
Contributions are welcome from the community. Questions can be asked on the issues page. Before creating a new issue, please take a moment to search and make sure a similar issue does not already exist. If one does exist, you can comment (most simply even with just a :+1:) to show your support for that issue.

If you have direct contributions you would like considered for incorporation into the project you can fork this repository and submit a pull request for review.

Adding a Notebook

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Install the docs/docs-environment.yml python environment, which has a few extra packages for building the HTML documentation.

  3. See the existing notebooks/ for examples.

  4. When developing the notebook, pay attention to the markdown header levels:

    • # for the title, which will appear in the Table of Contents tree on the left, and as the caption for the thumbnail.

    • ## for subheaders, which will also appear in the Table of Contents tree.

    • ### and #### between subheaders, as needed.

  5. For now, each notebook title begins with the number (e.g. “01: Title”).

  6. Including output or not:

    • Currently, output in the exercise notebooks (not in the solutions/ subfolders) should be cleared prior to submitting a PR, unless the notebook is listed as excepted in notebooks/ The .github/workflows/notebook-output.yaml workflow will check for output in non-solution notebooks.

  7. Notebook execution

    • Notebooks that don’t have saved output will be executed by nbsphinx, so that the output is rendered in the HTML docs.

    • Excessive errors can be quieted by importing warnings at the top, and then including warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") within the offending cell.

    • Alternatively, screen output for a given cell can be turned off by including %%capture at the top.

  8. Testing

    • The .github/workflows/test.yaml workflow will check for successfull notebook execution.

    • If your notebook has intentional errors, consider just showing the error in a markdown block (wrapped in python`````` so that the syntax gets highlighted).

    • Otherwise, include the notebook in the xfail_notebooks list in tests/, so that the notebook gets marked as expected to fail (and doesn’t fail the test workflow).

  9. Adding the notebook to the example gallery

    • Edit the copy_notebooks list in docs/ to add the notebook. This will copy the notebook to the docs/notebooks folder so that it can be rendered in the documentation.

    • Edit part0.rst, part1.rst or bonus_examples.rst to add the notebook to the appropriate example gallery.

    • At the command line run make -C docs html

    • Check the results by entering file:///<path to your notebook> into a web browser

    • By default, the thumbnail icon is made from the last plot (if one exists). Otherwise, see the nbsphinx instructions on thumbnails to use another plot or include a static thumbnail.