Aquifer data included
National aquifer data
Local aquifer data codes
markerTable raw data
data frame with columns Country, State, nat_aqfr_cd, long_name, and other_cd
data frame with columns long_name, nat_aqfr_cd, state_indexes, and states
data frame with aqfr_cd, Aqfr_Name_prpr
data frame with columns Trend and MarkerDescription
data frame with columns trendType, trend, markerDescription, r_lwd
#> Country State nat_aqfr_cd long_name other_cd
#> 1 US 1 N100ALLUVL Alluvial aquifers 20170106
#> 2 US 1 S100CSLLWD Coastal lowlands aquifer system 20050203
#> 3 US 1 S400FLORDN Floridan aquifer system 20050203
#> 4 US 1 S100MSEMBM Mississippi embayment aquifer system 20050203
#> 5 US 1 N500MSSPPI Mississippian aquifers 20050203
#> 6 US 1 N9999OTHER Other aquifers 20050627
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> long_name nat_aqfr_cd state_indexes states
#> <chr> <chr> <list> <list>
#> 1 Ada-Vamoosa aquifer N300ADAVMS <int [1]> <chr [1]>
#> 2 Alaska unconsolidated-deposit aquifers N100AKUNCD <int [1]> <chr [1]>
#> 3 Alluvial aquifers N100ALLUVL <int [25]> <chr [25]>
#> 4 Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer N400ABKSMP <int [1]> <chr [1]>
#> 5 Basin and Range basin-fill aquifers N100BSNRGB <int [7]> <chr [7]>
#> 6 Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifers N400BSNRGC <int [5]> <chr [5]>
#> aqfr_cd Aqfr_Name_prpr
#> 1 200CRSL Crystalline Rocks
#> 2 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
#> 3 110QRNR Quaternary System
#> 4 110QRRT Quaternary-Tertiary Systems
#> 5 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
#> 6 111CSTL Coastal Deposits