Using hyswap to estimate runoff for one and multiple HUC08s

This notebook demonstrates how to use the hyswap python package to estimate runoff over 10 water years (2013-2023) for a set of hydrologic units using streamflow measured at gages that overlap with the hydrologic units of interest.

This example notebook relies on use of the dataretrieval package for downloading streamflow information from USGS NWIS.

Hydrologic units will be referred to as “hucs” and the drainage area captured by a streamflow gage will be referred to as a “basin”.

Please note that warnings in this notebook have been silenced to economize space in the documentation pages, but it is recommended to comment out this line for individual use.

import dataretrieval
import hyswap
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches
from pynhd import WaterData
import warnings

Read in huc-basin intersection table

The huc-basin intersection dataset is created using shapefiles for hucs and site drainage basins, and is the output of the hyswap geospatial data assembly repository . For each huc-basin intersection, it contains the proportion of the huc’s area in the basin, and the proportion of the basin’s area in the huc. You can find this file in the ‘example_data’ folder within the ‘example_notebooks’ folder in the hyswap repository.

#| tbl-cap: The top rows of the intersection table created by the hyswap geospatial data assembly repository
# This example initially reads in the entire huc_basin_intersection table.
intersection_table_full = pd.read_csv('example_data/huc_props_tbl_conus.csv',
                             converters = {0:str,1:str,2:str}

# drop first col that is the index from the csv.
# view
da_site_no huc_id prop_basin_in_huc prop_huc_in_basin
0 05014500 17010207 0.002442 0.000066
1 05014500 09040001 0.997161 0.020829
2 05014500 09040002 0.000396 0.000006
3 05015500 17010207 0.001229 0.000066
4 05015500 09040001 0.998572 0.041459

Select watershed to estimate runoff

This example focuses on a bounding box of HUC08’s in Montana and Idaho. We will first filter to one of the hucs to show how to estimate runoff for a single huc, but later on we will estimate runoff for all hucs in the dataset. We will also establish the start and end dates over which we’d like to estimate runoff.

huc_shapes = WaterData('huc08').bybox([-115.065380, 45.947037, -112.692334, 47.572536])
#| tbl-cap: The first few rows of the geopandas dataframe from `pynhd`
geometry id ogc_fid tnmid metasource sourcedata sourceorig sourcefeat loaddate gnis_id areaacres areasqkm states huc8 name shape_leng shape_area
0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-114.57852 46.20392, -114.5776... huc08.1292 1292 {7F625E44-2D3C-4BFE-B3AF-AE226738BE2E} None None None None 2013-01-18 None 629847 2550.88035 ID 17060301 Upper Selway 3.222792 0.295318
1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-114.69247 46.37843, -114.6918... huc08.1293 1293 {2D6097D0-9B6D-4E78-87D7-3C24C9C4544A} None None None None 2013-01-18 None 657072 2661.14160 ID 17060302 Lower Selway 4.501400 0.309359
2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-114.68911 46.73654, -114.688 ... huc08.1294 1294 {A3199330-2CD2-4C45-9B94-C3AEFC801329} None None None None 2013-01-18 None 756177 3062.51685 ID 17060303 Lochsa 4.726472 0.358058
3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-115.07836 47.01436, -115.0778... huc08.1298 1298 {715E4454-C297-4EE9-BB25-4EF556835571} None None None None 2013-01-18 None 829790 3360.64950 ID 17060307 Upper North Fork Clearwater 3.458673 0.394984
4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-112.53639 46.77149, -112.5364... huc08.1314 1314 {C41AF939-24F8-4457-A2CD-18B97877ED3C} None None None None 2013-01-18 None 1199976 4859.90280 MT 17010201 Upper Clark Fork 4.927125 0.567346
#| fig-cap: 'A map of the single HUC08, 17010209'
single_huc = huc_shapes['huc8'][9]

start_date = '2012-10-01'
end_date = '2023-09-30'

huc_shapes[huc_shapes['huc8'] == single_huc].explore()
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If we wanted to estimate runoff for one huc, we would first identify which basins intersect the huc using the identify_sites_from_geom_intersection function. From this list of basins, we would then download their corresponding gage streamflow data.

# Pull basin site ids from selected huc8 geom using the hyswap runoff identify sites from geom intersection function
basins_overlap_single_huc = hyswap.runoff.identify_sites_from_geom_intersection(geom_id = single_huc,
                                   geom_intersection_df = intersection_table_full,

# output should be long list of sites ids. These are all the site_ids within the selected huc8 polygon
num_sites = len(basins_overlap_single_huc)
print(f'There are {num_sites} gaged basins that overlap this huc.')
There are 67 gaged basins that overlap this huc.

Custom function for grabbing gage flow data from dataretrieval and converting it to runoff

To estimate runoff for a huc, we need to create a dictionary of runoff data, where each key corresponds to a site id for a basin, and the item is a dataframe with a datetime index and runoff values for that site in a ‘runoff’ column. The function below leverages dataretrieval to pull streamflow data for a set of input sites over a specified date range, and then uses hyswap’s streamflow_to_runoff function in the runoff module to estimate area-based runoff using site drainage areas. It produces runoff values in millimeters per day. Note that this function can take some time, depending upon the size/number of queries. Additionally, it is not unusual for many sites to return no data.

def query_nwis_runoff_data(sites,
    print("Pulling site streamflow data and converting it to runoff. This may take some time...")
    # first, pull site info
    info_df, _ = dataretrieval.nwis.get_info(sites=sites)
    # convert drainage area from sq mi to sq km
    info_df['da'] = info_df['drain_area_va'] * 2.58998811
    # info_df = info_df[['da', 'site_no']]
    # get streamflow data between start and end date
    dv_df = dataretrieval.nwis.get_record(
        sites=sites, parameterCd='00060',
        start=start_date, end=end_date,
    df_nwis_ro_data = pd.DataFrame()

    if not dv_df.empty:
        # get site ids from dv_df and create empty
        # df to hold site runoff data
        siteids = dv_df['site_no'].unique().tolist()

        # Loop through sites retrieved from nwis and estimate
        # runoff using hyswap function
        for site in siteids:
            ro_df = dv_df[dv_df['site_no']==site]
            da = info_df.loc[info_df['site_no']==site]['da']
            ro_df = hyswap.runoff.streamflow_to_runoff(ro_df, '00060_Mean', da, time_unit='day')
            df_nwis_ro_data = pd.concat([df_nwis_ro_data, ro_df])
        # print proportion of sites with data
        prop = len(siteids)/len(sites)
        print(f'\nProp of successful nwis queries from list of sites:\n {prop}')
        print(f"No site data available, returning empty dataframe")


Download gage data

Let’s try using query_nwis_runoff_data to download streamflow data and convert it to runoff (in mm/day) from 2013-2023 for our selected huc ‘17010209’. Note that not all gage sites listed in basins_overlap_single_huc will necessarily have data for the date range specified.

df_nwis_ro_data = query_nwis_runoff_data(basins_overlap_single_huc,
start_date = start_date,
end_date = end_date)
Pulling site streamflow data and converting it to runoff. This may take some time...

Prop of successful nwis queries from list of sites:
site_no 00060_Mean 00060_Mean_cd runoff
2012-10-01 00:00:00+00:00 06185500 10000.0 A 0.105125
2012-10-02 00:00:00+00:00 06185500 10100.0 A 0.106176
2012-10-03 00:00:00+00:00 06185500 10200.0 A 0.107227
2012-10-04 00:00:00+00:00 06185500 10300.0 A 0.108278
2012-10-05 00:00:00+00:00 06185500 10300.0 A 0.108278

Estimate runoff for the huc

With daily basin runoff data in hand, we are ready to estimate runoff for the huc in mm/day. Please reference hyswap’s Calculations page to understand how runoff is estimated using this function. Briefly, this function identifies basins contained within the huc and basins that contain the huc that have runoff data for the entire time period in the dataset. It then estimates a weighted mean runoff value for each day using applicable and available basins. If clip_downstream_basins is set to True, the function only uses the smallest basin that contains the huc and disregards downstream gages that represent larger basins that contain the huc. This example will loop through each water year and estimate runoff using basins with complete records for each water year.

# get water year in dataset so can loop by water year to estimate runoff
df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'] = df_nwis_ro_data.index.year
df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'][df_nwis_ro_data.index.month >= 10] = df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'] + 1

# create df to hold estimate results
results = pd.DataFrame()

    # loop through each water year
for year, df_year in df_nwis_ro_data.groupby(df_nwis_ro_data.water_year):

    # estimate runoff for each water year of data
    single_huc_runoff = hyswap.calculate_geometric_runoff(

                # concatenate with previous years runoffs
    results = pd.concat([results, single_huc_runoff])

Let’s take a quick look at the estimated runoff.

#| fig-cap: A runoff hydrograph for huc 17010209 using the `hyswap.plot_hydrograph` function
    title=f'Estimated Runoff for HUC {single_huc}',
    ylab='Runoff (mm)')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Estimated Runoff for HUC 17010209'}, xlabel='Date', ylabel='Runoff (mm)'>

Estimate runoff for all hucs

Now, we will estimate runoff for all of the hucs in the region selected. First, we’ll identify the sites with drainage basins that intersect the seven hucs. Next, we’ll need to use our custom function to download flow data and estimate runoff for each basin. Finally, we can leverage hyswap’s calculate_multiple_geometric_runoff, which loops through a list of hucs, finds their intersecting gage basins, and estimates runoff for each day in the dataset. Note that by setting the clip_downstream_basins argument to True, the function is only considering basins within each HUC08 and the smallest basin containing each HUC08 in the runoff estimate.

list_site_ids = []

# loop through to get all sites (identify_sites_from_geom_intersection() cannot accept multiple geom_ids)
for huc in huc_shapes['huc8']:
    sites = hyswap.runoff.identify_sites_from_geom_intersection(
        geom_id = huc,
        geom_intersection_df = intersection_table_full,


# join list of lists, as for loop above separates out the list of dfs
all_site_ids = sum(list_site_ids,[])
# grab basin data using the all_site_ids list
df_nwis_ro_data = query_nwis_runoff_data(all_site_ids, start_date=start_date,
Pulling site streamflow data and converting it to runoff. This may take some time...

Prop of successful nwis queries from list of sites:
# get water year in dataset so can loop by water year to estimate runoff
df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'] = df_nwis_ro_data.index.year
df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'][df_nwis_ro_data.index.month >= 10] = df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'] + 1

# create df to hold estimate results
results = pd.DataFrame()

# loop through each water year
for year, df_year in df_nwis_ro_data.groupby(df_nwis_ro_data.water_year):
    # subset data to water year
    df_nwis_ro_data_sub = df_nwis_ro_data[df_nwis_ro_data['water_year'] == year]

    multiple_huc_runoff = hyswap.runoff.calculate_multiple_geometric_runoff(
        geom_id_list = huc_shapes['huc8'],
        runoff_df = df_nwis_ro_data,
        prop_geom_in_basin_col= 'prop_huc_in_basin',
    results = pd.concat([results, multiple_huc_runoff])

Like our single huc runoff calculation, we can take a look at the estimated runoff across multiple hucs. Because there are 16 HUCs in this dataset, we will only plot a subset below using the pivot_table function from pandas.

#| fig-cap: A multiple runoff hydrograph for all hucs pulled from `pynhd` in this example
# Plot
results_plot = results.pivot_table(index=results.index, columns='geom_id', values='estimated_runoff')
ax = results_plot.iloc[:, 10:14].plot()
ax.set_ylabel("Runoff (mm)")
ax.legend(title='HUC ID')

Mapping the results of the runoff calculation

In this step of the analysis, we will estimate variable percentiles by day for each huc, and then use those percentiles to estimate a percentile for a new estimated runoff value. We will then plot these percentiles in a map of the hucs.

huc_ids = results['geom_id'].unique()

percentile_results = {}

for huc_id in huc_ids:
    results_sub = results[results['geom_id'] == huc_id]
    percentiles = hyswap.calculate_variable_percentile_thresholds_by_day(results_sub,
    percentile_results[huc_id] = percentiles

Now, we will pull a new set of gage streamflow data for the first day of the next water year, and estimate runoff.

start_date = '2023-10-01'
end_date = '2023-10-01'
# grab basin data using the all_site_ids list
df_nwis_ro_data_new = query_nwis_runoff_data(all_site_ids, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

multiple_huc_runoff_new = hyswap.runoff.calculate_multiple_geometric_runoff(
    geom_id_list = huc_shapes['huc8'],
    runoff_df = df_nwis_ro_data_new,
    prop_geom_in_basin_col= 'prop_huc_in_basin',

With runoff in hand, we can then calculate the percentile for this date for each HUC08, based on the percentiles we calculated for the previous 5-year period.

# Calculate estimated streamflow percentile for the new data by interpolating against
# the previously calculated percentile threshold levels
huc_perc_df = pd.DataFrame()

for huc, huc_df in multiple_huc_runoff_new.groupby('geom_id', group_keys=False):
    huc_perc_df = pd.concat([huc_perc_df, hyswap.percentiles.calculate_multiple_variable_percentiles_from_values(
            huc_df,'estimated_runoff', percentile_results[huc])])
# categorize streamflow by the estimated streamflow percentiles
huc_perc_df = hyswap.utils.categorize_flows(huc_perc_df, 'est_pct', schema_name="NWD")
huc_perc_df = huc_perc_df.reset_index(level='datetime')

And finally, create an interactive map showing HUC08 runoff percentiles for October 1, 2023.

#| fig-cap: 'HUC08 colors correspond to the runoff percentiles for 10-01-2023 flow based on 5 years of estimated runoff data at the HUC08 scale, derived from gage basin flow data.'
# merge percentile information to geodataframe with polygon geometry
huc_shapes_percs = huc_shapes.merge(huc_perc_df.set_index('geom_id'), left_on='huc8', right_index=True)
# set up gdf format for plotting - ex. get rid of datetimes/timestamps
huc_shapes_percs['Date'] = huc_shapes_percs['datetime'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
schema = hyswap.utils.retrieve_schema('NWD')
flow_cond_cmap = schema['colors']
if 'low_color' in schema:
                flow_cond_cmap = [schema['low_color']] + flow_cond_cmap
if 'high_color' in schema:
                flow_cond_cmap = flow_cond_cmap + [schema['high_color']]
# set NA values to "Not Ranked" category
huc_shapes_percs['flow_cat'] = huc_shapes_percs['flow_cat'].cat.add_categories('Not Ranked')
huc_shapes_percs.loc[huc_shapes_percs['est_pct'].isna(), 'flow_cat'] = 'Not Ranked'
flow_cond_cmap = flow_cond_cmap + ['#d3d3d3'] # light grey
# renaming columns with user friendly names for map
huc_shapes_percs = huc_shapes_percs.drop(['loaddate', 'datetime'], axis=1)
huc_shapes_percs = huc_shapes_percs.rename(columns={'estimated_runoff':'Runoff (mm/day)',
                                                'est_pct':'Estimated Percentile',
                                                'huc8':'HUC08 ID',
                                                'name':'HUC08 Name',
                                                'flow_cat':'Streamflow Category'})
# Create map of runoff
    column="Streamflow Category",
    tooltip=["HUC08 ID", 'HUC08 Name',"Streamflow Category", "Runoff (mm/day)", "Estimated Percentile", "Date"],
    tiles="CartoDB Positron",
    legend_kwds=dict(caption='Daily Mean Runoff Category'))
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