Retrieving site information

By default dataretrieval fetches the so-called “expanded” site date from the NWIS web service. However there is an optional keyword parameter called seriesCatalogOutput that can be set to “True” if you wish to retrieve the detailed period of record information for a site instead. Refer to the NWIS water services documentation for additional information. The below example illustrates the use of the seriesCatalogOutput switch and displays the resulting column names for the output dataframes (example prompted by GitHub Issue #34).

# first import the functions for downloading data from NWIS
>>> import dataretrieval.nwis as nwis

# fetch data from a major HUC basin with seriesCatalogOutput set to True
>>> df = nwis.get_record(huc='20', parameterCd='00060',
...                      service='site', seriesCatalogOutput='True')

>>> print(df.columns)
Index(['agency_cd', 'site_no', 'station_nm', 'site_tp_cd', 'dec_lat_va',
       'dec_long_va', 'coord_acy_cd', 'dec_coord_datum_cd', 'alt_va',
       'alt_acy_va', 'alt_datum_cd', 'huc_cd', 'data_type_cd', 'parm_cd',
       'stat_cd', 'ts_id', 'loc_web_ds', 'medium_grp_cd', 'parm_grp_cd',
       'srs_id', 'access_cd', 'begin_date', 'end_date', 'count_nu'],

# repeat the same query with seriesCatalogOutput set as False
>>> df = nwis.get_record(huc='20', parameterCd='00060',
...                      service='site', seriesCatalogOutput='False')

>>> print(df.columns)
Index(['agency_cd', 'site_no', 'station_nm', 'site_tp_cd', 'lat_va', 'long_va',
       'dec_lat_va', 'dec_long_va', 'coord_meth_cd', 'coord_acy_cd',
       'coord_datum_cd', 'dec_coord_datum_cd', 'district_cd', 'state_cd',
       'county_cd', 'country_cd', 'land_net_ds', 'map_nm', 'map_scale_fc',
       'alt_va', 'alt_meth_cd', 'alt_acy_va', 'alt_datum_cd', 'huc_cd',
       'basin_cd', 'topo_cd', 'instruments_cd', 'construction_dt',
       'inventory_dt', 'drain_area_va', 'contrib_drain_area_va', 'tz_cd',
       'local_time_fg', 'reliability_cd', 'gw_file_cd', 'nat_aqfr_cd',
       'aqfr_cd', 'aqfr_type_cd', 'well_depth_va', 'hole_depth_va',
       'depth_src_cd', 'project_no'],