09: Geopandas exercise solutions

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gp
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
datapath = Path('../data/geopandas/')


  • make a new geodataframe of the parks

  • add a columns with centroids for each park

  • plot an interactive window with the park centroids and the neighborhoods

  • hints:

    • remember the shapely methods are available for each geometry object (e.g. centroid())

    • you can loop over the column in a couple different ways

    • you can define which columns contains the geometry of a geodataframe

    • you will likely have to define the CRS

parks = gp.read_file(datapath / 'Madison_Parks.geojson')
hoods = gp.read_file(datapath / 'Neighborhood_Associations.geojson')
# loopy solution
parks_cent = parks.copy()
centroids = []
for i in parks_cent.geometry.values:
parks_cent['centroid'] = centroids
# do it all at once with a list comprehension
parks_cent['centroid'] = [i.centroid for i in parks_cent.geometry]
# set the geometry and CRS
parks_cent.set_geometry('centroid', inplace=True)
parks_cent.set_crs(parks.crs, inplace=True);
m_hoods = hoods.explore()
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Using the bounds geodataframe you just made, write a function to visualize predicate behaviors. - your function should accept a left geodataframe, a right geodataframe, and a string for the predicate - your function should plot: - the left geodataframe in (default) blue - the result of the spatial join operation in another color - the right geodataframe in another color with outline only - then you should set the title of the plot to the string predicate value used - the geodataframes to test with are isthmus_parks and bounds - your function should return the joined geodataframe

  • a couple hints:

    • in the plot method are a couple args called facecolor and edgecolor that will help plot the rectangle

    • there are other predicates to try out

  • advanced options: if that was easy, you can try a couple other things like:

    • explore joins with points and lines in addition to just polygons

    • change around the bounds polygon dimensions

    • use explore() to make an interactive map

first have to bring over some things from the main lesson

parks.to_crs(3071, inplace=True)
hoods.to_crs(parks.crs, inplace=True)
isthmus = hoods.loc[hoods['NEIGHB_NAME'].str.contains('Marquette') |
from shapely.geometry import box
bbox = box(570600, 290000, 573100, 291700)
bounds = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[bbox],crs=parks.crs)
isthmus_parks = gp.sjoin(left_df=parks, right_df=isthmus)
isthmus_parks.drop(columns=[ 'index_right','OBJECTID_right', 'NA_ID', 'STATUS', 'CLASSIFICA', 'Web',
       'ShapeSTArea', 'ShapeSTLength'], inplace=True)
def show_predicate(ldf,rdf,predicate):
    sj = gp.sjoin(ldf, rdf, predicate=predicate)
    ax = ldf.plot()
    sj.plot(ax=ax, color='black')
    rdf.plot(facecolor='none', edgecolor='orange', ax=ax)
    return sj
sj = show_predicate(isthmus_parks, bounds, 'intersects')
OBJECTID_left Park_ID Type Acreage Park_Name ShortName Subtype SHAPESTArea SHAPESTLength geometry NEIGHB_NAME index_right
6 6422 1360 NEIGHBORHOOD 6.08 Yahara Place Park Yahara Place None 264814.254303 4619.706039 POLYGON ((572969.327 290871.975, 572979.154 29... Marquette Neighborhood Association 0
12 6428 3540 TRAFFICWAY 0.10 Few Street (South) Street End Few St None 4522.502594 270.158029 POLYGON ((572000.229 289978.256, 572017.381 28... Marquette Neighborhood Association 0
19 6435 3480 TRAFFICWAY 0.12 Baldwin Street End Baldwin St None 5319.010742 294.682954 POLYGON ((572164.248 290098.321, 572179.960 29... Marquette Neighborhood Association 0
49 6465 1240 MINI 0.66 Morrison Park Morrison None 28667.633148 680.142299 POLYGON ((572460.118 290317.086, 572465.604 29... Marquette Neighborhood Association 0
56 6472 1100 OPEN SPACE 7.66 Yahara River Parkway Yahara River None 333593.558197 13219.124814 MULTIPOLYGON (((572463.071 290603.880, 572425.... Marquette Neighborhood Association 0
sj = show_predicate(bounds, isthmus_parks, 'overlaps')
geometry index_right OBJECTID_left Park_ID Type Acreage Park_Name ShortName Subtype SHAPESTArea SHAPESTLength NEIGHB_NAME
0 POLYGON ((573100.000 290000.000, 573100.000 29... 35 6451 3590 TRAFFICWAY 0.08 Paterson Street (North) Street End Paterson St None 3549.678101 239.046579 Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association
0 POLYGON ((573100.000 290000.000, 573100.000 29... 12 6428 3540 TRAFFICWAY 0.10 Few Street (South) Street End Few St None 4522.502594 270.158029 Marquette Neighborhood Association
0 POLYGON ((573100.000 290000.000, 573100.000 29... 92 6509 1000 MINI 3.58 Orton Park Orton None 156086.664276 1712.836076 Marquette Neighborhood Association


We have an Excel file that contains a crosswalk between SPECIES number as provided and species name. Can we bring that into our dataset and evaluate some conclusions about tree species by neighborhood? - start with the trees_with_hoods GeoDataFrame - load up and join the data from datapath / ‘Madison_Tree_Species_Lookup.xlsx’ - hint: check the dtypes before merging - if you are going to join on a column, the column must be the same dtype in both dataframes - Make a multipage PDF with a page for each neighborhood showing a bar chart of the top ten tree species (by name) in each neighborhood - Make a map (use explore, or save to SHP or geojson) showing the neighborhoods with a color-coded field showing the most common tree species for each neighborhood

You will need a few pandas operations that we have only touched on a bit:

groupby, count, merge, read_excel, sort_values, iloc

# read back in the trees and hoods data
trees = gp.read_file(datapath / 'Street_Trees.geojson', index_col=0)
trees.to_crs(hoods.crs, inplace=True)
trees_with_hoods = trees[['SPECIES','DIAMETER','geometry']].sjoin(hoods[['NEIGHB_NAME','geometry']])
0 554 22.0 POINT (569406.122 285635.225) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association
1 554 20.0 POINT (569391.615 285635.545) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association
2 320 14.0 POINT (569383.333 285772.643) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association
3 320 20.0 POINT (569407.725 285782.686) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association
4 320 20.0 POINT (569431.459 285792.707) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association
# now read the excel file with tree species lookup - might need to fiddle with skiprows parameter
tree_species = pd.read_excel(datapath / 'Madison_Tree_Species_Lookup.xlsx',
                             skiprows = 6)
Code Description
0 768 Cherry 'Pink Flair'
1 769 Amur Chokecherry
2 762 Black Cherry
3 666 Crabapple 'Adirondack'
4 665 Crabapple 'Sugar Tyme'
... ... ...
248 800 Oak Spp.
249 681 White Mulberry
250 680 Mulberry Spp.
251 805 Buckthorn Spp.
252 804 Swamp White Oak

253 rows × 2 columns

# check out the data types
Code            int64
Description    object
dtype: object
SPECIES          object
DIAMETER        float64
geometry       geometry
index_right       int64
NEIGHB_NAME      object
dtype: object
# d'oh! Code in tree_species and SPECIES in trees_with_hoods are different types.
# To make them consistent, let's convert SPECIES in trees_with_hoods to int
trees_with_hoods.SPECIES = [int(i) for i in trees_with_hoods.SPECIES]
SPECIES           int64
DIAMETER        float64
geometry       geometry
index_right       int64
NEIGHB_NAME      object
dtype: object
# now we can merge - check out the left_on, right_on args
trees_final = trees_with_hoods.merge(tree_species, left_on='SPECIES', right_on='Code')
SPECIES DIAMETER geometry index_right NEIGHB_NAME Code Description
0 554 22.0 POINT (569406.122 285635.225) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association 554 Honeylocust Var.
1 554 20.0 POINT (569391.615 285635.545) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association 554 Honeylocust Var.
2 554 8.0 POINT (569453.239 285930.349) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association 554 Honeylocust Var.
3 554 17.0 POINT (569463.866 285930.348) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association 554 Honeylocust Var.
4 554 20.0 POINT (569478.882 285930.117) 6 Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association 554 Honeylocust Var.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
109750 976 19.0 POINT (568756.395 285356.696) 11 Burr Oaks Neighborhood Association 976 Elm 'Regal'
109751 976 15.0 POINT (568814.361 285356.511) 11 Burr Oaks Neighborhood Association 976 Elm 'Regal'
109752 976 10.0 POINT (568827.546 285356.119) 11 Burr Oaks Neighborhood Association 976 Elm 'Regal'
109753 80 4.0 POINT (566329.451 283988.236) 2 Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association 80 Dawn Redwood
109754 80 4.0 POINT (566329.451 283988.236) 2 Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association 80 Dawn Redwood

109755 rows × 7 columns

# now the multipage plots
with PdfPages(datapath / 'TreePlots.pdf') as outpdf:
    # first groupby neighborhoods
    for cn, cg in trees_final.groupby('NEIGHB_NAME'):
        #then, for each neighborhood, group by "Description" to get counts by name
        counts = cg.groupby('Description')['SPECIES'].count()
        # sort them in reverse value
        counts.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
        #make a bar chart of the top ten counts
        # set up a title
        plt.title(f'top 10 trees in {cn}')
        # when the x-axis labels are long they can get cut off. tight_layout can help
# we can do this in an extra-pythonic way as well, chaining operations together
# advantage is it's faster to run but can be harder to initially understand and debug
with PdfPages(datapath / 'TreePlots.pdf') as outpdf:
    # first groupby neighborhoods
    for cn, cg in trees_final.groupby('NEIGHB_NAME'):
        # set up a title
        plt.title(f'top 10 trees in {cn}')
        # when the x-axis labels are long they can get cut off. tight_layout can help

Now let’s find the most common tree species in each neighborhood and make a map. There are some “sophisticated” ways using lots of pandas intrinsic functionality that can work, but we can also do it in a few (hopefully) logical explicit steps.

# we can make a couple empty lists and just append the neighborhood name and the index of the
# maximum occuring tree species in each in a loop. Still some "cleverness"
hood = []
max_tree = []
for cn, cg in trees_final.groupby('NEIGHB_NAME'):
    max_tree.append(cg.groupby('Description').count().sort_values(by='SPECIES', ascending=False).iloc[0].name)
# make a dataframe with these values
mts = pd.DataFrame(index=hood, data={'max_tree':max_tree})
#now join this back into the GeoDataFrame of hoods
hoods.merge(mts, left_on='NEIGHB_NAME', right_index=True)[['NEIGHB_NAME','max_tree', 'geometry']].explore(column='max_tree')
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