SFRmaker configuration file options

Below is a comprehensive summary of the input options supported in the SFRmaker configuration file. Most keys in the YAML blocks represent arguments to methods within SFRmaker or Flopy. Additional description of method arguments is available in the SFRmaker code reference and Flopy documentation.

  1# Summary of SFRmaker configuration file options
  3package_version: mf6  # mf6, mfnwt or mf2005
  4package_name: model  # (defaults to model or simulation name if not specified)
  5output_path: "."  # where the output will be written
  8  # Shapefile option (arguments to sfrmaker.grid.StructuredGrid.from_shapefile):
  9  shapefile: None
 10  node_col: node
 11  kcol: k
 12  icol: i
 13  jcol: j
 14  isfr_col: isfr
 15  active_area: None
 16  crs: None
 17  prjfile: None
 18  # Flopy modelgrid option (arguments to flopy.discretization.StructuredGrid):
 19  delc: None
 20  delr: None
 21  top: None
 22  botm: None
 23  idomain: None
 24  lenuni: None
 25  xoff: 0.0
 26  yoff: 0.0
 27  angrot: 0.0
 28  nlay: None
 29  nrow: None
 30  ncol: None
 31  laycbd: None
 34  # Custom hydrography option (arguments to sfrmaker.Lines.from_shapefile):
 35  shapefile: None
 36  id_column: id
 37  routing_column: toid
 38  arbolate_sum_column2: asum2
 39  asum_units: km
 40  width1_column: width1
 41  width2_column: width2
 42  width_units: meters
 43  up_elevation_column: elevup
 44  dn_elevation_column: elevdn
 45  elevation_units: meters
 46  name_column: name
 47  bbox_filter: None
 48  crs: None
 49  prjfile: None
 50  # NHDPlus option (arguments to sfrmaker.Lines.from_nhdplus_v2):
 51  NHDPlus_paths: None
 52  NHDFlowlines: None
 53  PlusFlowlineVAA: None
 54  PlusFlow: None
 55  elevslope: None
 58  # Simulation information
 59  # (MODFLOW-6 only; arguments to flopy.mf6.MFSimulation.load):
 60  sim_name: modflowsim
 61  version: mf6
 62  exe_name: mf6
 63  sim_ws: .
 64  strict: True
 65  verbosity_level: 1
 66  load_only: None
 67  verify_data: False
 68  write_headers: True
 69  lazy_io: False
 70  use_pandas: True
 73  # MODFLOW-NWT or MODFLOW-2005 information
 74  # (arguments to flopy.modflow.Modflow.load):
 75  namefile: None  # "f" argument in flopy
 76  version: mf2005
 77  exe_name: mf2005
 78  verbose: False
 79  model_ws: .
 80  load_only: None
 81  forgive: False
 82  check: True
 83  extra_pkgs: None
 84  # MODFLOW-6 information
 85  # (arguments to flopy.mf6.MFSimulation.get_model):
 86  model_name: None
 89  # Option to sample streambed top elevations from a DEM
 90  # (arguments to sfrmaker.SFRData.set_streambed_top_elevations_from_dem):
 91  filename: None
 92  elevation_units: None
 93  method: buffers
 94  # keyword arguments to sfrmaker.SFRData.sample_reach_elevations:
 95  buffer_distance: 100
 96  smooth: True
 99  # Option to add specified inflows
100  # (arguments to sfrmaker.SFRData.add_to_perioddata for MODFLOW-6):
101  data: None
102  flowline_routing: None
103  variable: inflow
104  line_id_column: None
105  rno_column: None
106  period_column: per
107  data_column: Q_avg
108  one_inflow_per_path: False
109  distribute_flows_to_reaches: False
110  # (arguments to sfrmaker.SFRData.add_to_segment_data for MODFLOW-2005):
111  segment_column: segment
114  # Option to add SFR observation input
115  # (arguments to sfrmaker.SFRData.add_observations):
116  data: None
117  flowline_routing: None
118  obstype: None
119  sfrlines_shapefile: None
120  x_location_column: None
121  y_location_column: None
122  line_id_column: None
123  rno_column: None
124  obstype_column: None
125  obsname_column: site_no
126  gage_starting_unit_number: 250
129  # Option to convert parts of the SFR network
130  # downstream of specified line_ids to the RIV package:
131  line_ids: None
132  drop_in_sfr: True
135  # SFR options (arguments to sfrmaker.Lines.to_sfr):
136  active_area: None
137  isfr: None
138  model_length_units: undefined
139  model_time_units: days
140  minimum_reach_length: None
141  width_from_asum_a_param: 0.1193
142  width_from_asum_b_param: 0.5032
143  minimum_reach_width: 1.0
144  consolidate_conductance: False
145  one_reach_per_cell: False
146  add_outlets: None
147  # keyword arguments to sfrmaker.SFRData:
148  enforce_increasing_nsegs: True
149  default_slope: 0.001
150  minimum_slope: 0.0001
151  maximum_slope: 1.0