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Part of flowHistory system. All results are expressed as runoff (mm/day). The individual plots are constructed by the same method as used in plotFlowSingle. The annual results are based on the Water Year. The seasons are defined as the following groups of months: SON, DJF, MAM, JJA.


plot15(eList, yearStart, yearEnd)



named list with at least the Daily and INFO dataframes


A numeric value for year in which the graph should start, default is NA, which indicates that the graph should start with first annual value


A numeric value for year in which the graph should end, default is NA, which indicates that the graph should end with last annual value


For formatting purposes it is best to use the following commands before calling the plot15 function (savePath is the pathname for directory to store the output) # plotName <- paste(savePath, "plot15.", eList$INFO$shortName, ".ps", sep = "") # postscript(file = plotName, width = 8, height = 10, horizontal = FALSE, family = "Helvetica") Then after running plot15, the user needs to give the command

See also


eList <- Choptank_eList
# \donttest{
plot15(eList, yearStart = 1980, yearEnd = 2010)
#> null device 
#>           1 
# }