Visualization of Streamflow Conditions at Streamgages

This notebook provides a demonstration of the use of hyswap python package for calculating streamflow percentiles and then visualizing streamflow conditions at multiple streamflow gages.

This example notebook relies on use of the dataretrieval package for downloading streamflow information from USGS NWIS as well as the geopandas package for mapping functionality.

# Run commented lines below to install geopandas and mapping dependencies from within the notebook
#import sys
#!{sys.executable} -m pip install geopandas folium mapclassify
from dataretrieval import nwis
import hyswap
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

from tqdm import tqdm # used for progress bar indicators
import geopandas # has dependencies of folium and mapclassify to create maps within this notebook
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # ignore warnings from dataretrieval

NOTE: The tqdm package is used in for-loops in this notebook to show a data download progress bar, which may be informative to the user. The specification below (disable_tdqm) determines whether this progress bar is displayed when the notebook renders. It is set to True when rendering the notebook in the hyswap GitHub documentation site. To see the progress bars in this notebook, set disable_tqdm=False.


Define Helper Functions

The hyswap package provides functionality for calculating non-interpretive streamflow statistics but does not provide functionality for correcting invalid data or geospatial capabilities for mapping. Here we setup some simple helper functions we can re-use throughout the notebook to QAQC data and create maps.

# Data QAQC function for provisional NWIS data
def qaqc_nwis_data(df, data_column_name):
    #replace invalid -999999 values with NA
    df[data_column_name] = df[data_column_name].replace(-999999, np.nan)
    # add any additional QAQC steps needed
    return df
def create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, flow_data_col, map_schema, streamflow_data_type):
        # Format date and set to str type for use in map tooltips
        if flow_data_col == '00060':
                gage_df['Date'] = gage_df['datetime'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
        elif flow_data_col == '00060_Mean':
                gage_df['Date'] = gage_df['datetime'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        gage_df = gage_df.drop('datetime', axis=1)
        # create colormap for map from hyswap schema
        schema = hyswap.utils.retrieve_schema(map_schema)
        flow_cond_cmap = schema['colors']
        if 'low_color' in schema:
                flow_cond_cmap = [schema['low_color']] + flow_cond_cmap
        if 'high_color' in schema:
                flow_cond_cmap = flow_cond_cmap + [schema['high_color']]
        # if creating a drought map, set handling of non-drought flows
        if map_schema in ['WaterWatch_Drought', 'NIDIS_Drought']:
                gage_df['flow_cat'] = gage_df['flow_cat'].cat.add_categories('Other')
                gage_df.loc[gage_df['flow_cat'].isnull(), 'flow_cat'] = 'Other'
                flow_cond_cmap = flow_cond_cmap + ['#e3e0ca'] # light taupe
        # set NA values to "Not Ranked" category
        gage_df['flow_cat'] = gage_df['flow_cat'].cat.add_categories('Not Ranked')
        gage_df.loc[gage_df['est_pct'].isna(), 'flow_cat'] = 'Not Ranked'
        flow_cond_cmap = flow_cond_cmap + ['#d3d3d3'] # light grey
        # renaming columns with user friendly names for map
        gage_df = gage_df.rename(columns={flow_data_col:'Discharge (cfs)',
                                                'est_pct':'Estimated Percentile',
                                                'site_no':'USGS Gage ID',
                                                'station_nm':'Streamgage Name',
                                                'flow_cat':'Streamflow Category'})
        # convert dataframe to geopandas GeoDataFrame
        gage_df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(gage_df,
        # Create map
        m = gage_df.explore(column="Streamflow Category",
                                tooltip=["USGS Gage ID", "Streamgage Name", "Streamflow Category", "Discharge (cfs)", "Estimated Percentile", "Date"],
                                tiles="CartoDB Positron",
                                legend_kwds=dict(caption=streamflow_data_type + '<br> Streamflow  Category'))
        return m #returns a folium map object

Data Downloading and Processing

Utilize an example state to select streamgages for generating various flow condition maps. Certain past days selected in the notebook are relevant to using the state of Vermont (VT) as an example, but the notebook can be run for any state. Next, find all stream sites active in the last year within the state.

#| tbl-cap: List of streamgage sites active within the last week
state = 'VT'
# Query NWIS for what streamgage sites were active within the last week
sites, _ = nwis.what_sites(stateCd=state, parameterCd='00060', period="P1W", siteType='ST')
agency_cd site_no station_nm site_tp_cd dec_lat_va dec_long_va coord_acy_cd dec_coord_datum_cd alt_va alt_acy_va alt_datum_cd huc_cd geometry
0 USGS 01133000 EAST BRANCH PASSUMPSIC RIVER NEAR EAST HAVEN, VT ST 44.633942 -71.897594 S NAD83 943.34 0.21 NAVD88 1080102 POINT (-71.89759 44.63394)
1 USGS 01134500 MOOSE RIVER AT VICTORY, VT ST 44.511723 -71.837314 S NAD83 1103.46 0.16 NAVD88 1080102 POINT (-71.83731 44.51172)
2 USGS 01135100 POPE BROOK TRIBUTARY (W-9), NR NORTH DANVILLE, VT ST 44.490611 -72.161767 S NAD83 1720.57 0.08 NAVD88 1080102 POINT (-72.16177 44.49061)
3 USGS 01135150 POPE BROOK (SITE W-3) NEAR NORTH DANVILLE, VT ST 44.476167 -72.124543 S NAD83 1141.03 0.14 NAVD88 1080102 POINT (-72.12454 44.47617)
4 USGS 01135300 SLEEPERS RIVER (SITE W-5) NEAR ST. JOHNSBURY, VT ST 44.435335 -72.038429 S NAD83 641.27 0.01 NAVD88 1080102 POINT (-72.03843 44.43534)
5 USGS 01135500 PASSUMPSIC RIVER AT PASSUMPSIC, VT ST 44.365615 -72.039261 S NAD83 487.79 0.12 NAVD88 1080102 POINT (-72.03926 44.36561)
6 USGS 01138500 CONNECTICUT RIVER AT WELLS RIVER, VT ST 44.153397 -72.041758 S NAD83 399.37 0.01 NAVD88 1080101 POINT (-72.04176 44.1534)
7 USGS 01139000 WELLS RIVER AT WELLS RIVER, VT ST 44.150341 -72.065091 S NAD83 505.20 0.12 NAVD88 1080103 POINT (-72.06509 44.15034)
8 USGS 01139800 EAST ORANGE BRANCH AT EAST ORANGE, VT ST 44.092842 -72.335653 S NAD83 1177.59 0.07 NAVD88 1080103 POINT (-72.33565 44.09284)
9 USGS 01141500 OMPOMPANOOSUC RIVER AT UNION VILLAGE, VT ST 43.790086 -72.254932 S NAD83 404.64 0.17 NAVD88 1080103 POINT (-72.25493 43.79009)
10 USGS 01142500 AYERS BROOK AT RANDOLPH, VT ST 43.934510 -72.657882 S NAD83 630.13 0.13 NAVD88 1080105 POINT (-72.65788 43.93451)
11 USGS 01144000 WHITE RIVER AT WEST HARTFORD, VT ST 43.714236 -72.418149 S NAD83 374.32 0.16 NAVD88 1080105 POINT (-72.41815 43.71424)
12 USGS 01150900 OTTAUQUECHEE RIVER NEAR WEST BRIDGEWATER, VT ST 43.622291 -72.758990 S NAD83 1148.59 0.10 NAVD88 1080106 POINT (-72.75899 43.62229)
13 USGS 01151500 OTTAUQUECHEE RIVER AT NORTH HARTLAND, VT ST 43.602571 -72.354258 S NAD83 350.27 0.16 NAVD88 1080106 POINT (-72.35426 43.60257)
14 USGS 01153000 BLACK RIVER AT NORTH SPRINGFIELD, VT ST 43.333407 -72.514813 S NAD83 445.36 0.01 NAVD88 1080106 POINT (-72.51481 43.33341)
15 USGS 01153550 WILLIAMS RIVER NEAR ROCKINGHAM VT ST 43.191743 -72.485089 S NAD83 303.26 0.01 NAVD88 1080107 POINT (-72.48509 43.19174)
16 USGS 01155500 WEST RIVER AT JAMAICA, VT ST 43.108967 -72.775374 S NAD83 660.63 0.09 NAVD88 1080107 POINT (-72.77537 43.10897)
17 USGS 01155910 WEST RIVER BELOW TOWNSHEND DAM NEAR TOWNSHEND, VT ST 43.051190 -72.700094 S NAD83 452.11 0.01 NAVD88 1080107 POINT (-72.70009 43.05119)
18 USGS 01334000 WALLOOMSAC RIVER NEAR NORTH BENNINGTON, VT ST 42.912856 -73.256498 S NAD83 525.44 0.01 NAVD88 2020003 POINT (-73.2565 42.91286)
19 USGS 04280000 POULTNEY RIVER BELOW FAIR HAVEN, VT ST 43.624232 -73.311501 S NAD83 102.37 0.10 NAVD88 4150401 POINT (-73.3115 43.62423)
20 USGS 04282000 OTTER CREEK AT CENTER RUTLAND, VT ST 43.603679 -73.013163 S NAD83 474.35 0.01 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.01316 43.60368)
21 USGS 04282500 OTTER CREEK AT MIDDLEBURY, VT ST 44.013115 -73.167895 S NAD83 335.36 0.16 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.1679 44.01311)
22 USGS 04282525 NEW HAVEN RIVER @ BROOKSVILLE, NR MIDDLEBURY, VT ST 44.061725 -73.170674 S NAD83 239.29 0.10 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.17067 44.06172)
23 USGS 04282581 EAST BR DEAD CREEK NEAR BRIDPORT, VT ST 44.028611 -73.320639 5 NAD83 99.48 0.09 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.32064 44.02861)
24 USGS 04282586 WEST BR DEAD CREEK NEAR ADDISON, VT ST 44.049167 -73.354167 5 NAD83 100.56 0.07 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.35417 44.04917)
25 USGS 04282629 LITTLE OTTER CK AT MONKTON RD, NR FERRISBURGH, VT ST 44.185725 -73.184869 5 NAD83 236.62 0.06 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.18487 44.18572)
26 USGS 04282650 LITTLE OTTER CREEK AT FERRISBURG, VT ST 44.198110 -73.249012 S NAD83 146.81 0.10 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.24901 44.19811)
27 USGS 04282780 LEWIS CREEK AT NORTH FERRISBURG, VT ST 44.249220 -73.228457 S NAD83 117.60 0.10 NAVD88 4150402 POINT (-73.22846 44.24922)
28 USGS 04282795 LAPLATTE RIVER AT SHELBURNE FALLS, VT ST 44.370051 -73.216237 S NAD83 147.40 0.11 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-73.21624 44.37005)
29 USGS 04285500 NORTH BRANCH WINOOSKI RIVER AT WRIGHTSVILLE, VT ST 44.299503 -72.578721 S NAD83 549.04 0.08 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.57872 44.2995)
30 USGS 04286000 WINOOSKI RIVER AT MONTPELIER, VT ST 44.256726 -72.593443 S NAD83 499.87 0.16 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.59344 44.25673)
31 USGS 04287000 DOG RIVER AT NORTHFIELD FALLS, VT ST 44.182561 -72.640665 S NAD83 602.42 0.16 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.64067 44.18256)
32 USGS 04288000 MAD RIVER NEAR MORETOWN, VT ST 44.277280 -72.742616 S NAD83 543.67 0.16 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.74262 44.27728)
33 USGS 04288225 W BRANCH LITTLE R ABV BINGHAM FALLS NEAR STOWE... ST 44.523386 -72.771788 S NAD83 1357.94 0.09 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.77179 44.52339)
34 USGS 04288230 RANCH BROOK AT RANCH CAMP, NEAR STOWE, VT ST 44.503941 -72.781788 S NAD83 1296.26 0.14 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.78179 44.50394)
35 USGS 04288295 LITTLE RIVER NEAR STOWE, VT ST 44.442500 -72.724444 5 NAD83 608.06 0.01 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.72444 44.4425)
36 USGS 04289000 LITTLE RIVER NEAR WATERBURY, VT ST 44.370333 -72.768730 S NAD83 427.62 0.09 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-72.76873 44.37033)
37 USGS 04290500 WINOOSKI RIVER NEAR ESSEX JUNCTION, VT ST 44.478939 -73.138738 S NAD83 191.17 0.10 NAVD88 4150403 POINT (-73.13874 44.47894)
38 USGS 04292000 LAMOILLE RIVER AT JOHNSON, VT ST 44.622829 -72.676231 S NAD83 506.10 0.16 NAVD88 4150405 POINT (-72.67623 44.62283)
39 USGS 04292500 LAMOILLE RIVER AT EAST GEORGIA, VT ST 44.679215 -73.072637 S NAD83 288.90 0.10 NAVD88 4150405 POINT (-73.07264 44.67921)
40 USGS 04292750 MILL RIVER AT GEORGIA SHORE RD, NR ST ALBANS, VT ST 44.779767 -73.143747 S NAD83 117.95 0.16 NAVD88 4150405 POINT (-73.14375 44.77977)
41 USGS 04292810 JEWETT BROOK AT VT 38, NEAR ST. ALBANS, VT ST 44.856111 -73.150833 S NAD83 111.53 0.09 NAVD88 4150405 POINT (-73.15083 44.85611)
42 USGS 04293000 MISSISQUOI RIVER NEAR NORTH TROY, VT ST 44.972823 -72.385386 S NAD83 581.38 0.13 NAVD88 4150407 POINT (-72.38539 44.97282)
43 USGS 04293500 MISSISQUOI RIVER NEAR EAST BERKSHIRE, VT ST 44.960046 -72.696521 S NAD83 402.51 0.10 NAVD88 4150407 POINT (-72.69652 44.96005)
44 USGS 04294000 MISSISQUOI RIVER AT SWANTON, VT ST 44.916709 -73.128465 S NAD83 106.90 0.05 NAVD88 4150407 POINT (-73.12846 44.91671)
45 USGS 04294140 ROCK RIVER NEAR HIGHGATE CENTER, VT ST 44.963056 -72.991944 S NAD83 229.47 0.09 NAVD88 4150407 POINT (-72.99194 44.96306)
46 USGS 04294300 PIKE RIVER AT EAST FRANKLIN, NR ENOSBURG FALLS... ST 45.002822 -72.833469 S NAD83 397.54 0.13 NAVD88 4150407 POINT (-72.83347 45.00282)
47 USGS 04296000 BLACK RIVER AT COVENTRY, VT ST 44.868936 -72.270104 S NAD83 709.74 0.10 NAVD88 4150500 POINT (-72.2701 44.86894)
48 USGS 04296280 BARTON RIVER NEAR COVENTRY, VT ST 44.871389 -72.200556 S NAD83 679.69 0.10 NAVD88 4150500 POINT (-72.20056 44.87139)
49 USGS 04296500 CLYDE RIVER AT NEWPORT, VT ST 44.940324 -72.189268 S NAD83 681.82 0.09 NAVD88 4150500 POINT (-72.18927 44.94032)
50 USGS 434928072192701 Elizabeth Mine PTS discharge nr S Strafford, VT ST-DCH 43.824322 -72.324219 S NAD83 1074.00 1.60 NAVD88 1080104 POINT (-72.32422 43.82432)

Retrieve Streamflow Data from NWIS

For the sites identified above, download all historical daily streamflow data (1900 through 2023 Water Years).

# create a python dictionary of dataframes by site id number
flow_data = {}

for StaID in tqdm(sites['site_no'], disable=disable_tqdm, desc="Downloading NWIS Flow Data for Sites"):
    flow_data[StaID] = nwis.get_record(sites=StaID, parameterCd='00060', start="1900-01-01", end="2023-10-01", service='dv')

Calculate Variable Streamflow Percentile Thresholds

For the sites identified above, calculate streamflow percentile thresholds at 0, 1, 5, 10, … , 90, 95, 99, 100 percentiles.

Note that when using the default settings of calculate_fixed_percentile_threshold() it is common for NA values to be returned for the highest/lowest percentile thresholds such as 1 and 99. This is because a very long streamflow record (100+ years) is required to have sufficient observations to calculate the 99th or 1st percentile of streamflow for a given day when using the default settings of method=weibull with mask_out_of_range=True.

# Define what percentile levels (thresholds) that we want to calculate.
# Intervals of 5 or less are recommended to have sufficient levels to interpolate between in later calculations.
# Note that 0 and 100 percentile levels are ignored, refer to min and max values returned instead.
percentile_levels = np.concatenate((np.array([1]), np.arange(5,96,5), np.array([99])), axis=0)
[ 1  5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 99]
percentile_values = {}
for StaID in tqdm(sites['site_no'], disable=disable_tqdm, desc="Processing Sites"):
    if '00060_Mean' in flow_data[StaID].columns:
        # Filter data as only approved data in NWIS should be used to calculate statistics
        df = hyswap.utils.filter_approved_data(flow_data[StaID], '00060_Mean_cd')
        percentile_values[StaID] = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_variable_percentile_thresholds_by_day(
            df, '00060_Mean', percentiles=percentile_levels)
        print('No standard discharge data column found for site ' + StaID + ', skipping')
No standard discharge data column found for site 01155910, skipping
No standard discharge data column found for site 434928072192701, skipping
#| tbl-cap: Sample of calcualted variable streamflow percentile thresholds for first site in list
min p01 p05 p10 p15 p20 p25 p30 p35 p40 ... p80 p85 p90 p95 p99 max mean count start_yr end_yr
01-01 29.0 NaN 31.14 33.2 41.2 44.6 46.0 50.4 57.6 63.2 ... 110.0 130.8 145.0 169.0 NaN 378.0 85.3 63 1940 2023
01-02 28.0 NaN 31.0 34.2 40.2 44.0 46.0 49.6 57.2 60.6 ... 120.2 127.0 144.2 178.4 NaN 350.0 84.32 63 1940 2023
01-03 27.0 NaN 30.2 35.4 40.0 43.6 45.0 48.4 54.2 61.6 ... 108.4 118.2 133.0 205.0 NaN 300.0 81.88 63 1940 2023
01-04 28.0 NaN 30.2 35.8 40.64 43.8 45.0 51.6 60.32 66.0 ... 104.6 114.0 130.4 184.4 NaN 220.0 78.39 63 1940 2023
01-05 26.0 NaN 29.2 35.8 40.34 42.8 45.0 52.4 59.2 66.76 ... 94.2 103.8 118.0 160.0 NaN 425.0 79.83 63 1940 2023

5 rows × 27 columns

Create a Current Flow Conditions Map for Daily Mean Streamflow

Retrieve most recent (yesterday) daily mean streamflow

Download data from NWIS and calculate corresponding streamflow percentile for the most recent daily mean discharge

yesterday = datetime.strftime("US/Eastern")) - timedelta(1), '%Y-%m-%d')
recent_dvs = nwis.get_record(sites=sites['site_no'].tolist(), parameterCd='00060', start=yesterday, end=yesterday, service='dv')
recent_dvs = qaqc_nwis_data(recent_dvs, '00060_Mean')

Categorize streamflow based on calculated percentile values

Calculate estimated streamflow percentile for the new data by interpolating against the previously calculated percentile threshold levels.

# estimate percentiles
df = pd.DataFrame()
for StaID, site_df in recent_dvs.groupby(level="site_no", group_keys=False):
    if StaID in list(percentile_values.keys()):
        if not percentile_values[StaID].isnull().all().all():
            percentiles = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_multiple_variable_percentiles_from_values(
            site_df,'00060_Mean', percentile_values[StaID])
            df = pd.concat([df, percentiles])
# categorize streamflow by the estimated streamflow percentiles
df = hyswap.utils.categorize_flows(df, 'est_pct', schema_name="NWD")
df = df.reset_index(level='datetime')
# Prep Data for mapping by joining site information and flow data
gage_df = pd.merge(sites, df, how="right", on="site_no")

Create Map of Streamflow Conditions

#| fig-cap: Map showing most recent daily mean streamflow and corresponding flow conditions
map = create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, '00060_Mean', 'NWD', 'Current Daily Mean')
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Create Map of Streamflow Conditions using Alternative Categorization Schema

#| fig-cap: Map showing most recent daily mean streamflow and corresponding flow conditions using a brown-blue schema

# Prep Data for mapping by joining site information and flow data
map = create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, '00060_Mean', 'WaterWatch_BrownBlue', 'Current Daily Mean')
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Create a “Real-Time” Flow Conditions Map for Instantaneous Streamflow

Retrieve most recent instantaneous streamflow records

Download data from NWIS and calculate corresponding streamflow percentile for the most recent instantaneous discharge measurement

recent_ivs = nwis.get_record(sites=sites['site_no'].tolist(), parameterCd='00060', service='iv')
recent_ivs = qaqc_nwis_data(recent_ivs, '00060')

Categorize streamflow based on calculated percentile values

Calculate estimated streamflow percentile for the new instantaneous data by interpolating against the previously calculated percentile threshold levels from daily streamflow records.

# estimate percentiles
df = pd.DataFrame()
for StaID, site_df in recent_ivs.groupby(level="site_no", group_keys=False):
    if StaID in list(percentile_values.keys()):
        if not percentile_values[StaID].isnull().all().all():
            percentiles = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_multiple_variable_percentiles_from_values(
            site_df,'00060', percentile_values[StaID])
            df = pd.concat([df, percentiles])
# categorize streamflow by the estimated streamflow percentiles
df = hyswap.utils.categorize_flows(df, 'est_pct', schema_name="NWD")
df = df.tz_convert(tz='US/Eastern')
df = df.reset_index(level='datetime')
# Prep Data for mapping by joining site information and flow data
gage_df = pd.merge(sites, df, how="right", on="site_no")

Create Map of Real-Time Streamflow Conditions

#| fig-cap: Map showing most real-time streamflow conditions

map = create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, '00060', 'NWD', 'Real-Time Instantaneous')
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Create a Current Flow Conditions Map for n-Day Daily Streamflow

Retrieve daily streamflow records for past 7 days

Download data from NWIS and calculate corresponding streamflow percentiles for each day

past_dvs = nwis.get_record(
    start=datetime.strftime("US/Eastern")) - timedelta(7), '%Y-%m-%d'),
past_dvs = qaqc_nwis_data(past_dvs, '00060_Mean')
past_dvs_7d = pd.DataFrame()
for StaID, new_df in past_dvs.groupby('site_no'):
    df = hyswap.utils.rolling_average(new_df, '00060_Mean', '7D').round(2)
    past_dvs_7d=pd.concat([past_dvs_7d, df], axis=0)
past_dvs_7d = past_dvs_7d.dropna()

Calculate 7-day average streamflow and corresponding variable percentile thresholds

flow_data_7d = {}
for StaID in tqdm(sites['site_no'], disable=disable_tqdm):
    if '00060_Mean' in flow_data[StaID].columns:
        flow_data_7d[StaID] = hyswap.utils.rolling_average(flow_data[StaID], '00060_Mean', '7D').round(2)
        print('No standard discharge data column found for site ' + StaID + ', skipping')
No standard discharge data column found for site 01155910, skipping
No standard discharge data column found for site 434928072192701, skipping
percentile_values_7d = {}
for StaID in tqdm(sites['site_no'], disable=disable_tqdm, desc="Processing"):
    if '00060_Mean' in flow_data[StaID].columns:
        # Filter data as only approved data in NWIS should be used to calculate statistics
        df = hyswap.utils.filter_approved_data(flow_data_7d[StaID], '00060_Mean_cd')
        percentile_values_7d[StaID] = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_variable_percentile_thresholds_by_day(
            df, '00060_Mean', percentiles=percentile_levels)
        print('No standard discharge data column found for site ' + StaID + ', skipping')
No standard discharge data column found for site 01155910, skipping
No standard discharge data column found for site 434928072192701, skipping

Categorize streamflow based on calculated percentile values

Calculate estimated streamflow percentile for the new data by interpolating against the previously calculated percentile threshold levels.

# estimate percentiles
df = pd.DataFrame()
for StaID, site_df in past_dvs_7d.groupby("site_no"):
    if StaID in list(percentile_values_7d.keys()):
        if not percentile_values[StaID].isnull().all().all():
            month_day = site_df.index.strftime('%m-%d')[0]
            site_df['est_pct'] = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_variable_percentile_from_value(
            site_df['00060_Mean'][0], percentile_values[StaID], month_day)
            df = pd.concat([df, site_df])
# categorize streamflow by the estimated streamflow percentiles
df = hyswap.utils.categorize_flows(df, 'est_pct', schema_name="NWD")
# keep only most recent 7-day average flow for plotting
df = df[df.index.get_level_values('datetime') == yesterday]
df = df.reset_index(level='datetime')
# Prep Data for mapping by joining site information and flow data
gage_df = pd.merge(sites, df, how="right", on="site_no")

Create Map of 7-Day Average Streamflow Conditions

#| fig-cap: Map showing most recent 7-day average streamflow and corresponding flow conditions

map = create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, '00060_Mean', 'NWD', 'Current 7-Day Average')
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Create a Drought Conditions Map for a Previous Day’s Streamflow

Retrieve daily streamflow records from a past day

Download data from NWIS and calculate corresponding streamflow percentiles for the given day’s streamflow

past_day = "2023-05-30"

past_dvs = nwis.get_record(sites=sites['site_no'].tolist(),
past_dvs = qaqc_nwis_data(past_dvs, '00060_Mean')

Categorize streamflow based on calculated percentile values

# Calculate estimated streamflow percentile for the new data by interpolating against
# the previously calculated percentile threshold levels
df = pd.DataFrame()
for StaID, site_df in past_dvs.groupby(level="site_no", group_keys=False):
    if StaID in list(percentile_values.keys()):
        if not percentile_values[StaID].isnull().all().all():
            percentiles = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_multiple_variable_percentiles_from_values(
            site_df,'00060_Mean', percentile_values[StaID])
            df = pd.concat([df, percentiles])
# categorize streamflow by the estimated streamflow percentiles
df = hyswap.utils.categorize_flows(df, 'est_pct', schema_name="WaterWatch_Drought")
df = df.reset_index(level='datetime')
# Prep Data for mapping by joining site information and flow data
gage_df = pd.merge(sites, df, how="right", on="site_no")

Create Map of Streamflow Drought Conditions

#| fig-cap: Map showing historical daily mean streamflow and corresponding flow conditions using a drought categorization schema
map = create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, '00060_Mean', 'WaterWatch_Drought', 'Daily Mean')
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Create a Flood Conditions Map for a past Day’s Streamflow

This example uses fixed percentiles that are not calculated by day of year, but instead across all days of the year together. Flow categories are therefore relative to absolute streamflow levels rather than what is normal for that day of the year.

Retrieve daily streamflow records from a past day

Download data from NWIS and calculate corresponding fixed streamflow percentiles for the given day’s streamflow

past_day = "2023-07-10"

past_dvs = nwis.get_record(sites=sites['site_no'].tolist(),
past_dvs = qaqc_nwis_data(past_dvs, '00060_Mean')
fixed_percentile_values = {}

for StaID in tqdm(sites['site_no'], disable=disable_tqdm):
    if '00060_Mean' in flow_data[StaID].columns:
        # Filter data as only approved data in NWIS should be used to calculate statistics
        df = hyswap.utils.filter_approved_data(flow_data[StaID], '00060_Mean_cd')
        if not df.empty:
            fixed_percentile_values[StaID] = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_fixed_percentile_thresholds(
                df['00060_Mean'], percentiles=percentile_levels)
            print(StaID + ' has no approved data, skipping')
        print(StaID + ' does not have standard discharge data column, skipping')
01155910 does not have standard discharge data column, skipping
434928072192701 does not have standard discharge data column, skipping

Categorize streamflow based on calculated percentile values

# estimate percentiles
for StaID in past_dvs.index.get_level_values(0):
    if StaID in list(fixed_percentile_values.keys()):[(StaID, past_day), 'est_pct'] = hyswap.percentiles.calculate_fixed_percentile_from_value(
  [(StaID, past_day), '00060_Mean'], fixed_percentile_values[StaID])
# categorize streamflow by the estimated streamflow percentiles
df = hyswap.utils.categorize_flows(past_dvs, 'est_pct', schema_name="WaterWatch_Flood")
df = df.reset_index(level='datetime')
# Prep Data for mapping by joining site information and flow data
gage_df = pd.merge(sites, df, how="right", on="site_no")

Create Map of Streamflow High-Flow Conditions

#| fig-cap: Map showing historical daily mean streamflow and corresponding flow conditions using a high-flow categorization schema
map = create_gage_condition_map(gage_df, '00060_Mean', 'WaterWatch_Flood', 'Daily Mean')
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook