Generic plotting function to create censored line segments
Basic plotting framework for EGRET dot plots. Graphical parameters default to values that work well with most plots, but all can be re-assigned. See ?par for complete definitions of most optional input variables.
- yBottom
number specifying minimum flux (required)
- yLow
vector specifying the x data (required), such as ConcLow
- yHigh
vector specifying the x data (required), such as ConcHigh
- x
vector x data (required)
- Uncen
vector that defines whether the values are censored (0) or not (1)
- col
color of points on plot, see ?par 'Color Specification'
- lwd
number line width
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
y <- c(1,3,4,3.3,4.4,7)
xlim <- c(min(x)*.75,max(x)*1.25)
ylim <- c(0,1.25*max(y))
xlab <- "Date"
ylab <- "Concentration"
xTicks <- pretty(xlim)
yTicks <- pretty(ylim)
genericEGRETDotPlot(x=x, y=y,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
xTicks=xTicks, yTicks=yTicks,
yBottom <- 0
yLow <- c(NA,3,4,3.3,4,7)
yHigh <- c(1,3,4,3.3,5,NA)
Uncen <- c(0,1,1,1,0,0)