Skytem dataset

from geobipy import plotting as cP
from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import TdemData
import h5py

Reading in the Data

dataFolder = "..//..//supplementary//data//"
# The data file name
dataFiles=dataFolder + 'skytem_saline_clay.csv'
# dataFiles = dataFolder + 'Skytem.csv'
# The EM system file name
systemFiles=[dataFolder + 'SkytemHM.stm', dataFolder + 'SkytemLM.stm']

from pathlib import Path
for f in systemFiles[:1]:
    txt = Path(f).read_text()
System Begin
        Name = SkyTemHighMoment-ElkHills
        Type = Time Domain
        Transmitter Begin
                NumberOfTurns = 1
                PeakCurrent   = 1
                LoopArea      = 1
                BaseFrequency = 30.0
                WaveformDigitisingFrequency = 491520
                WaveFormCurrent Begin
-4.00E-03       0.00E+00
-3.91E-03       3.17E-01
-3.81E-03       6.30E-01
-3.72E-03       8.79E-01
-3.68E-03       9.61E-01
-2.30E-03       9.74E-01
-1.01E-03       9.88E-01
0.00E+00        1.00E+00
3.25E-06        9.91E-01
1.00E-04        7.02E-01
2.02E-04        3.78E-01
2.82E-04        1.16E-01
3.08E-04        2.79E-02
3.13E-04        1.21E-02
3.15E-04        6.61E-03
3.17E-04        3.03E-03
3.19E-04        0.00E+00
0.012666667     0.00E+00

                WaveFormCurrent End
        Transmitter End
Receiver Begin
        NumberOfWindows = 26
        WindowWeightingScheme = AreaUnderCurve
        WindowTimes Begin
3.796E-04       3.872E-04
3.876E-04       3.972E-04
3.976E-04       4.102E-04
4.106E-04       4.262E-04
4.266E-04       4.462E-04
4.466E-04       4.712E-04
4.716E-04       5.022E-04
5.026E-04       5.422E-04
5.426E-04       5.932E-04
5.936E-04       6.562E-04
6.566E-04       7.372E-04
7.376E-04       8.382E-04
8.386E-04       9.652E-04
9.656E-04       1.126E-03
1.127E-03       1.328E-03
1.329E-03       1.583E-03
1.584E-03       1.905E-03
1.906E-03       2.311E-03
2.312E-03       2.822E-03
2.823E-03       3.468E-03
3.469E-03       4.260E-03
4.261E-03       5.228E-03
5.229E-03       6.413E-03
6.414E-03       7.865E-03
7.866E-03       9.641E-03
9.642E-03       1.182E-02

                WindowTimes End
                LowPassFilter Begin
                        CutOffFrequency = 300000 210000
                        Order           = 1       2
                LowPassFilter End
        Receiver End
ForwardModelling Begin
                //TX loop area is was 340.82 m^2 -> r = sqrt(340.82/pi)
                ModellingLoopRadius = 10.416
                OutputType = dB/dt
                XOutputScaling = 0
                YOutputScaling = 0
                ZOutputScaling = 1
                SecondaryFieldNormalisation  =  none
                FrequenciesPerDecade = 5
                NumberOfAbsiccaInHankelTransformEvaluation = 21
        ForwardModelling End

System End

Read in the data from file

TD = TdemData.read_csv(dataFiles, systemFiles)
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])

Plot the locations of the data points

plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,6))
_ = TD.scatter2D()
plot skytem dataset

Plot all the data along the specified line

plt.figure(2, figsize=(8,6))
_ = TD.plotLine(0.0, log=10)
plot skytem dataset
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])

Or, plot specific channels in the data

plt.figure(3, figsize=(8,6))
_ = TD.plot_data(system=0, channels=[1, 3, 5], log=10)
plot skytem dataset
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
_ = TD.pcolor(system=0, xscale='log', log=10)
_ = TD.pcolor(system=1, xscale='log', log=10)
plot skytem dataset
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
ax = TD.scatter2D(c=TD.secondary_field[:, TD.channel_index(system=0, channel=6)], log=10)

# with h5py.File('tdem.h5', 'w') as f:
#     TD.createHdf(f, 'tdem')
#     TD.writeHdf(f, 'tdem')

# with h5py.File('tdem.h5', 'r') as f:
#     TD3 = TdemData.fromHdf(f['tdem'])

# with h5py.File('tdem.h5', 'r') as f:
#     tdp = TdemData.fromHdf(f['tdem'], index=0)

# #%%
# # Obtain a line from the data set
# # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# line = TD.line(0.0)

# #%%
# plt.figure(6)
# _ = line.scatter2D(c=line.secondary_field[:, line.channel_index(system=0, channel=6)], log=10)

# #%%
# plt.figure(7)
# _ = line.plot(xAxis='index', log=10)

# Prepare the dataset so that we can read a point at a time.
Dataset = TdemData._initialize_sequential_reading(dataFiles, systemFiles)
# Get a datapoint from the file.
DataPoint = Dataset._read_record()
plot skytem dataset
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])
self.n_components=1, self.nTimes=array([26, 19])

File Format for time domain data

Here we describe the file format for time domain data.

The data columns are read in according to the column names in the first line

In this description, the column name or its alternatives are given followed by what the name represents Optional columns are also described.

Required columns


Line number for the data point


Unique identification number of the data point

x or northing or n

Northing co-ordinate of the data point, (m)

y or easting or e

Easting co-ordinate of the data point, (m)

z or alt

Altitude of the transmitter coil above ground level (m)


Elevation of the ground at the data point (m)


Distance in x between transmitter and reciever (m)


Distance in y between transmitter and reciever (m)


Distance in z between transmitter and reciever (m)


Pitch of the transmitter loop


Roll of the transmitter loop


Yaw of the transmitter loop


Pitch of the receiver loop


Roll of the receiver loop


Yaw of the receiver loop

Off_time[0] Off_time[1] … Off_time[last] - with the number and square brackets

The measurements for each time gate specified in the accompanying system file under Receiver Window Times The total number of off_time columns should equal the sum of the receiver windows in all system files.

Optional columns

Off_time_Error[0] Off_time_Error[1] … Off_time_Error[last]

Estimates of standard deviation for each off time measurement

Example Header

Line fid easting northing elevation height txrx_dx txrx_dy txrx_dz TxPitch TxRoll TxYaw RxPitch RxRoll RxYaw Off[0] Off[1]

File Format for a time domain system

Please see Page 13 of Ross Brodie’s instructions

We use GA-AEM for our airborne time domain forward modeller.

Example system files are contained in the supplementary folder in this repository

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.187 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery