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Use this function to create a chemical_summary, but instead of using any benchmarks, the EAR column is simply the concentration. The output of this function can be used in any of the plotting or table functions in the same way that the output of get_chemical_summary.


  chem_data = NULL,
  chem_site = NULL,
  chem_info = NULL,
  tox_names = FALSE



List with data frames for chem_data, chem_info, and chem_site. Created with create_toxEval.


Optional data frame with (at least) columns: CAS, SiteID, and Value. Default is NULL. The argument will over-ride what is in tox_list.


Optional data frame with (at least) columns: SiteID, and Short Name. Default is NULL. The argument will over-ride what is in tox_list.


Optional data frame with (at least) columns: CAS, and class. Default is NULL. The argument will over-ride what is in tox_list.


Logical whether to use the provided chemical names from the ToxCast or not. If there is not a match by CAS, the function will look for a column "Chemical" in the "Chemical" tab. If that column doesn't exist, it will create a (not good!) name.


a data frame with the columns: CAS, chnm (chemical name as a factor), site, date, EAR (which is just concentration), Bio_category, shortName (of site), Class. The output of this function is where you find EAR values for every chemical/endpoint combination.


path_to_tox <- system.file("extdata", package = "toxEval")
file_name <- "OWC_data_fromSup.xlsx"
full_path <- file.path(path_to_tox, file_name)

tox_list <- create_toxEval(full_path)

chemical_summary_conc <- get_concentration_summary(tox_list)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   CAS      site    EAR date                Bio_category endPoint shortName Class
#>   <chr>    <chr> <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>        <chr>    <chr>     <fct>
#> 1 21145-7… USGS…  0    2012-07-12 11:00:00 Concentrati… Concent… Oswego    Flav…
#> 2 57837-1… USGS…  0    2011-03-15 10:35:00 Concentrati… Concent… StLouis   Herb…
#> 3 57837-1… USGS…  0.11 2011-05-01 13:00:00 Concentrati… Concent… StLouis   Herb…
#> 4 57837-1… USGS…  0.09 2011-06-28 14:15:00 Concentrati… Concent… Maumee    Herb…
#> 5 57837-1… USGS…  0.17 2012-05-07 09:23:00 Concentrati… Concent… Maumee    Herb…
#> 6 57837-1… USGS…  0.12 2012-05-22 15:30:00 Concentrati… Concent… Maumee    Herb…
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: chnm <fct>
  category = "Chemical",
  x_label = "Concentration [ug/L]"