Graph of the standard deviation of the log of daily discharge versus year
Graph of the standard deviation of the log of daily discharge versus year
Although there are a lot of optional arguments to this function, most are set to a logical default.
Data come from named list, which contains a Daily dataframe with the daily flow data, and an INFO dataframe with metadata.
plotSDLogQ(eList, yearStart = NA, yearEnd = NA, window = 15,
sdMax = NA, printTitle = TRUE, tinyPlot = FALSE, printStaName = TRUE,
printPA = TRUE, cex = 0.8, cex.main = 1.1, cex.axis = 1.1, lwd = 2,
customPar = FALSE, ...)
- eList
named list with at least the Daily and INFO dataframes
- yearStart
numeric is the calendar year of the first value to be included in graph, default is NA, which plots from the start of the period of record
- yearEnd
numeric is the calendar year of the last value to be included in graph, default is NA, which plots to the end of the period of record
- window
numeric which is the full width, in years, of the time window over which the standard deviation is computed, default = 15
- sdMax
numeric is the maximum value to be used on the vertical axis of the graph, default is NA (which allows it to be set automatically by the data)
- printTitle
logical variable if TRUE title is printed, if FALSE title is not printed (this is best for a multi-plot figure), default is TRUE
- tinyPlot
logical variable if TRUE plot is designed to be small, if FALSE it is designed for page size, default is FALSE (not fully implemented yet)
- printStaName
logical variable, if TRUE print the station name, if FALSE do not, default is TRUE
- printPA
logical variable, if TRUE print the period of analysis information in the plot title, if FALSE leave it out, default is TRUE
- cex
numerical value giving the amount by which plotting symbols should be magnified
- cex.main
magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex
- cex.axis
magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex
- lwd
line width, a positive number, defaulting to 2
- customPar
logical defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, par() should be set by user before calling this function (for example, adjusting margins with par(mar=c(5,5,5,5))). If customPar FALSE, EGRET chooses the best margins depending on tinyPlot.
- ...
arbitrary graphical parameters that will be passed to genericEGRETDotPlot function (see ?par for options)