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given an sf point geometry column, return id, aggregate_id (e.g. reachcode), and aggregate id measure for each point.


  search_radius = NULL,
  precision = NA,
  max_matches = 1,
  ids = NULL

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  search_radius = NULL,
  precision = NA,
  max_matches = 1,
  ids = NULL

# S3 method for class 'hy'
  search_radius = NULL,
  precision = NA,
  max_matches = 1,
  ids = NULL



data.frame network compatible with hydroloom_names.


sf or sfc of type POINT in analysis projection. NOTE: x will be projected to the projection of the points layer.


units distance for the nearest neighbor search to extend in analysis projection. If missing or NULL, and points are in a lon lat projection, a default of 0.01 degree is used, otherwise 200 m is used. Conversion to the linear unit used by the provided crs of points is attempted. See RANN nn2 documentation for more details.


numeric the resolution of measure precision in the output in meters.


numeric the maximum number of matches to return if multiple are found in search_radius


vector of ids corresponding to flowline ids from x of the same length as and order as points. If included, index searching will be constrained to one and only one flowline per point.

search radius is still used with this option but max_matches is overridden.


data.frame with five columns, point_id, id, aggregate_id, aggregate_id_measure, and offset. point_id is the row or list element in the point input.


Note 1: Inputs are cast into LINESTRINGS. Because of this, the measure output of inputs that are true multipart lines may be in error.

Note 2: This algorithm finds the nearest node in the input flowlines to identify which flowline the point should belong to. As a second pass, it can calculate the measure to greater precision than the nearest flowline geometry node.

Note 3: Offset is returned in units consistent with the projection of the input points.

Note 4: See dfMaxLength input to sf::st_segmentize() for details of handling of precision parameter.

Note 5: "from" is downstream – 0 is the outlet "to" is upstream – 100 is the inlet


# \donttest{
if(require(nhdplusTools)) {
source(system.file("extdata", "sample_flines.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))

if(!any(lengths(sf::st_geometry(sample_flines)) > 1))
  sample_flines <- sf::st_cast(sample_flines, "LINESTRING", warn = FALSE)

point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-76.87479, 39.48233)),
                    crs = 4326)

index_points_to_lines(sample_flines, point)

point <- sf::st_transform(point, 5070)

index_points_to_lines(sample_flines, point,
                      search_radius = units::set_units(200, "m"))

index_points_to_lines(sample_flines, point, precision = 30)

points <- sf::st_sfc(list(sf::st_point(c(-76.86934, 39.49328)),
                                      sf::st_point(c(-76.91711, 39.40884)),
                                      sf::st_point(c(-76.88081, 39.36354))),
                                 crs = 4326)

index_points_to_lines(sample_flines, points,
                      search_radius = units::set_units(0.2, "degrees"),
                      max_matches = 10)

index_points_to_lines(sample_flines, points,
                      search_radius = units::set_units(0.2, "degrees"),
                      ids = c(11689926, 11690110, 11688990))

#> Warning: crs of lines and points don't match. attempting st_transform of lines
#> Warning: crs of lines and points don't match. attempting st_transform of lines
#>   point_id    COMID      REACHCODE REACHCODE_measure       offset
#> 1        1 11689926 02060003001467          100.0000 6.026811e-05
#> 2        2 11690110 02060003001493          100.0000 7.424781e-03
#> 3        3 11688990 02060003000515            1.9144 8.652186e-03
 # }