Creates a character variable that describes the period of analysis, when the period of analysis is being set by the user and not from AnnualResults
The period of analysis can be of any length from 1 month to 12 months. The period of analysis can have any starting month from 1 (January) through 12 (December). This function produces a character that describes this period of analysis. For example "water year", "calendar year", "year starting with April", or "Season consisting of April, May, June". There is an alternative version of this function for the case where AnnualResults exists. And we want to use the period of analysis defined there. That function is called setSeasonLabel.
- paStartInput
numeric the month which is the start of the period of analysis, default is 10 which would be the case if the period of analysis is the water year
- paLongInput
numeric the length of the the period of analysis, in months, default is 12 which would be the case if the period of analysis is the water year
- monthLab
object of monthLabel class, or numeric represented the short code, or character representing the descriptive name.