
Installation instructions for the hyswap package are provided below. We provide instructions on recommended “user” installations with minimal dependencies, as well as how to install the package as a “developer” such that it is is “editable” and contains all of the dependencies needed to run the tests and build the package documentation.

User Installation

Below are two recommended installation methods for users of the hyswap package.

Installation via pip

hyswap is hosted on pypi and can therefore be installed using pip. This can be done with the following command:

pip install hyswap

It is possible to specify the specific version of the package you’d like to install with a command like:

pip install hyswap==0.0.1

Installation from source

Below are the commands to install the hyswap package from source as a user. This installation will be static, and reflect the version of the package as it was at the time the code was downloaded.

git clone
cd hyswap
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Developer Installation

Below are the commands to install the hyswap package from source as a developer. This installation will be “editable”, meaning that any changes made to the source code will be reflected in the installed package without the need to reinstall. This installation will also contain all of the dependencies needed to run the tests and build the documentation.

git clone
cd hyswap
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

Once the installation is complete, the suite of unit tests can be run with a single command in the console:


The documentation can be built and tested locally with the following commands:

cd docs
make docs

For a faster local documentation build you can skip running the documentation tests by running make html instead of make docs.

To run the linting and formatting checks locally, run the following commands from the root of the repository:

flake8 .
pydocstringformatter .