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Imports data from a user-supplied file, and converts it to a Sample data frame (including summing multiple constituents), appropriate for EGRET analysis. First column is date, second is remark code, and third is value. If multiple constituents are to be combined with interval censoring, additional pairs of columns can be inserted, each pair starting with remark code (specifically looking for <), followed by the values. If the date format is not automatically detected, the format can be specified using the "format" argument.


readUserSample(filePath, fileName, hasHeader = TRUE, separator = ",",
  verbose = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")



character specifying the path to the file. If it is in the working directory, use ".".


character name of file to open


logical true if the first row of data is the column headers


character character that separates data cells. , default is "," which is separator used in a .csv file.


logical specifying whether or not to display progress message


character indicating the format of the date (which should be in the first column). Default is "%m\/%d/%Y". See ?strptime for options. The code will initially look for R's standard YYYY-MM-DD, and check this format as a backup.


A data frame 'Sample' with the following columns:

ConcLownumericLower limit of concentration
ConcHighnumericUpper limit of concentration
UncenintegerUncensored data (1=TRUE, 0=FALSE)
ConcAvenumericAverage concentration
JulianintegerNumber of days since Jan. 1, 1850
MonthintegerMonth of the year [1-12]
DayintegerDay of the year [1-366]
DecYearnumericDecimal year
MonthSeqintegerNumber of months since January 1, 1850
SinDYnumericSine of the DecYear
CosDYnumericCosine of the DecYear


filePath <- system.file("extdata", package="EGRET")
fileName <- 'ChoptankRiverNitrate.csv'
Sample <- readUserSample(filePath,fileName, separator=";",verbose=FALSE)