========================== Configuration File Gallery ========================== Below are example (valid) configuration files from the modflow-setup test suite. The yaml files and the datasets they reference can be found under ``modflow-setup/mfsetup/tests/data/``. Shellmound test case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 13 layer MODFLOW-6 model with no parent model * 9 layers specified with raster surfaces; with remaining 4 layers subdividing the raster surfaces * `vertical pass-through cells`_ at locations of layer pinch-outs (``drop_thin_cells: True`` option) * variable time discretization * model grid aligned with the `National Hydrologic Grid`_ * recharge read from NetCDF source data * SFR network created from custom hydrography * WEL package created from CSV input .. literalinclude:: ../../mfsetup/tests/data/shellmound.yml :language: yaml :linenos: Shellmound TMR inset test case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 13 layer MODFLOW-6 Telescopic Mesh Refinement (TMR) model with a MODFLOW-6 parent model * 1:1 layer mapping between parent and TMR inset (default) * parent model grid defined with a SpatialReference subblock (which overrides information in MODFLOW Namefile) * DIS package top and bottom elevations copied from parent model * IC, NPF, STO, RCH, and WEL packages copied from parent model (default if not specified in config file) * :ref:`default OC configuration ` * variable time discretization * model grid aligned with the `National Hydrologic Grid`_ * SFR network created from custom hydrography .. literalinclude:: ../../mfsetup/tests/data/shellmound_tmr_inset.yml :language: yaml :linenos: Pleasant Lake test case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * MODFLOW-6 model with local grid refinement (LGR) * LGR parent model is itself a Telescopic Mesh Refinment (TMR) inset from a MODFLOW-NWT model * Layer 1 in TMR parent model is subdivided evenly into two layers in LGR model (``botm: from_parent: 0: -0.5``). Other layers mapped explicitly between TMR parent and LGR model. * starting heads from LGR parent model resampled from binary output from the TMR parent * rch, npf, sto, and wel input copied from parent model * SFR package constructed from an NHDPlus v2 dataset (path to NHDPlus files in the same structure as the `downloads from the NHDPlus website`_) * head observations from csv files with different column names * LGR inset extent based on a buffer distance around a feature of interest * LGR inset dis, ic, npf, sto and rch packages copied from LGR parent * WEL package created from custom format * Lake package created from polygon features, bathymetry raster, stage-area-volume file and climate data from `PRISM`_. * Lake package observations set up automatically (output file for each lake) LGR parent model configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/pleasant_lgr_parent.yml :language: yaml :linenos: pleasant_lgr_inset.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/pleasant_lgr_inset.yml :language: yaml :linenos: Pleasant Lake MODFLOW-NWT test case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * MODFLOW-NWT TMR inset from a MODFLOW-NWT model * Layer 1 in parent model is subdivided evenly into two layers in the inset model (``botm: from_parent: 0: -0.5``). Other layers mapped explicitly between TMR parent and LGR model. * starting heads resampled from binary output from the TMR parent * RCH, UPW and WEL input copied from parent model * SFR package constructed from an NHDPlus v2 dataset (path to NHDPlus files in the same structure as the `downloads from the NHDPlus website`_) * HYDMOD package for head observations from csv files with different column names * WEL package created from custom format * Lake package created from polygon features, bathymetry raster, stage-area-volume file and climate data from `PRISM`_. * Lake package observations set up automatically (output file for each lake) * GHB package created from polygon feature and DEM raster .. literalinclude:: ../../mfsetup/tests/data/pleasant_nwt_test.yml :language: yaml :linenos: Plainfield Lakes MODFLOW-NWT test case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * MODFLOW-NWT TMR inset from a MODFLOW-NWT model * Layer 1 in parent model is subdivided evenly into two layers in the inset model (``botm: from_parent: 0: -0.5``). Other layers mapped explicitly between TMR parent and LGR model. * starting heads resampled from binary output from the TMR parent * Temporally constant recharge specified from raster file, with multiplier * WEL package created from custom format * MNW2 package with dictionary input * UPW input copied from parent model * HYDMOD package for head observations from csv files with different column names * WEL package created from custom format and dictionary input * WEL package configured to use average for a specified period (period 0) and specified month (period 1 on) * Lake package created from polygon features, bathymetry raster, stage-area-volume file * Lake package precipitation and evaporation specified directly * Lake package observations set up automatically (output file for each lake) .. literalinclude:: ../../mfsetup/tests/data/pfl_nwt_test.yml :language: yaml :linenos: .. _downloads from the NHDPlus website: https://nhdplus.com/NHDPlus/NHDPlusV2_data.php .. _vertical pass-through cells: https://water.usgs.gov/water-resources/software/MODFLOW-6/mf6io_6.1.0.pdf .. _PRISM: http://www.prism.oregonstate.edu/ .. _National Hydrologic Grid: https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5a95dd5de4b06990606a805e