Get the ID of the basin outlet for each flowline. This function has been deprecated in favor of get_sorted.
get_terminal(x, outlets)
data.frame containing the terminal ID for each outlet
source(system.file("extdata", "walker_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))
fl <- dplyr::select(prepare_nhdplus(walker_flowline, 0, 0),
#> Warning: removing geometry
#> Warning: Removed 0 flowlines that don't apply.
#> Includes: Coastlines, non-dendritic paths,
#> and networks with drainage area less than 0 sqkm, and drainage basins smaller than 0
outlet <- fl$ID[which(!fl$toID %in% fl$ID)]
get_terminal(fl, outlet)
#> Deprecated, use get_sorted.
#> ID terminalID
#> 1 5329303 5329303
#> 2 5329293 5329303
#> 3 5329305 5329303
#> 4 5329317 5329303
#> 5 5329315 5329303
#> 6 5329339 5329303
#> 7 5329343 5329303
#> 8 5329357 5329303
#> 9 5329365 5329303
#> 10 5329373 5329303
#> 11 5329385 5329303
#> 12 5329821 5329303
#> 13 5329395 5329303
#> 14 5329397 5329303
#> 15 5329389 5329303
#> 16 5329435 5329303
#> 17 5329313 5329303
#> 18 5329311 5329303
#> 19 5329817 5329303
#> 20 5329323 5329303
#> 21 5329325 5329303
#> 22 5329327 5329303
#> 23 5329347 5329303
#> 24 5329291 5329303
#> 25 5329363 5329303
#> 26 5329819 5329303
#> 27 5329359 5329303
#> 28 5329333 5329303
#> 29 5329371 5329303
#> 30 5329375 5329303
#> 31 5329377 5329303
#> 32 5329379 5329303
#> 33 5329399 5329303
#> 34 5329405 5329303
#> 35 5329427 5329303
#> 36 5329413 5329303
#> 37 5329419 5329303
#> 38 5329391 5329303
#> 39 5329407 5329303
#> 40 5329387 5329303
#> 41 5329415 5329303
#> 42 5329355 5329303
#> 43 5329337 5329303
#> 44 5329335 5329303
#> 45 5329345 5329303
#> 46 5329341 5329303
#> 47 5329321 5329303
#> 48 5329841 5329303
#> 49 5329815 5329303
#> 50 5329319 5329303
#> 51 5329309 5329303
#> 52 5329307 5329303
#> 53 5329299 5329303
#> 54 5329297 5329303
#> 55 5329295 5329303
#> 56 5329849 5329303
#> 57 5329393 5329303
#> 58 5329871 5329303
#> 59 5329383 5329303
#> 60 5329847 5329303
#> 61 5329845 5329303
#> 62 5329843 5329303