Navigate the Network Linked Data Index network.
mode = "upstreamMain",
data_source = "flowlines",
distance_km = 10
list with names `featureSource` and `featureID` where `featureSource` is derived from the "source" column of the response of get_nldi_sources and the `featureID` is a known identifier from the specified `featureSource`.
character chosen from ("UM", "UT", DM", "DD"). See examples.
character chosen from "source" column of the response of get_nldi_sources or empty string for flowline geometry.
numeric distance in km to stop navigating.
sf data.frame with result
# \donttest{
nldi_nwis <- list(featureSource = "nwissite", featureID = "USGS-05428500")
navigate_nldi(nldi_feature = nldi_nwis,
mode = "upstreamTributaries")$UT %>%
st_geometry() %>%
navigate_nldi(nldi_feature = nldi_nwis,
mode = "UM")$UM %>%
st_geometry() %>%
plot(col = "blue", add = TRUE)
nwissite <- navigate_nldi(nldi_feature = nldi_nwis,
mode = "UT",
data_source = "nwissite")$UT_nwissite
st_geometry(nwissite) %>%
plot(col = "green", add = TRUE)
#> Simple feature collection with 3 features and 8 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -89.45556 ymin: 43.08944 xmax: -89.36083 ymax: 43.09986
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 3 × 9
#> sourceName identifier comid measure reachcode name X Y
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 NWIS Surface Water Sites USGS-05428… 1329… 1.37 07090002… LAKE… -89.4 43.1
#> 2 NWIS Surface Water Sites USGS-05428… 1329… 42.9 07090002… YAHA… -89.4 43.1
#> 3 NWIS Surface Water Sites USGS-43060… 1329… 59.3 07090002… LAKE… -89.5 43.1
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: geometry <POINT [°]>
# }