Find variables available from the NHDPlusV2 attribute data.frame
get_vaa_names(updated_network = FALSE)
logical default FALSE. If TRUE, updated network attributes from E2NHD and National Water Model retrieved from doi:10.5066/P976XCVT .
character vector
The VAA data is a aggregate table of information from the NHDPlusV2
elevslope.dbf(s), PlusFlowlineVAA.dbf(s); and NHDFlowlines. All data
originates from the EPA NHDPlus Homepage
To see the location of cached data on your machine use
To view aggregate data and documentation, see
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# This will download the vaa file to the path from get_vaa_path()
#cleanup if desired
unlink(dirname(get_vaa_path()), recursive = TRUE)
} # }