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Determines Pfafstetter codes for a dendritic network with total drainage area, levelpath, and topo_sort attributes. Topo_sort and levelpath attributes must be self consistent (levelpath values are the same as the outlet topo_sort value) as generated by add_levelpaths.


add_pfafstetter(x, max_level = 2, status = FALSE)

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
add_pfafstetter(x, max_level = 2, status = FALSE)

# S3 method for class 'hy'
add_pfafstetter(x, max_level = 2, status = FALSE)



data.frame network compatible with hydroloom_names.


integer number of levels to attempt to calculate. If the network doesn't have resolution to support the desired level, unexpected behavior may occur.


boolean if status updates should be printed.


data.frame with added pfafstetter column


x <- sf::read_sf(system.file("extdata/new_hope.gpkg", package = "hydroloom"))

x <- add_toids(x)

pfaf <- add_pfafstetter(x, max_level = 2)

plot(pfaf["pf_level_2"], lwd = 2)

# \donttest{
if(require(nhdplusTools)) {

# uses tempdir for example
work_dir <- nhdplusTools::nhdplusTools_data_dir(tempdir())

source(system.file("extdata/nhdplushr_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))
if(exists("hr_data")) {
x <- hy(hr_data$NHDFlowline)

x <- add_toids(x)

x <- dplyr::select(x, id, toid, da_sqkm)

#' add terminal_id -- add in function?
x <- sort_network(x, split = TRUE)

x$total_da_sqkm <- accumulate_downstream(x, "da_sqkm")
x$name <- ""

x <- add_levelpaths(x, name_attribute = "name", weight_attribute = "total_da_sqkm")

x <- add_pfafstetter(x, max_level = 3)

plot(x["pf_level_3"], lwd = 2)

pfaf <- add_pfafstetter(x, max_level = 4)

hr_catchment <- dplyr::left_join(hr_data$NHDPlusCatchment,
                                 sf::st_drop_geometry(pfaf), by = c("FEATUREID" = "id"))

colors <- data.frame(pf_level_4 = unique(hr_catchment$pf_level_4),
                     color = sample(terrain.colors(length(unique(hr_catchment$pf_level_4)))))

hr_catchment <- dplyr::left_join(hr_catchment, colors, by = "pf_level_4")

plot(hr_catchment["color"], border = NA, reset = FALSE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(x), col = "blue", add = TRUE)
} else {
  message("nhdplusTools > 1.0 required for this example")
#> Loading required package: nhdplusTools
#> Attaching package: 'nhdplusTools'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:hydroloom':
#>     make_node_topology
#> defaulting to comid rather than permanent_identifier

# }