will be within the interpolation space
qx = np.pad(qx, pad_width=1, mode='edge')[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
qy = np.pad(qy, pad_width=1, mode='edge')[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
qz = np.pad(qz, pad_width=1, mode='edge')[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
# TODO: consider padding or not on top, left, and "top (row-wise)"
# (parent x, y, z locations already contain this pad - see zloc above)
#q_iface = np.pad(q_iface, pad_width=1, mode='edge')[:, 1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()
#q_jface = np.pad(q_jface, pad_width=1, mode='edge')[:, 1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()
# TODO: refactor interpolation to use the new interpolator object - DONE: see above
# interpolate q at the four different face orientations (e.g. fluxdir)
# interpolate inset boundary heads from 3D parent head solution
t2 = time.time()
y_flux = iface_interp.interpolate(qy, method='linear')
x_flux = iface_interp.interpolate(qx, method='linear')
# v_flux = kface_interp.interpolate(qz, method='linear')
f"interpolation took {time.time() - t2:.2f}s"
t2 = time.time()
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.assign(
# assign q values and flip the sign for flux counter to the CBB convention directions of right and bottom
top_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface == 'top'
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[top_faces, 'q_interp'] = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[top_faces, 'qy_interp']
bottom_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface == 'bottom'
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[bottom_faces, 'q_interp'] = -self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[bottom_faces, 'qy_interp']
left_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface == 'left'
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[left_faces, 'q_interp'] = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[left_faces, 'qx_interp']
right_faces = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.cellface == 'right'
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[right_faces, 'q_interp'] = -self.inset_boundary_cell_faces.loc[right_faces, 'qx_interp']
# convert specific discharge in inset cells to Q -- flux for well package
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['q'] = \
self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['q_interp'] * self.inset_boundary_cell_faces['face_area']
# make a DataFrame of boundary fluxes at perimeter cell locations
df = self.inset_boundary_cell_faces[['k','i','j','idomain','q']].copy()
# aggregate fluxes by cell
# so that we are accurately compare to the WELL package budget in the listing file
#by_cell = df.groupby('cellid').first()
#by_cell['q'] = df.groupby('cellid').sum()['q']
## drop the cellid index
#by_cell.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df['per'] = inset_per
# boundary fluxes must be in active cells
# corresponding parent cells must be active too,
# otherwise a nan flux will be produced
# drop nan fluxes, which will revert these boundary cells to the
# default no-flow condition in MODFLOW
# (consistent with parent model cell being inactive)
keep = (df['idomain'] > 0) & ~df['q'].isna()
f"assigning face fluxes took {time.time() - t2:.2f}s"
print(f"took {time.time() - t1:.2f}s total")
df = pd.concat(dfs)
# drop duplicate cells (accounting for stress periods)
# (that may have connections in the x and y directions,
# and therefore would be listed twice)
#df['cellid'] = list(zip(df.per, df.k, df.i, df.j))
#duplicates = df.duplicated(subset=['cellid'])
#df = df.loc[~duplicates, ['k', 'i', 'j', 'per', 'q']]
print("getting perimeter fluxes took {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
# convert to one-based and comment out header if df will be written straight to external file
if for_external_files:
df.rename(columns={'k': '#k'}, inplace=True)
df['#k'] += 1
df['i'] += 1
df['j'] += 1
return df