MODFLOW Output Control

Stress period input format

Regardless of the model version (MODFLOW-2005-style or MODFLOW 6), output control can be specified in a format similar to native MODFLOW 6 input:

    0: ['save head last', 'save budget last']
    10: []
    15: ['save head last', 'save budget last']

The above period_options: block would save the head and cell budget output on the last timestep of stress periods 0 through 9, and from 15 on, but turn off output saving for stress periods 10 through 14. This behavior is consistent with MODFLOW 6 but differs from MODFLOW-2005, where each stress periods must be explicitly included for output to be written. Other options besides 'last' include all, first, frequency <frequency>, and steps <steps(<nstp)>; see the MODFLOW 6 input instructions for more details.

Output filenames and other arguments

For MODFLOW 6 models, the head_fileout_fmt and budget_fileout_fmt arguments can also be supplied to tell Flopy where to save the head and cell budget files, and how to name them. Modflow-setup fills any format specifiers ('{}') with the model name, and passes the resulting strings to the head_filerecord and budget_filerecord arguments to the flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc constructor.

  head_fileout_fmt: '{}.hds'
  budget_fileout_fmt: '{}.cbc'
    0: ['save head last', 'save budget last']

Any other valid arguments to the flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc and flopy.modflow.ModflowOc constructors can be supplied as keys in the oc: dictionary block. For example:

  unitnumber: [14, 51, 52, 53, 0]

would set the unit numbers for the head, drawdown, budget, and ibound output files. See the Flopy documentation for more details. Invalid arguments are filtered out prior to calling the constructor.

Alternative stress period input formats

As with other arguments, stress period input can also be directly specified in the Flopy input formats. For example, stress_period_data could be supplied for a MODFLOW-2005 model as it would be supplied to the flopy.modflow.ModflowOc constructor:

    (0, 1): ['save head', 'save budget']